[BUG Report] Quotation Block removes reference when converted to normal - Sermon creator

Thiago Samico
Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭
edited February 22 in English Forum

Created this topic as required by @Matt Mattox (Faithlife)

Version: 39.1.006

MacOS Sonoma (14.5) (But it is happening also on Windows 11)

It hasn't started in this version, but I only had the chance to report now.

In Sermon Builder, when we call for a verse text typing the reference it comes as quotation block, as usual.

In previous versions one was able to double click the Bible reference and could format it, while it was still as quotation block. Now it is not possible.

Logos is fetching Bible Verse from the reference but it appears as "normal" but behaves as quotation block.

My use case: I add a specific format to every Bible reference so when I see it I know it is a Verse. Since some versions, I am only able to see the reference text formatted when I remove the quotation block, changing it to "normal" (even Logos saying it is "normal. Hope the picture attached will help)

Again: please improve your Sermon Builder ASAP. I a heavy user but it will not take long until I abandon it and get back to Onenote or Obsidian. Logos' Sermon Builder is so poor and I preach every week; so imagine my agony… Almost every new update something in Sermon Builder come to be broken.

Just for the record, trying to help Logos team, the issue is on quotation block option. Have just confirmed that it is "doubling" the reference for some reason.

So far, Feb 13th the bug persists.



  • Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
    Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 989

    Hi @Thiago Samico we did respond with some follow - up questions here from this post. I'll post an image of the questions and feel free to get back to us on this thread. Thanks again for creating a new thread, it'll be easier to track and follow since we can use this thread primarily to better help you.

  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    @Dustin Mackintosh

    The latest version of Sermon Builder lets those passage blocks always be editable while still preserving all the cool passage block behavior. If I am understanding your use case - you are wanting to add custom formatting to the Bible reference itself?

    In previous versions, when I typed in the biblical reference and called up the corresponding text using Tab or Enter it would give me the passage in a passage block, fine.
    However, if I double-clicked on the passage block I could edit the biblical text as required, for example, by adding bold, italics or underlining to the text and adding specific formatting to the biblical reference itself.
    Today the same behavior remains but now when I double-click on the citation block the biblical reference disappears and I can no longer edit it I have to retype the biblical reference.

    I am adding a Youtube link with a video I made to demonstrate the bug.


  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    No replies on that.

    Please tell me you are fixing Sermon Editor back to its previous behaviour. It is driving me nuts. I simply can't use it now. Even cmd+z for undo it is not working properly.

    I wonder what (why) have you done to change it so dramatically

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,586

    Please take a moment to consider tags when you are creating a post. If you had added the Bug tag to this post (which I have now done), it would have drastically improved its chances of receiving attention.

  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    Thank you!

    Still not used to this new layout and never used tags before. I'll keep my head up

  • Dustin Mackintosh
    Dustin Mackintosh Member, Logos Employee Posts: 41

    Hi Thiago, thank you for responding, I apologize for not seeing your earlier response.

    I totally get the frustration with the disappearing reference. We are considering several options to improve that experience. The intention is for the new "passage block" to combine the best of both "modes" before so no one has to double click to be able to edit… and lose other features like the ability to change the reference, version, or verse options. I will update you as we continue to work on this feature.

    Even cmd+z for undo it is not working properly.

    That definitely sounds like a bug, and I haven't heard that reported yet. Could you give me some more detail as to when/where Cmd+Z isn't working?

  • Thiago Samico
    Thiago Samico Member Posts: 73 ✭✭

    On Sermon Editor. Using Mac.

    So sad to hear you are intentionally changing things to make a new behavior instead of improving what we had. It is usually a dangerous way of approaching a heavily used feature on a piece of software.
    With that, I made my decision. It's 2 years now I've been trying to use Sermon Editor on Logos (100+ sermons so far) and suffer from a lack of more color options to highlight, limited font formatting (P, M, G, GG font size… c'mon…), etc.

    Back to old (but infinitely superior OneNote) or new up-to-date options (like obsidian, notion, etc)

    I wish you luck and the best success on your "improvements".

    After investing US$ 4K+ on Logos, I have been using less and less the software since AI showed up. FL seems to not be able to implement all possibilities, which is impressive, once I, by myself can create a better piece of AI interaction with my own books.