Bug: Crash when opening Reading List

Sean T.
Sean T. Member Posts: 45 ✭✭

I get a consistent crash (only tried on Windows so far) when I take the following steps:

  1. Open Logos
  2. Click Tools and go to Reading Lists
  3. Type Jonah in the search box at the top and hit Enter.
  4. Click on "Book of Jonah"

It crashes / closes out the app completely at this point.


  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174
    edited February 27

    I can confirm this crash (windows 11, Logos 40.0.351) - which doesn't even write a LogosCrash.txt log, it just goes away. Since Logos remembers the RL most recently showing, it's already sufficient to show the Reading List panel with "Book of Jonah" in it (Header visible) and the application crashes. It crashes as well with the Reading List "Book of Joel" or the Reading List "Trinity" (I don't know why, but for some reasion it does not crash with the RL "Latin Bible Text Resources in Logos").

    Edit: since there's no error log, I looked into the event viewer. It said that Logos crashed while executing module C:\WINDOWS\System32\ucrtbase.dll /edit
    Note that my old stable Verbum 36.1 can show those Reading Lists without any problem.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Alan Palmer (Logos)
    Alan Palmer (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,089

    Thank you! We are able to reproduce your issue. This is a bug that affects Windows only, and we are working on a fix right now. We hope to have this resolved very soon for you.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174

    Thanks for fixing this in Logos 40.1 !

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile