March Madness Sales Data?

(‾◡◝) Member Posts: 927 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I don't really care who wins the final bracket.  It's meaningless.  But I would be interested/curious to see the final sales tally for each title offered in this year's MM. 

In fact, I would be interested in seeing sales by title of all Logos offerings vs. timeline.  Don't care about the $$, just the count (although a timeline should indicate special sales events).  To protect Logos and publishers, sales figures could be normalized.

Just curious to know what others are buying.

I know ... this request will probably be filed under, "They would like icewater in hell, too."

Instead of Artificial Intelligence, I prefer to continue to rely on Divine Intelligence instructing my Natural Dullness (Ps 32:8, John 16:13a)
