Transfer Notes from Accordance to Logos

Does anyone know if there is a simple way to export notes from Accordance so that they will import nicely into Logos notes?
@Kristin has been working on this in recent days.
Also, @Rick Mansfield (Logos) and @Mark Allison are fonts of knowledge, and might be able to chime in here.
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@Robb Brunansky I suppose "simple way" is a relative phrase. It is definitely simple to cut and paste. Unfortunately, it can be a bit tedious and time consuming—I know this from my own experience 😉
There is no other way to my knowledge.
Senior Publisher Relations Specialist • Logos Bible Software •
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Hi @Robb Brunansky,
Since Logos unfortunately, doesn't have a personal message center, I went looking for you on Accordance to try to send you a message, but I can't find you. So if you want to send me a message, feel free. That said, as @Rick Mansfield (Logos) said, copying and pasting is really the only way to do it. (I wanted to send you a message concerning specifics).
To be honest, while I am very grateful that I finally have my export done in Accordance (as of a few days ago), I can't see adding them to Logos since I would need to add them one verse at a time which is a joke. Doing that would take years. (If I am wrong, and someone knows a way to import more verses at a time, please let me know).
Thanks for the tag, @Donovan R. Palmer. :) You are right that I have been working very hard on my note export (I started exporting them years ago), and I am very grateful to have it done.0 -
Hm, I seem to recall at least one rather recent thread discussing an existing feature for bulk import of notes from another bible software - was it Bibleworks? WordSearch? If I remember correctly, those notes were in a relatively low-complex text format, so I assumed that people who managed to save their notes out from Accordance into some text format would be able to convert them into that other format and subsequently bulk-import into Logos.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks, Kristin. It looks like it might be possible for ChatGPT or Grok to parse my user notes file as an .rtf or something similar. I might look into that, but tagging everything is going to take forever…
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Maybe this.
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Your link points to a German language support page, that at least clarifies there is a bulk import for (BibleWorks) notes. I remember a forum discussion where people discussed this feature a bit and got into more detail how BibleWorks notes were structured - this would be necessary to set up the folder structure and files and fill them with the content that used to be in Accordance.
I personally find this an interesting challenge to get it working, but for actual notes would probably build a Personal Book of type bible commentary.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Sorry; Google Translate automatically did its work. Here is the English version.
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I might be wrong, but I think that these BW import threads aren't going to help, since it is set up for the file format of BW notes. By contrast, since Accordance doesn't have an export function, we are all exporting it by hand into random formats. It might be ok to convert it to something to import, but this website seems to only be recognizing the BW format, whatever that was.