Logos Mobile App Locking / Crashing on Galaxy S25

I just installed Logos on my new S25 Ultra and after logging in and opening several bibles across several tabs, the app starts the spinning symbol and the crashes. When relaunching it shows the first tab and is locked up — can't do anything with it. I've tried the same thing 3 times and each time it crashes. I don't know if it is because I opened many bibles across 8 tabs or if it because I've linked several of the windows across multiple tabs.
Reinstalling the fourth time and I've again signed in, only added a couple Bibles this time, and didn't link any windows. I now have four tabs and thus far it is working. Any ideas on how to fix?
@David Wesner, we are reviewing open questions in the community and are curious if you are still experiencing issues on your S25 Ultra. Thank you.
Sr. Community Manager at Logos.