40.2 (40.2.004) is now available

Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 980

The Logos Bible Study application version 40.2 is now available to all users.

To immediately update to the current stable version, enter Update Now into the command box. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it is scheduled to check for updates.

Release notes

Download link



  • Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
    Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 980

    If you run into any issues, please create a new thread and link it here. This helps our team track and triage problems more efficiently.

  • Tommie Martin
    Tommie Martin Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I am unable to see release notes for logos 40.2

    This has been happening since Logos 40.0

    the release notes link above takes me to a blank site where nothing loads

    When I click on the release notes link within logos — I am taken to the same blank site on community.logos.com

  • Aaron Hamilton
    Aaron Hamilton Member, MVP Posts: 1,478
    edited 3:21PM

    The page for the release notes is displaying properly for me. Does the page load properly if you try to access it from a different browser?

  • Tommie Martin
    Tommie Martin Member Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I was able to see it finally by an indirect route.

    I had to 1st log into logos - then log in to faithlife — fooled around there and then was allowed to get community.logos.com to recognize an authorization from faithlife — then I was able to use a link in the forum to see the version history

    Don't know why? just weird.

    I have not closed my browser and tried the link withing logos bible to see if it might work now.

    Got work to do and can't fool around anymore today. :>)

  • Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
    Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 980

    Apologies for missing a release update. I just added it under the Resource header but wanted to comment it here for more visibility.

    When previewing a book you don’t yet own, you can now purchase a library or collection that contains the book, in addition to buying the book by itself.