Linking issue when accessing the Atlas in the context menu from an Event

If I right-click a word in John 4:9, select the event Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman and select Factbook, then the Factbook opens correctly to that event
But if I select the Atlas, it doesn't seem to work correctly. The event is shown in the Atlas filter but it is not the event that is shown on the map
Is this a bug?
Your screenshot shows that the selected event is the one selected by Atlas (it's displayed just below your top red box).
The bottom red box is within a list of maps (not events) that are associated with that event. There are two. The first matching map is selected by default.
Unless I'm missing what you are saying, this appears to be working as expected.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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Thanks @Andrew Batishko - I see what you’re saying
Appreciated, Graham