Feedback wanted: Accessibility and Screen Readers in v40

Adam Borries (Logos)
Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 948
edited February 27 in English Forum

The Logos desktop team has been working hard to make the application a better experience for keyboard navigability and screen reader compatibility, particularly in the new resource toolbar. We know there is still work left to do, so if you use assistive technologies, we need your real-world feedback on what areas are the most critical to address.

How you can help

Give us focused feedback on books, using the new dynamic resource toolbar. The dynamic toolbar is the new tabbed toolbar in book panels. Books are at the core of Logos, and this is where the team has been focusing most of their accessibility efforts for now. The toolbar currently requires a Logos subscription; if you don't have a subscription, but would like to participate in testing, please let us know below.

Give us general feedback on accessibility in Logos. What is the most important existing accessibility feature to protect? (We don't want to accidentally change your favorite feature!) What is something that is unnecessarily complicated? If you could choose one small thing to change to improve accessibility, what would it be?

Share this post with other advocates for accessibility in Logos.

How to give good feedback

Include details like:

  • Which platform you are using, Mac or Windows
  • What screen reader you are using, if any

To report bugs (or unintuitive behavior), be specific:

  • What your intended outcome was
  • What action you took
  • What you expected to happen
  • What actually happened instead

To offer ideas for improvements:

  • Explain the Why. It's most important to help us understand what problem you are trying to solve, or what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Suggest the How. If you have specific ideas for how Logos should behave, please include them, and help us understand how it ties back to accomplishing the Why. 

Thanks for your help making Logos better! 

Attn accessibility champions:
@Sarah Blake LaRose, D.Min. , @James Clark , @Travis Peterson , @Dagmara serrano


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,133
    edited February 12

    Customization of the items on the resource toolbar would greatly assist me:

    I hovered the "Factbook" icon only to find that it displayed "Show Reading Plans". Other icons are not intuitive when I am trying to find a particular function. A recent experience also showed that I did not associate a user's "Parallel text" with "Multiple Book View" (I wondered how it related to what is now known as "Change Book" which still displays "All parallel books" ).
    Please provide an option to Show Label or Show Image as per the Shortcut bar.

    Windows 11


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 948

    Updated post to reflect that v40 is no longer in beta.

    If you have been waiting to give your feedback, now is the time!

    @Sarah Blake LaRose, D.Min. , @James Clark , @Travis Peterson , @Dagmara serrano

  • Sean T.
    Sean T. Member Posts: 47 ✭✭
    edited February 28

    (I'm on Windows 11) I feel like keyboard navigation could still use improvement, and there are significant color contrast issues that still need resolved for dark mode. I was wondering how I should report them when I see them.


    1. I hit Ctrl-T to open a new tab. It shows a list of resources I might want to select. I expect to be able to start using my arrow keys to navigate between them / hit enter to select one, but an immediate down arrow results in the upper right menu opening up (which seems like the least useful thing I'd want to do at that moment). If I tab enough, I can get to selecting a resource. However, I'm in dark mode, and the selection indicator is also dark. Dark mode needs a full review of color contrast when it comes to borders / selections. (Offering a Dark Mode Doesn’t Satisfy WCAG Color Contrast Requirements).
    2. Library / Documents: After performing a search, my immediate need is to navigate up and down the results, but it's very difficult to get tabbed over to the right place to make that happen (exacerbated by the practically invisible focus indicator in dark mode).
    3. Pretty sure I ran into an issue with a search dropdown where I couldn't navigate up / down, but I can't find where I was in the app for this one (main ones like Passage selector, etc. seem fine), so I'll need to poke around and try and find it again.
    ASUNDER Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭

    Could we have the option of the reformatting toggles and fullscreen (reading mode) always on the toolbar.
    Just a few less clicks.

  • Terry Kleinsmith
    Terry Kleinsmith Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Increasing the field size from one character to two for keyboard shortcuts would be helpful. Anyone using keyboard shortcuts has to "ration" out the available letters and numbers for the single character space currently. Examples include highlighting palettes, and favorites.

    "The resource from which God gives is boundless, measureless, unlimited, unending, abundant, almighty, and eternal." ~ Jack W. Hayford

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 948

    Just to be clear: "Accessibility" in this thread means "making the app more usable by (accessible to) disabled users." This includes things like narration with screen reading software, keyboard navigability (including keyboard shortcuts), and to a lesser extent, things like UI contrast and legibility. These are improvements that are "essential for some, useful for all."

    It does not include customizability of the app, or other feature requests. We want to hear those, but we ask that you add or upvote those as a Feedback suggestion. Thanks.

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 948

    Increasing the field size from one character to two for keyboard shortcuts would be helpful. Anyone using keyboard shortcuts has to "ration" out the available letters and numbers for the single character space currently. Examples include highlighting palettes, and favorites.

    Thanks, Terry. If I understand you correctly, you are talking about expanding the ability to assign keyboard shortcuts to highlights, as well as "quick links" in Favorites. In my opinion, that's sort of accessibility-adjacent, but should be a new feature/improvement suggestion. Thanks!

  • Terry Kleinsmith
    Terry Kleinsmith Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Opps…. Sorry if it was seen as an enhancement. One suggestion I can make is to allow the User a greater variety in screen colors in background and panels. I am suggesting more neutral colors, such as pale colors or buff tones. These could be added to the existing color choices in the program settings area. This follows the suggestions above.

    "The resource from which God gives is boundless, measureless, unlimited, unending, abundant, almighty, and eternal." ~ Jack W. Hayford

  • Scott
    Scott Member Posts: 209 ✭✭✭

    Disabled user here. I love that y'all are working on this. Thank you.

    1. In an open note, there needs to be a keyboard shortcut to: (A) open the kebab '...' menu (B) shortcut to 'Close this note' (I suggest ESC) and (C) to add anchors.
    2. Keyboard shortcuts need to be customizable and I agree with another comment above that we need another field for that.
    3. When selecting or highlighting text in a resource with the mouse, it is impossible for me to select precisely what I need. Would be a game changer if we could finish the selection with precision by holding SHIFT + Arrow keys. This is standard in Windows and Mac. Really need this.
    4. Make or allow us to make the selection indicator a more dark/light contrast as well as thicker border or less transparent fill. This is needed app-wide. I cannot see the current indicator-- neither the border around buttons nor the fill around text. For selection borders, light grey or blue on white is not visible to me, I need thick black.

    I'll think about some more needs.

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,925 ✭✭✭

    I know this is a bit far reaching… but…. I would like to see "voice activation" on all menus. For example… being able to say "Smart Search bible for How old was Ishbosheth when he became king?" and let Search find that. I would like to see more ability to use voice as I think that would help handicap and disabled.

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Francis
    Francis Member Posts: 3,925 ✭✭✭

    Once the dust settles, it would be good to have an updated list of keyboard shortcuts.

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭

    I'm highly interested in how Logos works with folding phones.

  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 948

    @ASUNDER , that's quite off-topic for this thread, but I'm also interested to hear what people's experience has been with the Logos app on foldables. Maybe you could post a new discussion?

    ASUNDER Member Posts: 258 ✭✭✭

    I already asked. And the staff ignored the question.

    Then I'm asking again about using a folding phone as an ereader in a forum post with " accessibility and screen readers" in the title and being told it's off topic, for the second time. While other people can post whatever they want and there isn't a single comment about them being off topic. Sure.

    Guess I'll have to ask the general public instead of the company that makes this software.

  • Yasmin Stephen
    Yasmin Stephen Member Posts: 1,753 ✭✭✭

    Quoting @Adam Borries (Logos):

    Just to be clear: "Accessibility" in this thread means "making the app more usable by (accessible to) disabled users." This includes things like narration with screen reading software, keyboard navigability (including keyboard shortcuts), and to a lesser extent, things like UI contrast and legibility. These are improvements that are "essential for some, useful for all."

    (emphasis mine)

    Maybe you can elaborate on how you see your interest in the Logos app on foldable phones being beneficial for disabled users.