Daily Devotional in Factbook seems to be lacking in Online/Web

Dave Hooton
Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,134
edited March 15 in Beta Desktop App Forum

For a March 11 entry (Day of Year):

Why is Online view not showing Bookstore when potentially it could have results?
I would expect Online view not to show Layouts, but surely it could show a Search?

I note that the Verbum (and Logos) Web app only have Saints as an extra section, so why are Journals and Sermons included on Desktop, but not in Local view?

This causes me to think that the Prefer Local Data Setting is very misleading and it would be more "up front" to have a have a switch in Factbook with a meaningful name.

(Verbum 40 Beta 1).

And it annoys me that I have to insert an unknown number of line feeds to get the text below the media.


Windows 11 & Android 13



  • Adam Borries (Logos)
    Adam Borries (Logos) Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 952

    Thanks, Dave. I think most of this is particular to "Day of Year" reports.

    Why is Online view not showing Bookstore when potentially it could have results?

    Actually, the way that search is currently configured, it would never return results for "Day or Year" reports, to the Online version is probably better, at least for now.

    I would expect Online view not to show Layouts, but surely it could show a Search?

    Good callout, as you also mentioned on the other thread. It's still in discussion, but I think we will end up making "Dig Deeper" always local.

    Saints as an extra section

    I think it's only "extra" because you don't have any local Saints resources. If you downloaded one (or unhid it, if it's hidden), it would show up in Local as well.

    why are Journals and Sermons included on Desktop [online]?

    A minor issue, which should be corrected soon.

    the Prefer Local Data Setting is very misleading

    We certainly aren't trying to deceive anyone. Do you mean that it isn't transparent enough that the ramifications of the setting are? How would an "up front" switch help with that?

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,134
    edited March 20

    @Adam Borries (Logos)

    We certainly aren't trying to deceive anyone. Do you mean that it isn't transparent enough that the ramifications of the setting are? How would an "up front" switch help with that?

    A switch in Factbook would clarify that there are alternative views for that feature. Prefer Local Data is not transparent about the features to which it applies, and it forces the same setting upon all those features.

    A setting for Prefer Smart Search is more transparent, and useful!


    Windows 11 & Android 13