Personal Books: Trouble with Multi-Level Headings

After watching a Morris Proctor course on creating personal books, I tried to create one with multi-level headings so that they would show up in the table of contents. I had four heading levels but, when I built the book only the first level showed up in the table of contents.
Does anyone have an idea why the other three levels didn't show in the TOC? I'm wondering if it has to do with exporting from Pages to Word... Is there specific way I need to create headings in Pages?
Does the converted Word document that you are using as your source apply styles to your Headings 1 - 4? The Personal Book Builder needs the styles marked as headings in order to process them that way. Also, are you getting any errors when the book is being built? If so, post those, that might help to see.
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Hi Tom - Thanks for answering me! I can't open the Word document as a Word document because, if I open it from Pages, it gets converted back to a Pages document (which does have the four levels). I did build the book with zero errors.
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One thing I was wondering was whether I need to create a particular style to the headings in Pages in order for them to export to Word correctly. Do you have any knowledge of that???
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Hi Laura:
If you can or may post a section of your docx (that includes the various levels) here, I can take a look in Word and maybe determine the problem.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Here is a short version - I stripped everything out but the four levels and some body text (the original document is kind of long...)
Thank you for checking!4762.SamplePagesToWordExport.docx
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The "headings" you had listed were not formatted as headings. I reformatted it for you to experiment with.
If you do have access to Word, you should abandon the idea of converting pages documents for the purpose of personal books.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
As JT noted, none of the paragraphs are formatted as any Word Heading style. MS Word itself gives it a go and the Navigation Pane shows it does something heading-like for the first two levels. In fact in Windows 10, the Personal Book Tool in Logos 9.10 does the same and recognizes the first two levels.
Since JT is a MacDude, you should probably follow his guidance on Pages.
macOS (Logos Pro - Beta) | Android 13 (Logos Stable)
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Thank you! I read your docx into Pages, and they were headings. I wonder why my original headings didn't convert correctly into Word from Pages. Perhaps only simple documents without headings export correctly for use in personal books. Well, hopefully Logos will add Pages documents for personal books! 🙏
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Laura Dominick said:
Well, hopefully Logos will add Pages documents for personal books!
You should not count on that.
Your posts above are a little ambiguous... Do you have access to Word?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
No, I do not have access to Word (that would have eliminated the need to use Pages at all). I am not counting on Logos adding Pages format anytime soon, if ever (their list of things to consider is very long - just thought I'd get it on the list of requests). 😊 It appears the personal books feature will be unavailable to me for now. Simple documents will work, but they have limited appeal.
Thanks for your help - I do appreciate it! 🙋♀️
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Laura, Don't give up yet. I discovered the problem. You are correct that you have styles in your Word doc. But you have them titled wrong. Your styles are the word heading with the number right after the g: heading1, heading 2, etc.
Give this a try. In Pages, change your headings to "Heading 1," "Heading 2,", etc. You do not have a space between the word "heading" and the level number. Logos is looking for a style specifically titled "Heading 1," etc. Heading1 and Heading 1 are two distinct styles.
Once you make those changes, re-export your pages doc to a Word docx and re-build the book. I bet all your levels will work properly once you do that.
Happy New Year!!
P.S. Post the Pages file if you are still having trouble and I'll examine it.
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Ooops, as requested, here is a copy of the Pages file I made. Note I changed the file extension from .pages to .txt, so be sure to change it back to .pages. I kept getting an error when I tried to load it with the .pages extension.
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Upload that sample pages file and I'll play with it. The sample I created "seems to be" working fine including keeping the colors
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I've been trying to but keep getting an error. Will try again...
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I just sent you a PM on Faithlife with my e-mail address. Just send me the doc via e-mail.
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Just a final word as an FYI: I could not get the export from Pages to Word to work consistently, so I searched around the Apple forums and found a helpful suggestion. I downloaded the free LibreOffice suite which is very much like Microsoft Office. I read my Pages document into LibreOffice and then saved it as a Word .docx file. That .docx file read into Logos perfectly and produced a personal book with all of my heading levels and colors. If I decide I like LibreOffice as much as Pages, I will abandon Pages altogether; otherwise, it is a painless way to produce a .docx that Logos can read.
Perhaps Tom may add his findings - thank you, Tom, for spending time on this issue. 🙋♀️ It was fun corresponding with you! This was my first time posting on this forum and it was really nice to encounter friendly people who are willing to help!
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OK. Are you still on Mac? I was thinking about writing some code to fix this Logos issue. This is frankly ridiculous when Pages exports docx and Word saves to docx natively. Oh well, I'l see if anyone else is interested.
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In case you or anyone else is interested in Dr. Larry Sanger's conversion to Christianity, I converted his webpage into Logos.
The original URL is
The attached file should import directly into Logos as a Personal Book.
If anyone has any issues with it in the future, please message me.