v41 Testing Needed: New Sign-in Method

Starting in Logos v41, the desktop app will use the "auth portal" at auth.faithlife.com for logging into the app. The auth portal is our standard way to sign in on Logos web apps and sites, and going forward, it will be used for installed apps as well. While we don't expect any problems, it represents a fairly substantial change to a core function, so we want to test it as throughly as possible.
Description of changes
1. Logging into the desktop for the first time (or with a new account) now uses the Logos online Auth Portal. Click the Sign in button to open the auth portal in your default web browser.
2. Sign in with your Logos email and password, and Authorize the app to use your account.
- If you are already signed with the correct account, just click Authorize.
- If you are signed with a different account from the one you intend to use, first click the Sign out button, and then sign in to authorize with the correct account.
3. After authorizing, you will be prompted to open the app via browser pop-up.
3. “Still having trouble?” If it fails to open the app, you will be instructed to “Click here and switch to Logos Bible Study.”
(This works by silently copying a special token to the clipboard, which Logos detects when you click back to the app. You don’t have to paste it.)
- If you don't already, it can be helpful to have a "free account" available so 1) you can see what the app is like for a new users and give them pointers getting started, and 2) to keep test documents separate from your own, to prevent possibly corrupting your document data.
- If you are signing into a new account on this installation for the first time, it will prompt to start downloading resources after successfully authorizing. If you don't want to do that, you can abort this step for the purpose of this test.
Ways to test
- Launch the app while holding ctrl/cmd to get the login screen. Then click Sign in to use a different account.
- Use the account menu in the app, under Restart as, click New user, and sign in as above.
- Use the account menu to "fast switch" between different users you've already signed in as. Expected: it should not go through the auth portal for this.
- Change the password on an account. Expected: It should prompt to re-authenticate the next time the app is started with that account.
- Try signing in with both the Logos and Verbum apps installed on the same computer. (Note: both apps would need to be version 41. This is NOT recommended on your main work computer; use a dedicated testing machine, or a testing environment like a virtual machine.)
- Expected: The auth portal's "open app" prompt should be smart enough to pick the app you started in.
- Fallback: Use the "Still having trouble? Click here" to switch back to the correct app.
As always, thanks for your help and your feedback!
I didn't encounter any problems. That said, it did feel a little confusing. I would expect that clicking Sign out online would sign me out of the Logos app, but it doesn't. If I would like to sign in with a 2nd account simultaneously, I have to click Sign out even though I don't want to sign out. I would expect to see a 3rd option in addition to Sign out (which would sign me out of the Logos app) and Authorize (which would sign me into the Logos app), presenting me with the option to sign in with a different account.
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presenting me with the option to sign in with a different account
The Logos Auth Portal doesn't currently support account switching, but it's an enhancement we're considering for the future. In the meantime, you do have to Sign Out (in your browser) and then Sign In (with your second account) to add a second account.
[Power User Pro Tip: you can copy the URL into an incognito browser to sign in with a second account without signing out of logos.com with your primary account.]
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Used Desktop Computer with Windows 10 and Logos 41 B1 with two User accounts. Firefox Browser v136.0
- Launched Logos as New User whilst signed into my Main account with subscription
- Sign in to my Test account (no subscription)
- It opened
page in browser - Wants me to Sign out of Main account, and then I
- Sign in to Test account
- Get popup with "Allow this site to open the Logos4 link with Logos Bible Software" and a check box with "Always allow Auth.faithlife…to open Logos4 links"
- did not allow this (not certain)!
- I was directed to my Test Account on the Logos app
- it looked as if it wanted to do an installation, but quickly opened the app
- Closed
page in browser. - Opened Logos.com with Test account avatar displayed
- the browser froze for about 15s but opened Logos.com with Main account avatar displayed
- the Community page disappeared (this thread was displayed whist logged into Main account)
- Clicked avatar, selected Profile and was directed to the Test account page
- then the avatar changed to the one for my Test account!
- Used Fast Switch in App and it opened my Main account as expected.
- I reopened this Beta Forum page in browser but I could do nothing as "It looks like you are new here"
- but the Forum Sign in page said I was logged into my Test account.
- I logged into my Main account.
- I'm connected to the forums with my Main account and logos.com with my Test account
: when I selected Billing, Auth took over and wants me to Sign in, stating I am logged into my Main account…so I click Authorize and I'm now in my Main account. I'm confused. - From point 6, Logos Bible Software is now used for Logos4, LogosRef and LogosRes links whereas my Laptop with Logos and Verbum side-by-side uses Logos Bible Study, Verbum and Logos Bible Study respectively.
I can confirm that the new links work OK with the Registry fix.
- Points 9, 10 and 12 are a worry
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I'm happy to try signing in with both the Logos and Verbum apps installed on my (test) desktop computer, but I am waiting for feedback from the above test. I was thinking to install Verbum from my Test account only?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks, Dave. It sounds like it's working as expected, as far as the desktop app is concerned.
9. Opened Logos.com with Test account avatar displayed
a. the browser froze for about 15s but opened Logos.com with Main account avatar displayedThis is the only part that could be a concern. Expected behavior when you sign out of the Auth Portal is that you would be logged out of that account for all sites on that browser.
So it's not surprising that you would see your Test account on Logos.com. It is surprising that it would freeze and revert to your Main account.
Does this happen consistently for you? If you sign out of Auth Portal, does it retain your sign in on Logos.com?
An easier way to test this would be:
- Go to app.logos.com and sign out.
- Go to logos.com. You should be signed out. Sign in with your Main account.
- Go to app.logos.com, and sign in.
- At the Auth Portal, sign out of your Main account, and sign in with Test.
- Check Logos.com
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- I restarted Firefox, which restored the Logos.com and Forum tabs
- Auth requested me to Sign in after selecting Billing in Logos.com (no Authorize option)
- Forum tab also wanted me to Sign in.
- Open app.logos.com and it forces me to Sign in via Auth to Main account.
- Close Logos.com and Forum tabs (without signing in)
- Forum forces me to Sign in to Main account but I can use Authorize
- Logos.com also forces me to Sign in to Main account via Authorize
Now I try your "easier way" steps:
- Sign out of app.logos.com
- Close Logos.com tab and re-open. It appears to be signed in until I select an option.
- So I sign in to Main account (no Authorize option)
- Sign in to app.logos.com via Authorize for Main account
- Sign out of Main and sign in to Test account.
- Logos.com appears to be in Main but Profile option shows I am in Test
The Forum tab is still in Main.
I had run my Cleaner utility which forced FF to close before the initial Step 1. Now FF does not clear Cookies but Cleaner does, so I decided to check what the Cleaner does and forced it to Keep:
- auth.faithlife.com
- faithlife.com
- community.logos.com
But I allowed it to delete app.logos.com and logos.com, www.logos.com.
Then I ran the Cleaner and restarted Firefox. It restarted the three tabs in the same state.
Are there any other cookies to Keep?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
0 - I restarted Firefox, which restored the Logos.com and Forum tabs
I am currently simultaneously logged into my main account on the desktop app (as well as the forums and logos.com) and my alternate account on the web app.
Edit: Clicking a link from the web app (on my alternate account) that directed me to logos.com immediately logged me out of my main account on logos.com.
Edit2: Currently, I am logged into the desktop app with my main account, but I am logged into logos.com and the web app with my alternate account. When I open the forums I am logged in with my main account. Links from the desktop app (logged into my main account) open logos.com logged in with my alternate account.
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@Adam Borries (Logos) … Expected behavior when you sign out of the Auth Portal is that you would be logged out of that account for all sites on that browser.
This appears to be the case when I sign out of app.logos.com, where I can use Authorize to get back into logos.com. But when I sign out of logos.com there is no Authorize to get back into app.logos.com (which appeared to be using the previous account). My Faithlife also gives the appearance of being in the previous account, and may eventually give a "Return to Faithlife" message and change accounts. On another occasion I just had to Sign in (no Authorize though).
There needs to be a clear indication that other site tabs are logged out and Authorize should be available to all those sites.
But when I sign out of Logos.com (to Test) then sign back in (to Main) I expect all other sites on Main to remain there when I go to their tabs. My Faithlife hesitated when I made an input but it remained in Main.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Repeat with Desktop Computer and Logos 41 B2 with two User accounts in Windows 10. Firefox Browser v136.0.2 has Forum, Web app, logos.com and My Faithlife all using Main account.
BUG: Did Fast Switch Main to Test and then back to Main. Web app did not respond properly to Factbook (Something went wrong). A refresh allowed me to Authorize sign in to Main. Other tabs remained in Main..
- Launched Logos as New User whilst signed into my Main account
- Sign out of Main in Auth.
- Sign in to my Test account.
- Get browser popup with links message as previously
- Opened Test Account in the Logos app
- “Getting Ready” popup appeared, but app was quickly opened.
- Closed Auth page in browser
- Logos.com tab appeared to be in Main (per avatar)
- Profile showed I was in Test account with Test avatar.
- Forum tab remained in Main
- Web app tab did not respond to input (Library stated “No results”)
- Had to Sign out and Sign in had no Authorize (did not sign in)
- Faithlife tab wanted me to “Login and try again” (did not click it)
- Signed Web app into Test
- Tried to Sign Faithlife into Test via Authorize
- I got “Return to Faithlife”, clicked the box and was in Test account.
So 3 site tabs tabs are now in Test, whilst Forum remains in Main.
- I repeated the first 5 steps above with New User to re-open Logos app in Main.
- Closed Auth page in browser.
- Forum tab remained in Main
- Web app remained in Test but not responding properly
- Logos.com enabled me to Sign in to Main with Authorize
- Faithlife appeared to switch to Main after showing “Login and try again” briefly!
- I had to locate My Faithlife on Back button to Sign in to a Group page of Main (no Authorize)
- Signed out of Web app and signed in to Main (no Authorize).
- Went back to logos.com and it wanted me to sign in AGAIN (with Authorize)!!
- Faithlife almost made me sign in again as it flashed the Sign in button for an instant.
The tabs appeared to be stable in Main so I closed FL and Web app. The Back button of logos.com showed I could not get back to the Home page, so I closed its tab as well. They all reopened OK.
There is no consistency with Authorize after one site has signed in. Logos.com appeared to sign in at step 5 but I had to repeat at step 8. Getting to the Home page of Logos.com and Faithlife was an issue after re-signing in.
I think that signing into a (genuine) new User account will be too arduous if one prefers to remain logged in to their Main account in the browser. Will this be the same when using the Installer?
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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BUG: Did Fast Switch Main to Test and then back to Main. Web app did not respond properly to Factbook (Something went wrong). A refresh allowed me to Authorize sign in to Main. Other tabs remained in Main..
I take "Fast Switch" to mean "in the desktop app."
Before address the rest of the feedback, I need to try to make something very clear:Changing your account profile in the desktop app with a "Fast Switch" in the account menu will not change the account you are using in the browser. Just like if you sign out of your account in Firefox, it's not going to affect which account you are logged in with on Chrome. Each client has a distinct session; they don't have anything to do with each other.
The exception (and I think is where the confusion is), is that the desktop app now needs to get initial authorization from a browser session the first time you log in to an account on this desktop installation. (Or reauthorization, if your password changes.) That means you have to change your browser login to the new account first, so you can authorize the desktop app.
And yes, that means it will be slightly more arduous "if one prefers to remain logged in to their Main account in the browser." A workaround for this, as Bradley mentioned, is don't user your primary browser. When the Auth Portal opens, copy the URL, and open it in a different browser, or in an incognito window.
There is no consistency with
after one site has signed in.Just to reiterate, the expected behavior is that all Logos sites would be signed in with the same account in that browser. If you sign out, and sign in with a different account on one site, all other sites would then be using that account as well.
So, you're right to report those as inconsistencies. But in a sense they are expected, because of two complicating factors:- There are multiple sites open simultaneously in different browser tabs. The site doesn't know you've signed out until it loaded (or refreshed) a new page.
- Sites also can cache your credentials for up to 5 minutes. So even after you sign out, if you immediately load a different site, it still might look like you are signed in with the old account.
Both of these issues should self-correct in normal browsing. There's some room for improvement, but on the whole it's working as expected.
Thank you so much for your thorough testing. This leads us to believe that everything is working correctly, but also helps identify what might be confusing to users.
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Changing your account profile in the desktop app with a "Fast Switch" in the account menu will not change the account you are using in the browser. Just like if you sign out of your account in Firefox, it's not going to affect which account you are logged in with on Chrome. Each client has a distinct session; they don't have anything to do with each other.
The exception (and I think is where the confusion is), is that the desktop app now needs to get initial authorization from a browser session the first time you log in to an account on this desktop installation. (Or reauthorization, if your password changes.) That means you have to change your browser login to the new account first, so you can authorize the desktop app.
And yes, that means it will be slightly more arduous "if one prefers to remain logged in to their Main account in the browser." A workaround for this, as Bradley mentioned, is don't user your primary browser. When the Auth Portal opens, copy the URL, and open it in a different browser, or in an incognito window.
If I am forced to validate my credentials (simulated by using CTRL to open the app) and my browser is in a different account (simulated by verbum.com) then I have to sign out and re-sign in. But then I also have to sign out of verbum.com to return to the original account (the necessity is not obvious as the avatar is unchanged). When I open the Logos web app I have to Authorize it to use the same account, but there is no such problem opening logos.com and My Faithlife.
If I close all site tabs, Logos web app still requires me to Authorize the account, unlike the others.
This is definitely arduous and the workaround is unacceptable to me.
===Windows 11 & Android 13