Ineffabilis Deus: The Immaculate Conception Pope BI. Pius IX - 1854

Anybody know where I can find this Bull by Pope Bl. Pius in a Verbum library?
Seems to me it might be important for Verbum users.
“Let us begin, brothers, to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing.” St. Francis of Assisi
The English text can be found in Ott's "Sources of Catrholic Dogma" (look for DS 2803), which unfortunately isn't for sale currently. The German and Latin text may be found in Denzinger - same index, of course.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Sources of Catholic Dogma is authored by Denzinger, not Ott @NB.Mick Ott did "Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma". Confusing!
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I wanted to share a link to the spot, but how could I do that? I’m on mobile and I don’t see the possibility to “share” / “Senden an” in the German UI is grey and not clickable
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Sorry, my bad. I mixed that up - actually we have two versions of Denzinger, the 1954 version in English (
(which I mixed up with Ott above) and the German / Latin version from 2017 that NnB showed a screenshot of above.Logos links to 2803:
(Denzinger 1954, English)
(Denzinger 2017, German / Latin)
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks all. I do have (in print) the 2012 Denzinger and Ott's 2020 Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma from Baronius Press. But both only offer a paragraph summary of the 1854 Bull. I was hoping there was the full document in Verbum that I could highlight and take notes on…guess not.
Again, thanks for the suggestions.
“Let us begin, brothers, to serve the Lord God, for up until now we have done little or nothing.” St. Francis of Assisi
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It seems that there is an english online version here
and a latin version here
a scanned book is here
You could build a PB from this.
Anyhow, I'd support a proper Logos/Verbum edition of the Latin/English/German text.