Request: Bible, morph, and syntax search use color-highlighting in parallel resource

I wanted to bring this up for attention (again) and to also include the bible and morph search as well. see thread: and Syntax Search Highlighting. This is in regards to highlighting the english resource as well as the currently highlighted original language text.
L3 greek syntax:
L4 BWS grammatical relationships:
L4 bible search
L4 morph search:
L4 syntax:
I believe this would be most helpful as a feature of the bible, morph, and syntax searches within L4 - certainly for those of us who do not read the original language. I do hope this is possible and will receive consideration.
Dell, studio XPS 7100, Ram 8GB, 64 - bit Operating System, AMD Phenom(mt) IIX6 1055T Processor 2.80 GHZ
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If memory serves Logos has said that they are working on re-implementing this feature. I'll go hunting for a link to try demonstrate my memory to be true. [:)]
EDIT: I may have been remember this which it appears you commented on before posting this thread. Hopefully Mellisa will stop by this thread and report that this is a planned feature.
Prov. 15:23
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This feature has been suggested on more than one suggestion, at least once by me. I find it a HUGE step down not to have the English highlighted as well...many times I thought if I was expert enough not to need the English highlighting I wouldn't be using the Syntax search at this time [:P]
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Kevin Becker said:
If memory serves Logos has said that they are working on re-implementing this feature. I'll go hunting for a link to try demonstrate my memory to be true.
EDIT: I may have been remember this which it appears you commented on before posting this thread. Hopefully Mellisa will stop by this thread and report that this is a planned feature.
Kevin, thanks for your response. You are correct regarding the re-implementing of this feature (syntax only) in the above thread. In that thread on May 10, 2010 Bob Pritchett responded "This is on our list to fix." [:)]
Hopefully, in addition to the syntax search, this brings attention to the feature being extended to include bible and morph searches as shown in the above screenshots.
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Dominick Sela said:
This feature has been suggested on more than one suggestion, at least once by me. I find it a HUGE step down not to have the English highlighted as well...many times I thought if I was expert enough not to need the English highlighting I wouldn't be using the Syntax search at this time
Dominick, thank you for your previous suggestions in this. [:)]