Another vote for Android Apps
Just want to put in my vote also for the android app. I have an iPod Touch with Logos on it and it is great were I have a wifi connection ..... and can get my other books from my library. I recently purchased a Droid2 and I LOVE it. It does everything so well I am sure a Logos app for this system would blow the iPhone app away.Besides all that I have my phone with me at all times; not neccisarily so with the iPod Touch. Also with the internet on the phone I would have anytime access to my books. I hate to think that someone would have to chose At&t and iPhone just to get a Logos app on their phone.
Hoping, Praying.... for an Android app. PLEEEAAASSEE....:D
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Just got a Samsung Epic and can't wait for the Android app!
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I have a rather new Mac Book Pro and I have a Android HTC EVO. I am split between two worlds. I love, absolutely adore my MBP, but I am a huge fan of Android. I'm not trying to be rude to anyone, but I've had my hand on several iPhones, including the newest iPhone, and to be honest they are pretty and that's about it. My EVO is a flat out jump.
What I am saying here is I am having a hard time not going with the iPad for it's Bookshelf, but I am having a hard time not going with something like the new Galaxy tablet by Samsung coming soon, which of course is Android.
I am a student, so the whole textbook deal is where it's at. It boils down to this, whoever is going to do textbooks the best is where I'll land. I've bought two reference books for Kindle and with the Kindle app on Android and the app on the MBP, kindle sucks. Absolutely sucks. I don't have a clue what kills it or where the problems are rooted, but I can't navigate and the search-ability just stinks.
I surely hope what I am currently seeing with the Kindle app is not what I have to look forward to with textbooks.
Wilson Hines
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Count me in for Android too!
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I am another one who voted for Android app, or even BB (when I had it). I don't think we need to hold our breath until Logos finally releases an app for other than Apple's jewel. For over a year I have been suggesting to Logos to give us an app. The web browser version is what they come up with -- which doesn't hold a candle to the IPhone app.
I thought that with all the requests from users, they would of at least gave us a Beta.
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I vote for Logos finishing the iPxx app first before investing in yet another.
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Me too! Hurry!
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Logos Android App? Yes please! [:D]
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Let's do it now - my Droid X is lonely for my Logos Library [:(]
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[Y] Yes I am in the wagon too. Androied the best!!
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How many Android phones have been sold worldwide?
There have been a total of 8,450,420 Android phones sold since its
release in October 2008 up until the end of 2009. This is based on a
report published by the market research firm Canalys on February 8,
2010. In 2009 Android phones made up only 4.7% of the total market share
for OS vendors of smart phone.!!tanks!!
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Rosie Perera said:
Yes, especially that there are many new slate-type devices on the horizon and many of them are to run on Android OS. [Y]
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It makes me sad in a completely not important kind of way - that I am stuck with my blackberry for the time being. Hopefully that Galaxy will be in my hands next year.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I am excited by the announcement for the upcoming Android app. My only concern on the graphic is "just like the Logos for iPhone application..." I hope what Logos means is that it is just like the (hopefully) upcoming iPhone app that includes highlighting and notes. I am tired of using other apps for reading just so I can highlight when I have a perfectly great library in Logos.
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Whoooo Hoooo. Thanks for listening to your users. I cannot wait to get it.
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Just got my Samsung Captivate Android OS phone. When I access my titles through, Greek characters with diacritics are either displayed without the diacritic or are represented by a an empty square. I don't think the interlinear functions either. When I use the OliveTree App, it can read my Greek (only Louw-Nida carried over from Palm, no Droid license for Gramcord[:(]) characters just fine. I have this same problem with Nook. I am looking forward to the Logos Droid app because I am not purchasing new OliveTree content.
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Rosie Perera said:
With the android app on the way I can't help but wonder what it would be like on a Pixel Q dual mode display. I would guess this would give the reading experience of a Kindle and the web experience of an Ipad. What are your thoughts. Here is one link.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
Wiki Table of Contents
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+1 for Android. Android just passed ios in US user numbers.
With all the new devices coming out on EVERY network with android they are going to easily be the #1 OS worldwide within months.
Logos has a lot of catching up to do when it comes to android development. Hopefully they can make up lost ground quickly. Really looking forward to using Logos on a new Android 3.0 tablet when they are released in the next few months.
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I thought they were going to stick with their original plan to use a mobile site as a web app for all other devices other than iPhone.
I like but with the features I see on the iPhone version, there seems to be more flexibility for features on a native Android app.
So a BIG "THANK YOU" to this dev team. This is the one and ONLY app I keep going to back to the iPhone to use. Once they got a native Andoid app, I will be advertising like crazy, as I love Logos and especially the mobile versions of my Library and Bible study.
Just PLEASE hurry...I'm getting antsy/anxious!! :-p
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Thank you!
Samsung Galaxie
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I also can't wait to see the availability of the Android App. I would LOVE to be a beta tester!
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Brother, you are right on point--Android is here to stay-- and it only make since to make an Android Apps for my Droid X or any smart phone.
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Yes, PLEASE, for Android Apps! [Y]
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That should excite you Android fans. (and me too if I ever get an android.)@DanPritchett (Twitter) said:
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I am ready and waiting with my EVO in hand
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Just curious... ~ 2 weeks after the encouraging tweet about Android progress. Any beta testing that is going to happen or any idea of when we might see the Android app? Looking regularly in my Market and waiting patiently to have my favorite tool/resources available on my favorite device!
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Sorry John, you won't see any kind of hard date till it's already released. At least I hope not. A small delay would blow up in their face if Logos issued a "we think it will be done by....." date.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Count me in for the Beta Test as well.
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Just went with the android platform today over the iphone. How much longer shall we wait? Days, weeks, months, or years!?
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All for android beta testing....!!!!
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Downloading it now and excited to try on my phone and my tablet! Yeah!