Inductive Bible Study on the iPad

I know some who use Logos also use the Inductive study method. I thought sharing some workflow ideas might be helpful. I just started the study found here:
I was able to create a highlight pallette using the Inductice one, but added for terms not covered.
Then I can mark-up my Bible on the iPad. Sadly after asking on their Facebook page Precept International said that they will not make the Precept Upon Precept studies in digital format. Maybe if more of us contact them on Facebook it would change, it would be great to get them in Logos (with mobile access).
But with notes and highlight on the iPad it's easier. Has anyone else found ways to use these new features.
It would be cool if there was a way to share a Highlight Palette... some sort of export/import.
Philana, could you take a screenshot of your Inductive Palette and share? Where did you find the artwork for the Precept type highlighting?
You can get the Free From Bondage God's Way from Amazon... On my iPad I can read it in the Kindle app and then switch to Logos app with one gesture. That works for now. It seems you can buy most of the Precept Studies in PDF format... might could create a PBB and use it in Logos 4 desktop for now.
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James Brown said:
It would be cool if there was a way to share a Highlight Palette... some sort of export/import.
I believe that this is in the works... at least, sharing note files is. I would assume that would include markup styles, but perhaps not.
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James Brown said:
It would be cool if there was a way to share a Highlight Palette... some sort of export/import.
Philana, could you take a screenshot of your Inductive Palette and share? Where did you find the artwork for the Precept type highlighting?
You can get the Free From Bondage God's Way from Amazon... On my iPad I can read it in the Kindle app and then switch to Logos app with one gesture. That works for now. It seems you can buy most of the Precept Studies in PDF format... might could create a PBB and use it in Logos 4 desktop for now.
I'm using the Kindle version too. Where can you buy the Precept Studies in PDF? I didn't see it as an option on their site? If they are available as PDF that would work well for me!
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Here is a PDF of the book. Not sure it is the whole book.
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Philana, which gesture do you use to switch between apps and where is there a list of all of the gestures? I did a search at and did not find anything on gestures, but I know that I have seen the list in the past... somewhere. thanks for your help.
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If you go into iPad settings and general, near the bottom is the option to turn on multi-touch gestures. It lists them as well. I use a four finger swipe to switch between Logos and the inductive study book on my Kindle app. Instead of double clicking and tapping its just one swipe. You have to have iOS 5.0.1 (this ability was added to the 1st gen iPad at that update, iPad 2 had it at 5.0).
Its a really great feature!
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Rev. Kelly Todd said:
which gesture do you use to switch between apps and where is there a list of all of the gestures? I did a search at and did not find anything on gestures
Kelly - The gestures that Philana is referring to are iOS gestures, not Logos ones. You must have iOS 5.1 5.0.1 and an iPad
Settings: General: Multitasking Gestures
Use four or five fingers to:
- Pinch to the home screen
- Swipe up to reveal multitasking bar
- Swipe left or right between apps
[EDIT: I see you got here before I did, Philana]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
James Brown said:
It would be cool if there was a way to share a Highlight Palette... some sort of export/import.
Philana, could you take a screenshot of your Inductive Palette and share? Where did you find the artwork for the Precept type highlighting?
I found the artwork searching Google Images. However not all the images are syncing. I am hoping this just a syncing issuethat will change. They do work on the desktop. I am wondering if the issue is the size of the images. I am going to call Logos and find out.
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Thanks for the tip. Works great for multitasking!
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Ok called Logos, apparently the syncing issues also affected the images. So they said the next update should allow custom images for highlighting to sync properly.
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Thank you Both for your quick answers. I see the reason that I could not access this was because I had it turned off... this is pretty nice!
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Here is what the markup looks like!
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Have you been able to create your own custom symbols and import them to Logos? I have had a terrible time getting that to work. I got the Sketchbook app for iPad because it will export drawings to the file format that Logos needs. Nothing syncs. What apps and workflow do you use to get your own custom symbols to be used on the iPad?
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sffoodie said:
Have you been able to create your own custom symbols and import them to Logos? I have had a terrible time getting that to work. I got the Sketchbook app for iPad because it will export drawings to the file format that Logos needs. Nothing syncs. What apps and workflow do you use to get your own custom symbols to be used on the iPad?
Yes I have been able to get them sync. First, I use black .png images. In fact I have found this free image set to work well.
On the image part of the panel I select choose file
I also force sync...then i open my iOS app and let it complete syncing (spinning wheel/ball near wi-fi symbol).
The images should be synced.
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The books are now available through Vyrso.