Offline Exegesis / Reverse Interlinear

I will be going to a third-world country for an extended period of time where internet and power are not guaranteed where I will be staying, but internet cafés may be within a reasonable distance and solar panels might be accessible for charging.
I love that I can download resources for offline viewing and utilize notes and highlighting. What I really need is the ability to search and exegete while offline... whether that means all of the words in certain translations are embedded with Strong's numbers, or simply a reverse interlinear option where I can see the Strong's number and then manually look it up in my downloaded resource.
Either way, being able to exegete while offline is very important to me. I am not asking for special treatment for priority--but would be glad if this was made a priority.
I need to pack light, and need to pack as many resources as possible and a laptop draws too much power--60-85W vs. 10W (and I can't put it in an Otterbox / LifeProof case) and need to be able study and teach. Internet is a possibility but may take hours to get to, so I can't "rely" on internet.
So--to drive it home--me, my wide margin Bible, my iPad with as many resources as possible, a solar panel and a hut.
Offline exegesis--Please?
Stephen Koehn said:
I need to pack light, and need to pack as many resources as possible and a laptop draws too much power--60-85W vs. 10W (and I can't put it in an Otterbox / LifeProof case) and need to be able study and teach.
Personally living and learning: the MacBook Air has a 45 W power adapter, with power consumption up to 40 W =>
Apple Store has => Apple MagSafe Airline Adapter that may be feasible to use with a solar panel, ideally 16 volts. From Apple store discussion, learned about 30w folding solar panel => and 60w =>
Apple has refurbished MacBook Air models => (if was shopping for Logos 4 use, would look for July 2011 models with 4 GB RAM)
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thank you! This may be a route that I pursue, I just don't want to have to buy yet another computer! I've got a Mac Mini, MacBook Pro 15" and an iPad at home. I have not decided if I am going to sell the Mini and MBP or let family hang on to them. Though an Air would be a great solution, I still would love to see the feature added to the iPad. I am also trying to consider the conditions I will be in and dirt, moisture, moving parts, dirt in the keyboard, etc... Being able to encapsulate the iPad in a shroud of protection is extremely appealing to me.
It may be that I can even bring my Mini or MBP eventually but I am just thinking initially because there are so many unknowns.
Thank you again for your input!
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Stephen - I understand your concerns. I think that Logos will eventually provide this feature, but there are no indications that it will be in the near future. They may be waiting for hardware specs to improve, as much of the functions happen "in the cloud" currently.
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I agree about the hardware considerations, but as a temporary solution, providing reverse interlinear with inline Strong's numbers would be great! I could at least then manually look up the number in a Strong's numbered resource... It seems it would just involve creating it as a separate resource (i.e. KJV vs. KJV Reverse Internlinear).
I don't even need all of the Word study stuff to happen (though it would be nice), just being able to access the Strong's numbers while offline would be huge!
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Stephen - I think I have found a (partial) solution!
- Prioritize the NASB 1995 bible.
- Download the NASB bible.
- Download the Enhanced Strong's Lexicon
For some reason I don't know, the NASB 1995 (only!) will show strong's hyperlinks to important words, (but only!) when viewed as a popup scripture link. In my example here: Open a non bible resource with a scripture reference. Click on the reference, and the passage will pop up in a box. If the NASB95 is prioritized, it will show blue hyperlinks to strongs. Click on the Word and Strongs moves into the box, replacing the scripture. You can then click on a link at the bottom to go to strongs directly, if needed.
I just checked this offline and it works for me. You cannot, however, click on a word in the NASB95 directly and accomplish the same thing.
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Stephen Koehn said:
I am also trying to consider the conditions I will be in and dirt, moisture, moving parts, dirt in the keyboard, etc... Being able to encapsulate the iPad in a shroud of protection is extremely appealing to me.
Understand iPad appeal. For offline use, Thankful for split screen that can have Bible plus my favorite commentary => UBS Old Testament Handbook Series and => UBS New Testament Handbook Series that have translation insights across cultures, without needing original language mastery. While listening to a sermon, like to look at The NET Bible footnotes: e.g. footnote 84 in John 19:28
Currently, the iOS app (2.0.2) shows interlinear tagging (while hiding reverse interlinear); dreaming of display option like Logos 4 so can choose interlinear display lines. In the New Testament, prefer using Louw-Nida #'s, which can be used when iPad is offline if Louw-Nida lexicon has been downloaded for offline use:
Louw, J. P., & Nida, E. A. (1996). Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament: Based on semantic domains (electronic ed. of the 2nd edition.). New York: United Bible Societies.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Here is a link to an earlier thread where Jerry M alerted me to this feature online. On a hunch, I downloaded the necessary files and tried it offline.
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Stephen Koehn said:
I don't even need all of the Word study stuff to happen
The Newberry Interlinear gives you kind of this ability offline. But it chooses if its TDNT or DBL or Strong's (depending on what you have downloaded). The UBS interlinear will give Louw-Nida offline. (The Newberry is based on the majority text) You can experiment with this according to what resources you own to see if there is an acceptable work-around. You can always paste the Greek lemma in the reference box of BDAG while you look it up the word in the index.
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
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Alright, I have verified that I can, in fact, look up the Strong's reference while offline using NASB. This is GREAT! However... I can only look up the Strong's info if I am clicking on a reference. It is a pain, though it "works." Because this workaround functions, it should not be difficult for Logos to make this a feature rather than a "bug." Of course, when I jump to reference and try to "lookup" it indicates no info is available.
This is exactly what I need, and it's so close I can taste it!
Obviously the "easiest" way is to just take a laptop. It might come down to this, but the ability to protect the device is very important. Laptops are just too fragile and too expensive for "field work." I could get a cheap netbook... I shudder to think of it.
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Using the method Alabama explained, if you are offline and have the screen split between your Bible and a commentary that is part of an multi-volume set, the verse indicators in the commentary when tapped will give you a popup of the verse. Then you can tap on the hyperlinked words in blue. An exhaustive commentary set will probably have a verse number indicator for just about every verse.
(Another suggestion is to put a good Bible dictionary and maybe another lexicon open on Vyrso and then you can do a four finger swipe between the two apps when you want to manually look something up.)
"For the kingdom of God does not consist in words but in power"
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I feel your pain. I travel internationally about 40% of the time, and either connections are not available (airplaines e.g.) or they are so expensive you can't afford to use them. I think Logos has been slow to realize that the mobile world is the future. And no the mobile app is not free, we pay thousands for resources libraries and it is just one of the ways to access it. While the cloud is wonderful in a fully wired world, there are lots of reasons why using that model exclusfively is very limiting. A few thoughts for what it is worth:
- I was at least encouraged to see that the new mobile app update allowing notes and highlighting, allows you to use the function offline and then syncronize when you next sign in. So at least it seems they are thinking about offline as well as online for the new features. That gives me some hope for the future and hopefully they will continue to build on it. It's not easy to change your system architechure model when you have based it on an limitng assumption.
- I had Olive Tree before getting Logos and one suggestion that is probably substantially cheaper than buying a new laptop is to get a basic version of Olive Tree with perhaps just one or 2 translations which does have dynamic linking to Strongs so at least you can do simple word study. I would check out that possiblity as well. They have done a really nice job of allowing full use of any resource you buy and are willing to download onto your mobile device. Their advantage is that they started as a mobile app instead of trying to fit it into a desktop model later. I can still use my Olive Tree offline and it is a good supplement when offline.