Frustrating 2 column pop ups

John Kaess
John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I have selected "1 column" in the settings tab.  I am using an iPad 3 in landscape mode with the latest version of the Logos app.  I continually, repeatedly, OFTEN, frustratingly, find that when I am reading a resource in the app, if I tap (or even touch) the left side of the page to go back a page, instead a SECOND column pops up with my Bible version even though I have specifically set the columns to single and not auto.  I then have to manually drag the unwanted column off to the left.  You may say, "well swipe back instead of tapping to go back a page."  Often it is just an incidental accidental touch and up pops the second column.  This should not happen.  Accidentally or otherwise.

Am I alone in this?  Is there no way to keep the second column from continually popping up?

John Kaess



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    Hi John

    I think what you are describing is "splitting the screen" as opposed to having multiple columns.

    This (along with other things) was discussed in but I am not aware of any response from Logos as to whether this is intended or not. (I suspect it is)

    As I noted in that discussion:

    "It is as though there is a thin slice up the right-hand edge which if you tap results in a split-screen, then a thin slice just to the left of it which if you tap moves on to the next page."

    So the trick is to try and avoid that thin slice when you are tapping the screen!

    Is this consistent with what you are seeing?


  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭
    Yes. Byt in my experience the thin slice exists on both the textreme right and extreme left, and i unintentionall manage to tough them bith frequently. There needs to be a way to disable this "feature" or at the very least, if an accudental touch can split the screen there needs to be a quick, simple, easy way to revert to a non-split screen. Pardon the typos, the web firum software still does not allow corrections when using an ipad. Another "feature" which yas existed far too long.
  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Yes. Byt in my experience the thin slice exists on both the textreme right and extreme left

    There is only one button, but it slides. Think of it like a zipper. If the button is on the right, you can tap on it and it goes to split screen. You can also slide it to split the screen in the proportion you desire. As you slide it from right to left, eventually the button is on the LEFT side, rather than the right. NOTE: this is in landscape mode. In portrait mode the same thing applies, but it is "up & down" rather than "left & right".

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  • Andy
    Andy Member Posts: 2,282 ✭✭✭

    Pardon the typos, the web firum software still does not allow corrections when using an ipad.

    One workaround (as inelegant as it is) is to select another text field (e.g. the field designated 'tags') before reselecting the main text field. When reselecting the main text field, you should then be able to edit your original text. 

  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭

    alabama24 said:

    Yes. Byt in my experience the thin slice exists on both the textreme right and extreme left

    There is only one button, but it slides. Think of it like a zipper. If the button is on the right, you can tap on it and it goes to split screen. You can also slide it to split the screen in the proportion you desire. As you slide it from right to left, eventually the button is on the LEFT side, rather than the right.

    So, you are saying that an accidental touch can split your screen, but that fixing this takes a touch and drag, and that thee is NO way to disable or turn off the "feature".

    I don't remember seeing loads of people asking for a feature that allows unintentional accidental screen splitting.  And is it unreasonable to have a way to instantly revert the screen to the way it was after accidentally touching the screen?  And is having a feature that instantly changes the layout of your reading which can be implemented through an accidental touch good design?  Perhaps making this "feature" selectable in settings, or maybe requiring a confirmation box tap before it implements might make sense?

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    So, you are saying that an accidental touch can split your screen, but that fixing this takes a touch and drag, and that thee is NO way to disable or turn off the "feature".


    is having a feature that instantly changes the layout of your reading which can be implemented through an accidental touch good design?

    I don't ever use split screen, but I know that many other users do. I rarely ever have any troubles with it accidentally opening… It must be the way you are holding the device. I'll play around with it when I am with my iPad next. Did you say that you are using landscape most often?

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  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭

    I use landscape almost exclusively.

    i have been playing around with this for the ast few minutes and i beluve i ave arrived at a reasonable solution.

    the split screen should ONLY activate when the small grey quarter circle is tapped.  Currently brushing the edge of the screen ANYWHERE activates the split screen.  If this could be fixed to only occur when tapping the quarter circle grey spot, the problem would be resolved and i think it would serve those who want to split the screen and those who do not.

  • Janis Lewman
    Janis Lewman Member Posts: 66 ✭✭

    iPad split pane

    Apologies if this has been discussed previously.  I've tried to post this separately but keep getting errors.  How can I change the book appearing on the right pane, or can that be done?  I have the current day's text from reading plan on the left side.  if I drag the gray circle at bottom right of screen to access the split screen, what appears on the right side is Brook's Summarized Bible Complete Summary of New Testament.  It would be useful to be able to select a different resource, as needed, on right pane.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    Hi Janis

    • tap on the book in the right pane so it has focus
    • press the small icon at the top left of the screen which will slide in a panel on the left
    • swipe left or right in that panel until you find a library pane
    • Find the book you want in your library
    • Press on it and it should appear in the right half of the split pane

    Hope this helps, Graham

  • Janis Lewman
    Janis Lewman Member Posts: 66 ✭✭
  • David A Egolf
    David A Egolf Member Posts: 798 ✭✭

    Hi Janis

    • tap on the book in the right pane so it has focus
    • press the small icon at the top left of the screen which will slide in a panel on the left
    • swipe left or right in that panel until you find a library pane
    • Find the book you want in your library
    • Press on it and it should appear in the right half of the split pane

    Hope this helps, Graham

    I am scanning the forum tonight looking for a solution to this specific issue. I have tried to control "focus", but many times the newly selected resource seems to have a mind of its own on which frame it opens.  Focus seems to be touchy.  I wish there was an explicit control to designate where I wish to open the resource.

    Your explanation, Graham, at least gives me confidence that what I had been attempting to do should work.



  • Gary Butner, Th.D.
    Gary Butner, Th.D. Member Posts: 483 ✭✭

    I have an iPad 3, and use Logos in landscape mode all the time. I am  constantly having the split screen appear. Logos needs to fix this problem.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Logos needs to fix this problem.

    What do you suggest? There isn't a "bug" ...the issue is a user interface issue. How would you have Logos change the UI so that users can create a split screen? I think the UI is pretty good… but I can imagine how irritating it would be to continually get the split screen. [:S]

    I have two suggestions… one for you to try, and perhaps one for Logos to think about.

    1. If you primarily hold the device in your right hand, move the slider to the left side (or vice versa). I know that you will be holding the device with BOTH hands, but you are likely favoring one hand over the other. By moving the slider away from your dominant hand, you are less likely to accidently create the split screen. [The split screen is only formed when you hit the button, so move it away from your dominant hand].
    2. It might be good for Logos to add a lock mechanism for split screen to help out users like yourself. I personally don't use split screen often, but I think it is easy to use. If I were to use it more often, I wouldn't want it to be more difficult to access.

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  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    alabama24 said:

    I personally don't use split screen often, but I think it is easy to use. If I were to use it more often, I wouldn't want it to be more difficult to access.

    Hi Alabama - I think the point being made is not that the split is difficult to access but that it appears when its not wanted. That is, you press on the edge of the screen to flip the page but you end up with the screen splitting. (Sorry if this was already clear)

    As posted above, it seems to be a particular segment of the screen which does this - and I think this has to be a deliberate design decision by Logos.

    I used to get this a lot but have "trained myself" to avoid that portion of the screen and I manage to avoid it now most of the time.

    Having said that, I normally have the screen split anyway and so the issue doesn't arise[:)]


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Graham - I understood. I was responding to the "fix this" and was pointing out that others would not want it "fixed." The issue of accidentally creating a split screen happens when the semi-circle slider button is touched. By moving the slider to the opposite side should hopefully fix this for them. 

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  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭

    Alabama24 you are incorrect.  If the split screen only happened when the semicircle was touched, you would be correct.  This is absolutely NOT the case.  A touch ANYWHERE along the edge of the screen which as the semicircle triggers the split screen.  This is in fact a "bug" and it can and should be fixed.  There is bo need for the split screen to be triggered by accidentally touching the edge if the screen.  This does not remove a eature, nor dies it remove the ability to orposefully trigger a split screen by touching the semicircle.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    Hi John

    I agree with your description of what happens but...

    This is in fact a "bug"

    I don't know whether this is Logos' opinion - this may be something which they have designed in to the app.

    So it would be really good to get their perspective on this.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I am completely unable to replicate this. The ONLY time I can create a split screen is when the area surrounding the semi circle is tapped. Touching the side of the page, turns the page. If there is a bug, i cant replicate it.

    Could you guys at least humor me and move the slide to the opposite side? Also, what device & OS are you running? Perhaps we can track down a bug that way. 

    NOTE: the semi-circle might be hidden, but the area is still active. 

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  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    OK, I've been able to replicate, but only with a quick, double tap, and only in landscape. Is that what you are seeing? If I report this in the beta forum, I need to be precise. 

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  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭

    Yes.  As stated earlier in the thread, this occurs in landscape mode, and i am using an iPad.  It is 100% repeatable and does not require a double tab, but a mere touch in some invisible edge of the screen always on the same side as the semicurcle.  If you move the semicircle, the accudental touch area canges sides also.  The "trigger area for activating the split screen seems to be very narrow and right on the edge if the screen, while the oage turn area s euder and further in.  The oroblem s that often trying to turn a page gives you a split screen and sometimes just brushing the edge gives you a split screen.  There is NO reason why ANY area but the semicircle should trigger a split screen.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I will post this in the beta forum if you guys concur:

    It appears that there is a UI bug, which causes the split screen to appear inadvertently. This happens with a double tap motion along some (but not all) of the edges of the screen. My experiments seem to suggest that this problem occurs:

    1. In portrait mode, ONLY along the top edge, and ONLY when the slider is aligned at the top. 
    2. In landscape mode, ONLY along the right or left edge, and ONLY on the side where the slider is aligned. 

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  • Wes Saad
    Wes Saad Member Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭

    I can replicate the single-tap-on-the-side issue; happens consistently with me. Latest iPad, latest Logos version, landscape mode, split on left or right side. A single tap on the extreme right or left (depending on the position of the split) of the screen will cause the split to pop out. I would guess this is a deliberate feature rather than a bug, a quick way to access the split.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    There is NO reason why ANY area but the semicircle should trigger a split screen.

    I concur. I do have a hypothesis... No idea if I'm right... I wonder if the semi-circle with line are functioning as the button. When "split screen" is off, there becomes a "pixel wide" area where the line is still available to touch. I had great difficulties trying to reproduce this one... It is still difficult for me to do, but I'm sure part of it is the differences in how we hold and tap the screen. 

    I will create a new thread now. Hopefully we can get it fixed for you guys. I'm sure it must be frustrating. 

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  • Wes Saad
    Wes Saad Member Posts: 1,601 ✭✭✭

    Actually, this also happens in portrait mode; just tried it out. Personally, I'm glad to learn this. I don't use the split screen much; too lazy to drag it out. But a quick way to pop it up strikes me as useful.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Actually, this also happens in portrait mode; just tried it out.

    But just along the top, right? (besides tapping the semi-circle, of course). 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭

    I'm bumping this because it still has not been addressed in the 4 months since i posted the problem.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I'm bumping this because it still has not been addressed in the 4 months since i posted the problem.

    Hi John,

    I've written up a case for our development department.

  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 754 ✭✭✭

    I'm bumping this because it still has not been addressed in the 4 months since i posted the problem.

    Hi John,

    I've written up a case for our development department.

    kevin, another two months have gone by, and several updates.  I just got version 3.50 tonight and this problem has still not been fixed.  I'd appreciate it if you could nudge someone.  Thanks.
