Which paper Study Bible?

Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell
Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell Member Posts: 715 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hey guys... which paper study bible would you recommend? (yes I'm a Logos user, but I still want to know). The one caveat is no "Message" or paraphrase-type Bibles... I'm really picky about that, being an NASB user to begin with.

I'm certainly willing to look at other translations though... in fact that might be a good idea just to see different scholarly inputs... (by which I don't mean the New World Translation or anything!) Big Smile



  • Daniel Yoder
    Daniel Yoder Member Posts: 540 ✭✭

    The ESV Study Bible is quite studly, and the NIV Study Bible is also worth a look. 

  • Roger G Black
    Roger G Black Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    While having digital is a very nice thing, I too, like to have paper to back it up.  I recently purchased 2 New Inductive Study Bibles for the household, 1 ESV and 1 NASB.  Inductive Study Bibles are a format that can have the user digging into the Word, if they choose to put this style into action and into heart.  Just a few ideas to look into.

    Rog {BlueBird} Cool

  • Geo Philips
    Geo Philips Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

    Hey guys... which paper study bible would you recommend? (yes I'm a Logos user, but I still want to know). The one caveat is no "Message" or paraphrase-type Bibles... I'm really picky about that, being an NASB user to begin with.

    I'm certainly willing to look at other translations though... in fact that might be a good idea just to see different scholarly inputs... (by which I don't mean the New World Translation or anything!) Big Smile

    ESV has a whole bunch of study bibles (I have heard the Global Study Bible is quite good) but I recommend the standard ESV Study Bible, which has excellent articles and graphics to go along with solid mini-commentary (standard caveats about theological leanings which might be different to yours.)

    I would not get the current NIV Study Bible. However, it is being updated by Doug Moo and DA Carson, so that might be a good one to get later.

  • Matthew C Jones
    Matthew C Jones Member Posts: 10,295 ✭✭✭

    Several I like are:

    The Open Bible NASB

    The Geneva Study Bible

    The KJV Study Bible (formerly known as the Liberty Annotated Study Bible)

    The Strand Study Bible (this one is new to me but so far I like it)

    Logos 7 Collectors Edition

  • Unix
    Unix Member Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭

    I think the 1995 NASU that You are already using, is superior to the Evangelical Standard Version. I haven't used a Study Bible, but agree that ESV has bias in the Study Bible notes. Plus the ESV has bias in the translation.

    I use other Bibles myself, I don't feel like discussing them right now, I'm focusing on writing other posts ...

    48G AMD octacore V9.2 Acc 12

  • Fred Chapman
    Fred Chapman Member Posts: 5,899 ✭✭✭

    Paper Study Bibles?

    I did not know they still made them out of paper. Why? [:O][;)]

  • Everett Headley
    Everett Headley Member Posts: 951 ✭✭

    For me it is hands down the ESV Study Bible.  It's a brick, but an incredible work, as far as study Bibles go.  I tend to collect study Bibles, however, and really like the Believer's Study Bible, which I'm not sure is in print/or it was renamed, I can't remember.   

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,126

    Hey guys... which paper study bible would you recommend?

    this depends on your planned usage intentions and whether you'd rather be confirmed in - or challenged by - a certain theological viewpoint. E.g. the ESB SB is rather reformed-leaning (there are of course more outspoken Reformed SBs) and complementarist, the CSSB is Lutheran (again, there's a more Lutheran SB), the current NIV SB is probably the global bestseller of SBs and "broadly evangelical" (wonder if the upcoming new NIV SB will be more reformed leaning, given the editors) - and that's only the non-pentecostal, conservative protestant flaviour ...

    I personally like NIV SB in paper, but find I look less and less into it, given that I have FSB, ESV SB and CSSB in Logos (and CSSB is a "lutheranized" NIV SB). For bible study in German language I rather carry a Thomson Chain Reference bible around. 


    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,010

    I tend to collect study Bibles

    Everett, since you are a collector, may I suggest the Andrews Study Bible . Different perspective on some areas of belief. Tell me what you think. Logos also has it. 

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,781 ✭✭✭

    I would use the paperback edition of the ESV Study Bible.

    NB.Mick said:

    For bible study in German language I rather carry a Thomson Chain Reference bible around. 

    My favorite paper study Bible is the Stuttgarter Studienbibel. I still use my old German paperback edition and the Hungarian hardback edition regularly.

    For Bible study in Dutch I use the classic Kanttekeningen (English translation available here as Logos pb).

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭

    Jewish Study Bible, which obviously doesn't include the NT. (Edit to add: There's the Jewish Annotated New Testament, a NRSV NT with Jewish study notes from the same people who did the JSB.)

    I found the ESV Study Bible to be *extremely* narrow. I prefer the NIV Study Bible to the ESV, even aware of its problems.

    "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton

  • Deacon Steve
    Deacon Steve Member Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭

    I use two study bibles regularly:

    Catholic Study Bible, Second Edition (NABRE) -> Coming to Logos, HERE.

    Ignatius Catholic Study Bible (RSV2CE) - Available in Logos, HERE.

    The Ignatius Study Bible is currently available for the New Testament.  The publisher is currently working on the Old Testament.


  • PL
    PL Member Posts: 2,156 ✭✭✭

    I would advise against:

    - NIV Study Bible - the notes are good and helpful, but they very frequently refer to notes elsewhere, so unless you like turning pages a lot, this is one that much more useable in electronic format, IMHO 

    - NLT Study Bible - the notes do not have depth

    Esv Study Bible has good notes and charts and graphics... The maps are lightly colored and kind of hard to read.


  • Josh
    Josh Member Posts: 1,529 ✭✭✭

    The first study Bible that I ever bought for myself was a NASB Ryrie Study Bible. I loved it.

  • John
    John Member Posts: 398 ✭✭

    The ESV Study Bible is quite studly, and the NIV Study Bible is also worth a look. 

    The ESV Study Bible is definitely among the best.

    The main problem with the (2011) NIV is with the translation being made gender-neutral. Almost guarantees its eventual decline.

    There is also the Reformation study Bible (revision of the Geneva SB, edited by R.C. Sproul), available in ESV or NKJV.

    If you like John Macarthur, his study Bible is very good and available in several translations.

    If you are from a dispensationalist (I hope not [H]) background, the Ryrie study Bible is very good.

    And last but not least, the HCSB translation and study Bible are both very good. Especially the translation which IMO is better than the ESV.


  • John
    John Member Posts: 398 ✭✭

    Unix said:

    ... ESV has bias in the Study Bible notes.

    All study Bibles have bias. The ESV is actually well regarded for being more objective than most, it shows several different views in difficult passages.

    Unix said:

    Plus the ESV has bias in the translation.

    All translations have bias. Only way to escape that fact is to learn original languages (using lexicons and study tools which have bias of course) [:D]


  • Michael
    Michael Member Posts: 362 ✭✭

    The Life Application study bible is very good and I think it comes in the NIV, NASB and one other translation.  The Quest Study bible is also very good.  I know it comes in NIV, but not sure what other versions it may be in.  Both deal with every day issues that we face as Christians.

  • Ben
    Ben Member Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭

     "The ESV is actually well regarded for being more objective than most, it shows several different views in difficult passages."

    Oh really?

    My comments from elsewhere, 2009.

    >I know lots of people like it, but I was singularly *unimpressed* with its notes when I looked through it at SBL last year. 

    The note on Genesis 1:1, for example, does not even mention the alternate translation of the verse, one many scholars take to be correct (i.e. NRSV and JPS/TNK.) Not even a mention, and it claims to be a Study Bible! Moreover, it assumes that Gen 1:1 (without mentioning the alternative) teaches creation exnihilo [again, something most scholars now reject], and then states that this is"confirmed by the NT writers' affirmation that creation was from nothing" though their citied passages affirm no such thing. They also leave out 2Peter 3:5, which has a connection to Genesis and creation from the pre-existing chaotic water/deep/tehom. 

    For a *Study* Bible, I find the notes vastly incomplete and hopelessly dogmatic, with no mention of alternatives. Whether the scholars are right or not is immaterial to this discussion. I expect a *Study* Bible to present the options, not dogmatically choose and arbitrate between them for the reader, without letting the reader know there is even a question.  There *is* a debate, and the ESV Study Bible presents the topic as if there were absolute certainty. That is what I take issue with.

    "The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton

  • Rosie Perera
    Rosie Perera Member Posts: 26,194 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I've pretty much abandoned the use of paper study Bibles, but I always liked the NIV Study Bible. It's got quite good notes; excellent cross-references; a nice, succinct, but remarkably comprehensive concordance (though that's a moot point with Logos and its search capabilities); and some pretty good maps. I wish Logos would publish that someday, at least the cross-references. I've been slowly chipping away at making a PB of them, but I fear it will take me until kingdom come, and I hope Logos comes along and does it before I finish with Genesis. 

  • mab
    mab Member Posts: 3,069 ✭✭✭

    I'll give another thumbs up on the ESV Study Bible. You get free access to their online ESV Study Bible which I absolutely love. Very handy. Of course I had to have the module in Logos too.

    I just added a Life Application Study Bible to my paper Bibles since Logos doesn't have it yet. Word of caution: get the Large Print version, the standard version notes are really small.

    One other gem is the Thompson Chain Reference. Very useful and yes I wish it was in Logos too. 

    FWIW, if you really use a bound Bible, look for a sewn binding and avoid bonded leather which wears out rather quickly.

    The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter

  • Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell
    Carmen Gauvin-O'Donnell Member Posts: 715 ✭✭✭

    Wow everyone... thanks so much for all the feedback... this leads to a follow-up question... I must agree with some of you that, as a relatively well-educated long-time student of the Bible, I'm quite capable of deciding for myself which way I think an interpretation should go... so here's what I'm thinking: is there a study Bible out there that doesn't so much focus on interpretations as information - in other words I don't really care whether "day" means "day" or "period of time", but what I do want to know is... what's a "talent"? Who was this Herod guy?

    Obviously, I know I can quite easily find this info using Logos (and do it all the time [:D]  ), but what about when my Logos is in one place, and it's just me and my paper study Bible elsewhere? Which of the above mentioned study bibles does the best job at that (even if they include hermeneutical stuff?)

    Thanks again!

  • David Bailey
    David Bailey Member Posts: 654 ✭✭

    Obviously, I know I can quite easily find this info using Logos (and do it all the time Big Smile  ), but what about when my Logos is in one place, and it's just me and my paper study Bible elsewhere?

    There is only one bible that fits the bill: The Thompson Chain Bible.  You can get it in the original NASB and NIV.  I have a genuine leather NASB with outstanding features and binding - it should last for many years (edit: and has - for the past 23 years). I wouldn't mind having a digital Logos version of this bible as well.


  • Ken McGuire
    Ken McGuire Member Posts: 2,074 ✭✭✭

    If nothing else, this discussion has shown that there are many different expectations for a Study Bible.  I come from a mainline background, and eventually settled on the HarperCollins Study Bible produced with the help of SBL.  I used the New Oxford Annotated in School, and it to be a bit clunky not too insightful.  It gave solid information, but generally information I already knew...  While the maps at the end were excellent, there was no graphical information in the text itself.  I practically jumped for joy when I looked at the HarperCollins and saw the "Simplified Family Tree" for the Herods near the beginning of Matthew's Gospel, as well as much more extensive annotation.  Admittedly Oxford has seen this and the 3rd and 4th editions are much better than the one I used in school.

    No, it doesn't give the theological meanings that I do find in scripture.  But it seems to do a decent job at summarizing what many top-drawer academics find and debate about in the Bible.


    Ken McGuire

    The Gospel is not ... a "new law," on the contrary, ... a "new life." - William Julius Mann

    L8 Anglican, Lutheran and Orthodox Silver, Reformed Starter, Academic Essentials

    L7 Lutheran Gold, Anglican Bronze

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    The ESV Study Bible is quite st***ly, and the NIV Study Bible is also worth a look. 

    Peace and Blessings, Daniel!                   *smile*

                   If you can still edit your post, you might want to replace the word st**dly with something else, eh???             *smile*

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Milford Charles Murray
    Milford Charles Murray Member Posts: 5,004 ✭✭✭

    Steve said:

    Thank you, Milford.

    Hi, Steve!         *smile*                  Just now I realised that I should also edit the word in my quote of Daniel's  post ....      oopppssss, almost!    *smile*

                                                                      Thanks for your very kind post!

    Philippians 4:  4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand..........

  • Kent
    Kent Member Posts: 529 ✭✭

    Ben said:

    Moreover, it assumes that Gen 1:1 (without mentioning the alternative) teaches creation exnihilo [again, something most scholars now reject],

    Is there another alternative? Did God find some substance lying around and decide to use that? I know liberal scholars believe God is limited but who are "most scholars"?

  • Evan Boardman
    Evan Boardman Member Posts: 738 ✭✭

    I like the ESV translation, but for a study bible I prefer the Matthew Henry  Study Bible.

  • Daniel Yoder
    Daniel Yoder Member Posts: 540 ✭✭

    Peace and Blessings, Daniel!                   *smile*

                   If you can still edit your post, you might want to replace the word st**dly with something else, eh???             *smile*

    I am very sorry for my poor choice of words.  I can no longer edit the post.  Can a forum administrator be contacted about removing my post? 

    My sincere apologies.  Thanks for pointing this out to me.