Why can't I have all of my library books on Logos app for Android?

Kwangho Song
Kwangho Song Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Someone mentioned about offline capability of Logos app. Good point!

But my problem is, 'Why can't I have all the books of my library on Logos app for Android?'  I'm not talking about 'off-line' capability. I've got Scholar's edition (Logos 4) but a lot of books from this library don't appear on Logos app for Android.

Could anyone help me on this?



  • Welcome [:D]

    Due to contracts with various publishers, about 11 % of my Logos library is not available for mobile use.  In 2009, Logos changed their licensing to purchase once, use as desired on a variety of devices.  Caveat: a number of products are available for use in Logos 4, which are not allowed for mobile access.

    Thankful for Logos discussions with many publishers, which is adding more mobile resource access without Logos users needing to purchase resource again (e.g. NIV 1984).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Philana Crouch
    Philana Crouch Member Posts: 2,151 ✭✭✭

    Someone mentioned about offline capability of Logos app. Good point!

    But my problem is, 'Why can't I have all the books of my library on Logos app for Android?'  I'm not talking about 'off-line' capability. I've got Scholar's edition (Logos 4) but a lot of books from this library don't appear on Logos app for Android.

    Could anyone help me on this?

    The issue is that some publishers do not want to allow their books on mobile devices. And some of them that do would like us to pay more for mobile access, in other words cause us to pay twice for a book. Logos is holding out and saying they will not charge us a second time for us to access a book we have already purchased. Some have said they would be willing to pay more for specific books, but if Logos caves we would have to pay a lot. It would set a precedent and could really start to add up. Logos is trying to work out contracts and right that will allow us to access our entire libraries. We can know this because it tool awhile but they were able to get us access to the NIV, NIV84 ect. without paying more. 

    Think of it this way, I can basically take my paper book with me everywhere (for the most part). I don't have to pay for a copy to take two different places. Logos is saying the same should be true with our ebooks.




  • Kwangho Song
    Kwangho Song Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Thanks for your reply, much appreciated. Now I understand what was happening.

    I'd like to thank the Logos team and all publishers as well for their great works in the Kingdom of God! I together with many Logos users look forward to hearing good news on this matter in the near future.

    In Christ

  • Mr.Peter
    Mr.Peter Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Now what you say is the case... Then what about the ipod touch & ipad because i have had more diffacuty with android then with itunes. Why might that be?


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,109

    Hi Peter - and welcome to the forums.

    Peter said:

    Then what about the ipod touch & ipad because i have had more diffacuty with android then with itunes.

    The "mobile availability" of a resource is common across Android and iOS devices. So if something is available on Android it should be available on iOS and vice versa.

    iTunes is not used when downloading / accessing Logos resources (though can be used for backup).

    What specific issues are you seeing?


  • Mr.Peter
    Mr.Peter Member Posts: 10 ✭✭

    Good day: Of this subject I due differ / wherein these posts discussed as a single subject of offline reading availability; once received from logos one can then download them to their device.
    Such as: various publishers, about 11 % of my Logos library is not available for mobile use… As seen & or can be read was the starting read for this form / My personal comment about how I have found Apple ios by fay excepts logos software / logos excepts apples ios for offline reading. That said this means one can download their purchased books etc. with-out having any disclaimer about not being able to not download… Or is my personal experience an exception?
    my library is vastly very large…
    Also I am trying to decide which android tablet for this very reason, now show that logos has fallen behind in this or am I all wrong, or even impart right? Thank you so much for this opportunity to find out what possible concerning future buys of logos.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,109

    Hi Peter

    Sorry but I am really struggling to understand your post.

    Some comments:


    • If a resource is available for mobile use you should be able to download this to your device. Some people are experiencing issues with particular resources but - in general - anything you can read from a mobile device should be downloadable to that device
    • downloaded resources can be read offline but more advanced features (such as BWS and Passage Guides) and only available when online
    • the iOS app allows offline search but this is not currently available on the Android platform. In general, the iOS app is further ahead than the Android app and I don't know when / if we will see parity


    Hope this helps but concerned I may not be addressing your questions.

    If you could restate them that would be helpful


  • Mr.Peter
    Mr.Peter Member Posts: 10 ✭✭


     Thanks gram: I’m not
    going to cobble / downloadable books – app’s etc should be available; when it
    gets out that many library’s can-only be read online & not off-line I’m
    sure logos market share might drop / here’s another question I have: after X
    Miss 2011, before Jan 1st 2012 got an ipod touch / awesome; my immense
    software library went on it w/out any problem. Of which when signing up w/ Vyrso:
    Christian Ebooks then to receive ESV Bible free as one of many other a
    downloadable apps. This free bible could be read from either-platform / logos
    & Vyrso apps… Now about #2 weeks ago I changed my password with logos which
    is the same password with Vyrso I found I had to reload all my books etc / then
    also to find this ESV Bible along with many of the free books received, then
    unable to download one such as the ESV BIBLE… But what’s interesting is what
    then went on sale were a number of Bibles etc / called customer service &
    they just couldn't grasp or understand / this I found fishy. Non the less our  G_d bless & keep you; with regards &



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,081

    Peter said:

    Thanks gram: I’m not
    going to cobble

    I commented about the clarity of your communication in another thread. So I'll comment where possible:-

    Peter said:

    when it
    gets out that many library’s can-only be read online & not off-line I’m
    sure logos market share might drop

    Recent posts in Android and iOS forums show a number of important resources now being available offline. It was certain books from certain publishers so I wouldn't characterise it as "many library's" unless you can state specific examples that affect you.

    Peter said:

    Now about #2 weeks ago I changed my password with logos which
    is the same password with Vyrso I found I had to reload all my books etc / then
    also to find this ESV Bible along with many of the free books received, then
    unable to download one such as the ESV BIBLE… But what’s interesting is what
    then went on sale were a number of Bibles etc / called customer service &
    they just couldn't grasp or understand / this I found fishy.

    You can't download a book unless you own it (or can use it) in the desktop Logos 4 app. Do you own the ESV bible? Did you logon with the same account you used to purchase the bible?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Tim Revis
    Tim Revis Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    This is really sad, indeed. I understand software licensing quite well (I work for a sw co.), but this is just ridiculous. I'm a Logos5 Scholar licensee. If I'm licensed to read a book on my PC with Logos, I certainly should be able to read that same book on my iPad with Logos. This is a big weakness (i.e., deficiency/failure) with the mobile Logos (and Logos in general).

  • Todd Phillips
    Todd Phillips Member Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭

    Tim Revis said:

    This is really sad, indeed. I understand software licensing quite well (I work for a sw co.), but this is just ridiculous. I'm a Logos5 Scholar licensee. If I'm licensed to read a book on my PC with Logos, I certainly should be able to read that same book on my iPad with Logos. This is a big weakness (i.e., deficiency/failure) with the mobile Logos (and Logos in general).

    It's much different than software licensing.  It's text licensing, and it's not between you and Logos, but between Logos and the copyright holders (the original publishers in most cases).  The copyright holders (of which there can be multiple for a single work) license their books to Logos for electronic distribution in certain formats. When the formats change, the licenses must be renegotiated.  The publishers/copyright holders are always wary of giving away too many of their rights, so they often don't want to change agreements without careful consideration, and the copyright holders may also have exclusive agreements with other companies that limit how some books may be licensed.  Many agreements were negotiated before mobile use was ever envisioned, so Logos has had to go back to the publishers and try to update the agreements to avoid legal problems before they can allow mobile use for those books.

    Logos has said that they would allow all books on all platforms if they legally could, but it's the copyright holders that are holding them back.  Hopefully new agreements will allow resources to be used on any Logos platform (mobile + desktop), but if the copyright holders still resist, then I'd say it's still preferable to have a book available only on the desktop then not at all.

    BTW, 96% of my library is available on mobile devices, which is higher than it was when this thread was started.  (If still I had Perseus installed, it would be 99%).

    MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540

  • Tim Revis
    Tim Revis Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    I get it, but it's still a weakness. I'm the licensee and I feel I should have rights to read the books (in electronic format) that are part of my package (Scholars) either on my PC or my iPad. Considering the popularity of mobile devices (tablets in particular), I think Logos should be addressing this with the copyright holders.

    So far I have not had much luck accessing books I was reading on my PC also on the iPad - case in point are several I'm reading on apologetics. Guess that's just bad luck on my part!


  • Chelle Sparks
    Chelle Sparks Member Posts: 2 ✭✭

    I just purchased BMG Essentials Library, specifically for the Complete Word Study Books and I am trying to search those particular books on my Logos App in Android. They are not even showing up online in the app only in the PC version.  So even if I purchase the BMG Essentials Library, I cannot even access the books in this library online without downloading them from the app?  Is this correct?  Because if that is the case, I would have been better off to go to Kindle or somewhere and purchase the book so that I could use it on my app?  I very rarely have the big PC by my side when I am doing Bible Study....

    Please help me understand this?

    Thank you!

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,109

    Hi Chelle - and welcome to the forums

    Sorry, but according to the product page the AMG Essentials resources are not available on mobile devices.

    If this is a requirement for you, Logos do have a 30-day return and refund policy.


  • David Wilson
    David Wilson Member Posts: 1,238 ✭✭✭

    These restrictions seem more silly as time goes on.

    We already have mobile devices that can run the full windows 8 operating system and we can expect that Apple will soon come out with an iPad that can run its full O/S in addition to its (soon to be legacy) mobile one.

    It is no longer a case of copyright holders refusing to allow extension of the right to use the publication on a mobile device, now they are merely discriminating against Android and iPad (and presumably Win RT) operating systems.

    Users of Mobile devices capable of running the full laptop O/S can already access their full library.

    Just a matter of time and a little more mobile electronics development and this issue will itself be a legacy issue
    (as will some publishers if they continue their lack of awareness of where the market is heading as opposed to where they are trying to force it to go)

  • Chelle Sparks
    Chelle Sparks Member Posts: 2 ✭✭


    I finally figured out where to look for the format (right above the price).  Total ignorance on my part. Thank you for your prompt reply.
