MacArthur's NT Commentary?

I have a few of his commentaries that came on CD/DVD with his other books. But I can't find his other NT Commentaries to purchase...are they available on the iPad?
Kindle, Olive Tree, & ChristianBookDistributors offers the entire set (CBD special for $148.50 for 28-30 Vols)
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
You can't purchase them for Logos anymore, since Moody Publishers withdrew their books from Logos. The only way to get them right now would be to find an old Libronix CD for purchase, or else have somebody who already owns them transfer their license to you.
They do work on iPad, by the way, but you have to somehow buy them first.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Thank you. I forgot about this
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
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....anyone out there interested in transferring their license for MacArthur NT Commentaries for a price? [;)] I admit, I have it on MY Logos 5, but would like to bless my husband with a copy on HIS Logos....
sheepishly asking...
any news on when it might be available again through Logos?
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The only news we have came from before they were taken. The answer was hedged... They were continuing to work on it but were viewing it as a long term, or permanent situation.
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alabama24 said:
They were continuing to work on it
I did not think there was any active negotiations after Moody pulled everything. I hope they will, though.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Didn't realize MacArthur's Commentaries were no longer available on Logos. Those commentaries were the main reason I bought my first Logos package in '96...
15" rMBP 2.6 GHz i7 | 16 GB RAM | 1.0 TB Flash Drive | OS X 10.12.3 | Logos 7.0 (
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Otto S. Carroll said:
Didn't realize MacArthur's Commentaries were no longer available on Logos. Those commentaries were the main reason I bought my first Logos package in '96...
One of the first Logos resources I picked up was the MacArthur Lifeworks bundle. That was several years ago now. I still have to box! You guys remember libronix boxes, right? lol
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Super.Tramp said:
I did not think there was any active negotiations after Moody pulled everything. I hope they will, though.
That's not what I meant, sorry. [:s]
I meant: when we first were notified, they were continuing to work on it, but that if and when the resources were pulled, it would be considered a long term/ permanent situation. I assume this means something like: the publisher's no longer wanted their resources in the Logos format OR the terms they wanted (whatever they may have been) were not "reasonable" to Logos.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
One thing that this MacArthur Commentary situation makes clear: If there is something available in Logos that you really want, don't wait too long to purchase it. It may not be there in a few months.
Or it may not be available as cheaply. Remember when the Baker Exegetical Commentaries and other commentaries were pulled from the Platinum Package? I am sure glad I bought that package before some of the really good stuff was pulled.
It is not always up to Logos what they offer, or even how much they can charge. Publishers have the final say on who sells their books.
I certainly am not urging anyone to buy something that they cannot afford. But do not just hesitate and miss something that you need. That may cost you more in the long run.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0