Announcing...Android Suite 4.0.3 Beta Release!

David Schwegler (Faithlife)
David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423
edited November 2024 in Beta Forum Archive

The Android development team is excited to announce the availability of the redesigned v4 Android beta apps!

If you have not yet signed up for the beta (or if you have not yet switched to downloading the betas via the Google Play store), we encourage you to do so! Instructions are here:

After using the redesigned v4 beta apps, we would particularly appreciate your feedback in this survey:

Special note: With a redesign like this, it’s especially likely to have some rough spots. We appreciate your patience and feedback!

If you discover any issues, please create a new post and include the following info:

  •  Description – How were you using the app when the problem occurred.
  •  App Info – Which app you are using. (Bible, Biblia, Faithlife Study Bible, Vyrso)
  •  Device Info – (Nexus 7, Motorola Triumph, Droid Bionic, Kindle Fire (1st gen))
  •  Android Version – (2.3, 3.x, 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)

Versions in this release:

  • Biblia 4.0.3 (Build 127)
  • Bible 4.0.3 (Build 155)
  • Faithlife Study Bible 4.0.3 (Build 129)
  • Verbum 4.0.3 (Build 92)
  • Vyrso 4.0.3 (Build 144)


  • New v4 app design!
    • Sliding Navigation Drawer with app features
    • App features open in the main content area, rather than a side panel
  • New Home Page
    • Jump to a passage
    • View today's readings
    • Create daily devotionals, lectionaries, or Bible reading plans
    • Read blogs and special offers from Logos
    • View updated and downloading resources
  • New Reading View
    • Passage Guides, Note Documents, and Reading Plan Documents can be opened side-by-side with resources in split-screen mode
    • Passage Guide and Text Comparison can be panel-linked with resources
    • New per-panel action bars for quick access to study tools
    • Support for limited vertical resource scrolling via a two finger scroll
    • Verse map shows recent passages
  • New Document Support
    • View and create new Reading Plan (Bible, Biblia, & Verbum) and Notes Documents
    • View all notes/highlights in a particular document
    • Create notes not tied to a resource or passage
    • Support for creating notes with text shared from other Android apps
  • New Favorites & History Support
    • Create new guide and document favorites
    • View favorites for guides, documents, and searches created on the desktop
    • Access history items for guides and documents
    • New dual pane layout for the history list on tablets
  • Additional data type support
    • Author data types
    • Volume data types


  • Increased the size of the info button for library items


  • Force close when viewing Mobile Education video content in the media viewer

Known Issues

  • Home Page content is subject to change
  • Home Page news items are unavailable offline
  • Home Page news items cannot be expanded
  • Guides do not open to the active reference
  • Some working indicators are missing
  • Changing the color scheme results in returning to the home page
  • Proper fonts are not always used for the word info dialog
  • Long resource titles in the panel header are not always displayed correctly
  • Additional theming, artwork, and iconography is needed
  • Many new Spanish strings are not yet available


  • Dale Eads
    Dale Eads Member Posts: 91 ✭✭

    Got the Google+ notification and went straight to the Play Store but no update yet!!!!  Aaaahhhhh!! I'm not going to be able to go to sleep until it updates now!

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Dale Eads said:

    Got the Google+ notification and went straight to the Play Store but no update yet!!!!  Aaaahhhhh!! I'm not going to be able to go to sleep until it updates now!

    It should be very soon! We've already posted the update to Google Play, it just takes a few minutes for it to become available sometimes.

  • Larry D. Sherraden
    Larry D. Sherraden Member Posts: 12 ✭✭

    David,  I just read your postings about the 4 0.3 release.   I cannot find the hyperlink to download the beta.   Am I missing something? 

  • Dale Eads
    Dale Eads Member Posts: 91 ✭✭

    It's at the bottom of the page of the first link of this post.

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    David,  I just read your postings about the 4 0.3 release.   I cannot find the hyperlink to download the beta.   Am I missing something? 

    Hi Larry,

    If you have the Google Play store on your device, we strongly encourage you to get automatic updates by signing up for our beta program through the Google Plus community group. The instructions to do so are listed here: If you don't have Google Play, the direct download links are at the bottom of that page (and are kept up to date). 


  • LaRosa Johnson
    LaRosa Johnson Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Got it downloaded on my phone (Galaxy Nexus), Nexus 7 (2013) and Nexus 10 tablets. Will spend some time playing around tomorrow.

    Immediate observation is that it's very nice! Great job guys! [Y]

    Urban Scholar - 
    Christ-centered Hip-Hop -

  • mike
    mike Member Posts: 2,111 ✭✭✭

    on my tablet, it is very difficult to change the book when I have half-half screen for the bottom screen..

    it doesn't always open the library whenever I wanted to open a different book..

    I don't have a problem with the top-half, but the bottom half ALWAYS gives me problem whenever I want to change my book to something else..

    Also, may we request that the library fonts be made smaller, so we actually SEE WHAT BOOK we're looking at .. I don't want to memorize the book by the cover all the time..its irritating ( I know we can hit the i mark)

  • Chris Martin
    Chris Martin Member Posts: 200 ✭✭

    For those not seeing the update, trying going to the Logos Bible app page directly in the Google Play Market (assuming you have signed up for the beta releases). I wasn't seeing an update notification in the "My Apps" section of the market, but after going to the specific page for the app it did indeed show an update.

    First impressions were really positive. I love the new app drawer, and it feels quite a bit more responsive overall.

    Two-finger scrolling is also much appreciated. I wish there was a way to say that scrolling is my preferred method of navigating text in the settings somewhere so I could just use one finger and give up the paging option.

    Looking good though. Thanks!

    Platform Details for Alpha/Beta Testing Reference:

    • Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    • Intel Core2 Duo P7450 @ 2.13GHz
    • 6GB DDR3 RAM
    • Logos 4 Gold
  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    Awesome! Awesome! AWESOME! This is lightyears ahead of the old UI. LOVE the sliding drawer. Nearly everything looks and feels better, cleaner, more polished. I've only played with it about 30 mins (way past bedtime), but I'm really loving it.

    The only negative is that I don't really like the Choose Location dialog when selecting Search, Passage Guide, Share, etc. 1) It's not as elegant as everything else appears to be. 2) It also obscures the text where it would be nicer to see the text as you're choosing. 3) And it does not allow for selection of a range (I can only post a verse at a time to Facebook?) A dialog that let you choose the verse to operate on by showing the text a verse at a time, adjusted by a slider might be one idea. Something that looks like the top part of the Settings panel, except that the slider changes the selected verse instead of the font size. Maybe a second slider to change the range??? Just an idea. Not an easy problem to come up with ideas for.

    But that's just one tiny nit in what otherwise is looking awesome.

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Like the new interface. Clean, no learning curve. Is the passage guide supposed to follow the prioritized list in the Library? Mine choses which commentary it wants to list to the top. It does not pull up the Word Biblical Commentary, which is in my top five.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    Hi Lynden

    Is the passage guide supposed to follow the prioritized list in the Library? Mine choses which commentary it wants to list to the top. It does not pull up the Word Biblical Commentary, which is in my top five.

    This has been a long standing issue with the PG on iOS and it looks as though it persists into the Android platform as well.

    It's interesting to note that the order in which commentaries are returned is the same on both Android and iOS suggesting there is some internal ordering going on - it is not just random


  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,110

    Some really great leaps forward

    Appreciated, Graham [Y][:)]

  • Lynden O. Williams
    Lynden O. Williams MVP Posts: 9,012

    Lots of reading plans on the home screen, that I never signed up for. Telling them not now.

    Mission: To serve God as He desires.

  • Dan
    Dan Member Posts: 70 ✭✭


    I'm really pleased with the 4.0.3 beta. I especially like the new navigation and overall feel. It now feels like a proper Android app. It feels more natural now whereas before it was awkward at best. I now imagine myself using it more and more.

    Great job!



  • Ken Guenther
    Ken Guenther Member Posts: 149 ✭✭

    Very impressive.  Thanks for all your work.   Everything seems to work well on the Bible app on my Nexus 7 (2012).  I really like the sliding Navigation Drawer and the action bars in each panel.    I found that it took more than a couple of minutes to open my note files (NT and OT commentaries) the first time, but for subsequent openings of those documents, they appeared much more quickly.   One drawback though to having the sliding Navigation Drawer when viewing a notes file is that it is really easy to inadvertently delete a note when trying to open the drawer.  Fortunately the app has an undo button.

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭
    I'm getting an error saying that my offline resources can't be read after the update. I delete them and am downloading again.

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Kevin A. Purcell
    Kevin A. Purcell Member Posts: 3,419 ✭✭✭
    Also is there a problem opening the nav panel from the presentations screen? I can't but it may be me. Using an HTC One.

    GREAT update!

    Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
    Brushy Mountain Baptist Association

  • Dale Eads
    Dale Eads Member Posts: 91 ✭✭

    I'm seeing a big gap between the title bar and text. Also can we adjust the font size of the title bar so the whole book name appears? If I touch the screen to show the menu the font size adjusts nicely.

    One more thing - since swiping up on a verse doesn't do anything any more, is it possible to bring in single finger scrolling or at least a setting that allows for it. Oh, and full screen again. Would like that back.

    Galaxy S3 CM 10.1.3

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Alright folks, I'm going to attempt a massive reply here. [:)]

    mike said:

    on my tablet, it is very difficult to change the book when I have half-half screen for the bottom screen..

    it doesn't always open the library whenever I wanted to open a different book..

    Mike, I'm not quite sure what you mean here. Can you try and clarify? I'd also be interested to know which tablet you're using. The best thing to do might be to start a new thread and follow the instructions at the top of this post.

    The only negative is that I don't really like the Choose Location dialog when selecting Search, Passage Guide, Share, etc. 1) It's not as elegant as everything else appears to be. 2) It also obscures the text where it would be nicer to see the text as you're choosing. 3) And it does not allow for selection of a range (I can only post a verse at a time to Facebook?) A dialog that let you choose the verse to operate on by showing the text a verse at a time, adjusted by a slider might be one idea. Something that looks like the top part of the Settings panel, except that the slider changes the selected verse instead of the font size. Maybe a second slider to change the range??? Just an idea. Not an easy problem to come up with ideas for.

    I agree that it's not an easy problem to come up with ideas for. We were hoping this method would be better than the tiny arrow buttons from v2. [:)] One downside to your suggestion is that it would probably be significantly slower than just showing the list of references to pick from. However, tou can already select a range of verses by highlighting the desired text and choosing "Share" (or whatever) from the text selection menu.

    This has been a long standing issue with the PG on iOS and it looks as though it persists into the Android platform as well.

    It's interesting to note that the order in which commentaries are returned is the same on both Android and iOS suggesting there is some internal ordering going on - it is not just random

    I don't really know much about this, but I believe the results are ordered on the server, so it would make sense that you're seeing the same behavior in Android and iOS.

    Lots of reading plans on the home screen, that I never signed up for. Telling them not now.

    Hm. I would expect the contents of the home screen "Today's Readings" to be identical to the v2 "Daily Readings" panel. We didn't change how it worked, we just moved the content. I'm not sure what would have caused it to add your other reading plans to the list.

    Dan said:

    It now feels like a proper Android app.


    One drawback though to having the sliding Navigation Drawer when viewing a notes file is that it is really easy to inadvertently delete a note when trying to open the drawer.

    Good feedback.

    Also is there a problem opening the nav panel from the presentations screen? I can't but it may be me.

    Currently the Presentation Settings and the normal app settings open in their own screens and you can't access the nav drawer from them (you have to press "back" to return to the main screen).

    Dale Eads said:

    I'm seeing a big gap between the title bar and text. Also can we adjust the font size of the title bar so the whole book name appears?

    I don't think the size of the gap between the title bar and text has changed, but I could be wrong. I'll look into it. The cut off book titles is one of our "Known Issues"...we're planning on doing some work so that it will display the short or abbreviated resource title if there's not room to show the full title.

    Dale Eads said:

    Oh, and full screen again. Would like that back.

    There was much debate (and quite a bit of research) before we decided to get rid of full screen. The reason we ended up turning it off is because there are actually quite a few bugs with full screen apps in Android. The behavior varied widely between different Android versions, and it almost never did exactly what we wanted it to. We think that by sacrificing those top few pixels to show the status bar, we can bring you a much better overall experience in the app.

  • Benjamin Ho
    Benjamin Ho Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭

    Alright folks, I'm going to attempt a massive reply here. Smile

    Could we also have a reply with regards to having the option available for ONE-finger scrolling, since this gesture does not do anything now? I would really love to be able to scroll to read.

  • Dave Knepper
    Dave Knepper Member Posts: 4 ✭✭

    This is coming along great! Loving the new layout!

    This issue is showing up on my HTC One but not on my Nexus 7 2012. The books are showing cut off on the right hand side.


  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    Could we also have a reply with regards to having the option available for ONE-finger scrolling, since this gesture does not do anything now? I would really love to be able to scroll to read.

    Hi Benjamin (and others with this question),

    The two-finger scrolling we just released was designed as a way to adjust the on-screen text. For example, sometimes a passage you're interested in is split between the bottom of the current page and the top of the next, and this new feature provides a way to bring it fully into view so you can make a note on it, share it, etc. It's not intended as a good continuous vertical "reading" experience, and certainly doesn't work well enough in that scenario for us to advertise it as such in good conscience.

    We do plan on adding a continuous vertical scrolling feature in the future, but we can't provide a timeframe at the moment.


  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    This is coming along great! Loving the new layout!

    This issue is showing up on my HTC One but not on my Nexus 7 2012. The books are showing cut off on the right hand side.

    Thanks for your support! 

    We've made a case for your issue, thank you!

  • Randy W. Sims
    Randy W. Sims Member Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭

    The only negative is that I don't really like the Choose Location dialog when selecting Search, Passage Guide, Share, etc. 1) It's not as elegant as everything else appears to be. 2) It also obscures the text where it would be nicer to see the text as you're choosing. 3) And it does not allow for selection of a range (I can only post a verse at a time to Facebook?) A dialog that let you choose the verse to operate on by showing the text a verse at a time, adjusted by a slider might be one idea. Something that looks like the top part of the Settings panel, except that the slider changes the selected verse instead of the font size. Maybe a second slider to change the range??? Just an idea. Not an easy problem to come up with ideas for.

    I agree that it's not an easy problem to come up with ideas for. We were hoping this method would be better than the tiny arrow buttons from v2. Smile One downside to your suggestion is that it would probably be significantly slower than just showing the list of references to pick from. However, tou can already select a range of verses by highlighting the desired text and choosing "Share" (or whatever) from the text selection menu.

    I completely agree that it is much, much, much better than the previous mechanic. Overall, it's a minor nit and I'm extremely happy with the new UI.

    We do plan on adding a continuous vertical scrolling feature in the future, but we can't provide a timeframe at the moment.

    While hopefully keeping paging the default. [6] All the best books work that way; not too many scrolls on my bookshelf. [:D] I know there are a lot of different (and strong) opinions on it, and I respect that, but IME navigation while reading works best a chunk at a time: It's fairly easy to get lost with continuous scrolling.

    Although the new interface mitigates quite a few of my previous suggestions/desires for gestures, I'm still up for additional gesture support. Especially, Two-finger swipe left/right for chapters. One-finger swipe left/right in the verse comparison tool.

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    Although the new interface mitigates quite a few of my previous suggestions/desires for gestures, I'm still up for additional gesture support.

    Randy, when you last posted about adding gesture support, it was very hard to keep the redesign a secret. [:D]

  • Benjamin Ho
    Benjamin Ho Member Posts: 75 ✭✭✭

    While hopefully keeping paging the default. Devil All the best books work that way; not too many scrolls on my bookshelf. Big Smile I know there are a lot of different (and strong) opinions on it, and I respect that, but IME navigation while reading works best a chunk at a time: It's fairly easy to get lost with continuous scrolling.

    I don't own any scrolls but apps on computers and screen devices, e.g. web browsers, etc, work on the principle of scrolling. Vertical scrolling is also how I read resources on the main Logos 5 software. It would be nice to be given options to read by vertical scrolling or by (horizontal) paging, and perhaps also vertical paging (e.g. as in Feedly app and Flipboard app on smartphone). 

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    This issue is showing up on my HTC One but not on my Nexus 7 2012. The books are showing cut off on the right hand side.


    Just finished fixing this. It will be available in the next beta. [:)]

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    I'm getting an error saying that my offline resources can't be read after the update. I delete them and am downloading again.


    This definitely shouldn't have happened -- did re-downloading them fix it? Can you give any more detail?

    Thank you!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,087

    I was a bit hesitant after the horrible v2 GUI but v4 is much, much better.

    Well done Logos!

    (Android 4.1.2)


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Robert B Harte
    Robert B Harte Member Posts: 41 ✭✭

    I am using the amazon kindle fire hd and I cannot download from the google store. Where can I download this beta?

  • David Schwegler (Faithlife)
    David Schwegler (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 423

    I am using the amazon kindle fire hd and I cannot download from the google store. Where can I download this beta?

    At the bottom of the beta instructions page are links to directly download the apk's.


  • Bill Rust
    Bill Rust Member Posts: 26 ✭✭

    I found out a suggestion of mine had been completed and they said the fix was in the latest Beta.  Wow, what an upgrade!  So many nice changes that I had to comment on it.  I have a Nexus 7 wireless only. 

    * I like the new menus - much easier to navigate and closer to the desktop version. 

    * I like the color coded verse look-up.  Much easier to find a verse quickly (like when your pastor gives a verse ref. and immediately starts reading)

    * I like the 2 finger scroll. 

    Suggestion:  Since I do so much of my use in off-line mode the info feature for a selected word in the Bible could be improved.  Currently it only allows you to look up the word in your default Bible.  Perhaps a look-up of a user-selectable resource when in off-line mode?  I have some good resources like the BDAG, ISBE, or some other lexicon/dictionary/encyclopedia that would be useful.  Perhaps the user could select one for NT and another for OT look-ups?

    Anyway, terrific work!  Can't wait to see it in the main version.


  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,719 ✭✭✭

    Any feel at Logos as to when this might go from Beta to Stable?

  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    RAusdahl said:

    Any feel at Logos as to when this might go from Beta to Stable?

    We're getting very close. The Android app is pretty much ready at this point, but there are a lot of departments coordinating on the Logos Mobile v4 release, so there's still some stuff that needs to get done before the apps can go stable. The iOS apps need to be ready to release at the same time, we need all new marketing materials, tutorial get the idea. But I think we're close [:)]

  • Rick Ausdahl
    Rick Ausdahl Member Posts: 1,719 ✭✭✭
  • Chaoyu-Bian
    Chaoyu-Bian Member Posts: 57 ✭✭

    RAusdahl said:

    Any feel at Logos as to when this might go from Beta to Stable?

    We're getting very close. The Android app is pretty much ready at this point, but there are a lot of departments coordinating on the Logos Mobile v4 release, so there's still some stuff that needs to get done before the apps can go stable. The iOS apps need to be ready to release at the same time, we need all new marketing materials, tutorial get the idea. But I think we're close Smile

    That's good news, can't waiting.