The Logos App needs to be scaled back.

The App tries to do more than the iPad is capable of doing. It often freezes and is almost unusable. It needs to do less better. The frequent indexing means that the app is almost never ready when you are.
Logos is a poor book reader app, and there is no reason that it should not be as dependable and usable as Kindle or Nook. Logos can do better. Make it a good ereader first, and then add anything that does not take away from that.
I have a 4th generation iPad, with plenty of room.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley
Wow.. and I was hearing iPad app was pretty good.. sorry you are having bad experience.
What needs to be done better?
Never Deprive Anyone of Hope.. It Might Be ALL They Have
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I have an iPad 3. I have never noticed any indexing, nor freezing or crashing.
Searching is relatively slow. Links (like BHS to the Apparatus) don't usually work unless there's an internet connection, but that works as it has been programmed to do. I just don't like it that way
As a reader, I quite like it. As a full-functioned equivalent to Logos on my iMac, it's terrible. Question of expectations.
"The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected."- G.K. Chesterton
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Yes, indexing but related to a recent download of new resource-my guess. No freezing, no crashing. I have yet to find out how it works with ios7 and have purposely waited to update my iPad 3 given I want the Logos app to work as well as it does now. What could be better--access to all lexicons via word study report and ability to search on a resource, e.g. dictionary, with ease.
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It runs rather slow on my wife's original iPad (everything runs slow on that) but on my 4th gen I've had no problems. I am pretty critical of how Logos has handled development on the Mac but I think they've done an outstanding job on the iOS app. I don't use the app all the time, but frequently enough and I always enjoy it, even when the redesigns have taken some getting used to.
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I appreciate the responses. I am interested in the results that others are getting with the App.
On my 4 gen iPad, almost every time I use it lately, I have to wait while it indexes, etc. It frequently freezes and I have wait until it unfreezes, which makes reading awkward. Regularly, previously downloaded books "cannot be found, would you like to download them again." This behavior makes me think that the 2 GB of RAM in an iPad can no longer efficiently handle all the app tries to do. Reading a book should not be a problem.
This was true before the last update, and it is true now.
So I wonder what I am doing wrong?
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
I have a 3rd generation iPad with 32 GB of memory and am not noticing any problems. I have not had it freeze up, repeatedly index, nor have it unable to find downloaded books. I am using iOS 7.0.3.
Have you tried to reinstall the app? (I know it means re-downloading your books.)
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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Michael Childs said:
Regularly, previously downloaded books "cannot be found, would you like to download them again."
I had this happen as well but it seems to have cleared up.
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The indexes that the mobile have are far different than computer ones... (at least if I understand them correctly). The index is the books in your library, each time it sees new books added it has to update the book list. I have never had any issues on my iPad 3.... and I know the 4 is much faster, with the point of causing you a world of pain... I am wondering if a clean install might help... (If someone advised me that I might say i will put it with it as I hated having to redownload everything when I switched from Logos app to Verbum app.
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Mark Smith said:
I have a 3rd generation iPad with 32 GB of memory and am not noticing any problems. I have not had it freeze up, repeatedly index, nor have it unable to find downloaded books. I am using iOS 7.0.3.
Have you tried to reinstall the app? (I know it means re-downloading your books.)
Mark, I did recently reinstall the app (about 3 weeks ago). But I think I will do it again. <\P>
Have you folks never been reading a book in the Logos app, and go to turn the page and it is frozen? About 30 to 60 seconds later, it unfreezes. This happens to me fairly often. This is one of the reasons that I complain that the Logos app is inferior to Kindle, iBooks, etc. It never happens to me in those apps. <\P>
Thinking about what Dan said about iPad indexing. I do keep a lot of Logos books on my iPad. I download over 2,000 of my 5,498 books. Does that explain the indexing? I obviously could remove many of these and not miss them. Or is the app going to index the same full list of books regardless of whether or not they are downloaded? <\P>
Again, thanks for everyone's suggestions. <\P>
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Michael Childs said:
Have you folks never been reading a book in the Logos app, and go to turn the page and it is frozen? About 30 to 60 seconds later, it unfreezes. This happens to me fairly often. This is one of the reasons that I complain that the Logos app is inferior to Kindle, iBooks, etc. It never happens to me in those apps.
That's happened to me too, but I've had the same thing happen in other apps, including Kindle and the iOS home screen. But I don't see it often. I figured it was iOS doing memory maintenance (garbage collection).
Michael Childs said:Thinking about what Dan said about iPad indexing. I do keep a lot of Logos books on my iPad. I download over 2,000 of my 5,498 books. Does that explain the indexing? I obviously could remove many of these and not miss them. Or is the app going to index the same full list of books regardless of whether or not they are downloaded?
I think the app checks your downloaded resources for version updates regularly, so that may explain why someone with few downloaded resources would see better performance.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Michael Childs said:
I do keep a lot of Logos books on my iPad. I download over 2,000 of my 5,498 books.
I really don't recommend that for most users. I have about 200 resources downloaded. If you live out in the boonies and only get internet once a week, I might advise differently... But for most of us that isn't the case.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Wrong Direction. The IPad app needs to move forward to being a fully functioning laptop/desktop replacement. If it wasn't for LOGOS, I would have no need for a computer.
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Michael Childs said:
Have you folks never been reading a book in the Logos app, and go to turn the page and it is frozen? About 30 to 60 seconds later, it unfreezes. This happens to me fairly often. This is one of the reasons that I complain that the Logos app is inferior to Kindle, iBooks, etc. It never happens to me in those apps.
i have seen this happen in my Android. i found that it was due to me having massive amounts of highlighting done on the desktop version of that Bible and this slowed down what i was viewing in Android. To eliminate this massive delay on page turning, i unchecked the Notes (so that 'Do not show notes') for that Bible in my Android and that resolved the delay. Now page turning is fast again.
p.s. i have done extensive highlighting of my preferred Bible: red letter version of OT, Names of God highlighting, etc.
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Pastor James said:
Wrong Direction. The IPad app needs to move forward to being a fully functioning laptop/desktop replacement. If it wasn't for LOGOS, I would have no need for a computer.
The iPad isn't supposed to be a replacement for a computer. It is "another" device. In time, the abilities of the iPad (speaking generally, not about Logos) will catch up, but even then it is a small screen, with no keyboard.
I don't recommend anyone install L5 on a device without at least 128 GB of SSD space. They make iPad's with that much, but why not get a MacBook instead? I know it is personal preference, but I don't understand. I LOVE my iPad for all it does. I LOVE reading on it. If I was in a teaching environment, I would love to use it for teaching. But it would never replace a computer for me.
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steve clark said:
i found that it was due to me having massive amounts of highlighting done on the desktop version of that Bible and this slowed down what i was viewing in Android.
Yes. Absolutely. I forgot to mention that to Michael. Large note files cause troubles.
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alabama24 said:
The iPad isn't supposed to be a replacement for a computer... But it would never replace a computer for me.
I'll second Alabama’s sentiment. I use my iPad regularly, primarily as a portable reading device (and, yes, it can work OK in teaching environments, too). But it's not a desktop, so I'm resigned to using each device for its intended purpose.
I suspect that's easy to say for those of us who are happy to use two devices – or lucky enough to have two devices. I empathise with those who favour only a single device. My own experience is that tablets aren't quite there yet.
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As more tablets are coming out with the hardware to run Logos 5 very well - quad 4 processor, 8 GB RAM, SSD Hard Drives - I think the days of my iPad are numbered. They are not cheap - more than an iPad, but they do more than an iPad - but they are not much more expensive than an equally equipped laptop. And competition will bring the price down. <\P>
Personally, I expect by the first of the year to replace my iPad with either a tablet with 8 GB RAM and a quad processor, or a convertible laptop that can serve as a tablet. <\P>
The iPad is not designed to give the full Logos experience, but there are now more and more tablets that are. As the number grows I think it is inevitable that Logos 5 will be tweaked to be more touch friendly. The current Logos 5 platform makes a good convertible laptop, which can go from a solid keyboard with touchpad to a decent laptop in a few seconds, look very inviting.<\P>
I predict that Apple will have a tablet that can run its full operating system before long. iPad pro?<\P>
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
I've ocassianlly have it freeze up, most frustrating when turning a page as it interuppts reading. I wouldn't want to see the app scaled back. Vyrso app is the scaled back option and it occasionally freezes also. want to see functionality of app increase over time. I often wonder if it is related to free space as I too often get a message from iOS saying storage is almost full, particularly on my 16GB iPad - will definitely be getting larger storage capacity when I next upgrade it. It is annoying but when I think what is on offer today compared to when I used to use QV 3 & 4, the occasional freeze is worth the inconvenience for my needs. Totally understand your frustration Michal and share your desire for better performance thought but wonder if part of the solution lies with having increase free storage space.
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Disciple of Christ said:
will definitely be getting larger storage capacity when I next upgrade it.
I concur. My original iPad (a gift) was the 64 GB, which was way more than I really needed. I traded it in to get my 3rd gen... But got a 16 GB model. I now think a 32 GB is a necessity. I hope the next gen comes with 32 standard.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Disciple of Christ said:
I've ocassianlly have it freeze up, most frustrating when turning a page as it interuppts reading. I wouldn't want to see the app scaled back. Vyrso app is the scaled back option and it occasionally freezes also. want to see functionality of app increase over time. I often wonder if it is related to free space as I too often get a message from iOS saying storage is almost full, particularly on my 16GB iPad - will definitely be getting larger storage capacity when I next upgrade it. It is annoying but when I think what is on offer today compared to when I used to use QV 3 & 4, the occasional freeze is worth the inconvenience for my needs. Totally understand your frustration Michal and share your desire for better performance thought but wonder if part of the solution lies with having increase free storage space.
My iPad is the 64 GB iPad 4. I have 33.3 GB available. And it still sometimes freezes reading in Logos. It is most frustrating when reading. It never freezes when reading in Kindle, iBooks, or Nook apps.<\P>
. I think it has more to do with the small amount of RAM in an iPad, and the CPU requirements of the app. Of course I am not an engineer.
think my solution may be a tablet with a Quad 4 processor and 8 GB RAM that can run the full L5 Logos well.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Disciple of Christ said:
I've ocassianlly have it freeze up, most frustrating when turning a page as it interuppts reading. I wouldn't want to see the app scaled back. Vyrso app is the scaled back option and it occasionally freezes also. want to see functionality of app increase over time. I often wonder if it is related to free space as I too often get a message from iOS saying storage is almost full, particularly on my 16GB iPad - will definitely be getting larger storage capacity when I next upgrade it. It is annoying but when I think what is on offer today compared to when I used to use QV 3 & 4, the occasional freeze is worth the inconvenience for my needs. Totally understand your frustration Michal and share your desire for better performance thought but wonder if part of the solution lies with having increase free storage space.
My iPad is the 64 GB iPad 4. I have 33.3 GB available. And it still sometimes freezes reading in Logos. It is most frustrating when reading. It never freezes when reading in Kindle, iBooks, or Nook apps. I think it has more to do with the small amount of RAM in an iPad, and the CPU requirements of the app. Of course I am not an engineer.
think my solution may be a tablet with a Quad 4 processor and 8 GB RAM that can run the full L5 Logos well.
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Michael Childs said:
My iPad is the 64 GB iPad 4. I have 33.3 GB available. And it still sometimes freezes reading in Logos. It is most frustrating when reading. It never freezes when reading in Kindle, iBooks, or Nook apps. I think it has more to do with the small amount of RAM in an iPad, and the CPU requirements of the app.
Don't you also have 1) large note files and 2) large amounts of your resources downloaded?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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I haven't had any issues so far with the iPad app. I am using an iPad mini and runs just fine.
I think the only slow down I suffered so far was from the internet connection and that is not the iPad nor Logos fault.
I love Logos iPad app. One of my favorite.
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I have an iPad 4 & have not updated to iOS7. There are times Logos Bible! App is slow in responding, but I don't know if this is Logos or the network connection. I'm inclined to believe it is network connection or too many people online bogging the system down. As far as turning the page, I scroll so I haven't had a problem with that. Highlighting can be slow and other times quick. I have 2255 resources, but I have not downloaded very many to my iPad 4.
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
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alabama24 said:Michael Childs said:
My iPad is the 64 GB iPad 4. I have 33.3 GB available. And it still sometimes freezes reading in Logos. It is most frustrating when reading. It never freezes when reading in Kindle, iBooks, or Nook apps. I think it has more to do with the small amount of RAM in an iPad, and the CPU requirements of the app.
Don't you also have 1) large note files and 2) large amounts of your resources downloaded?
I do have large amounts of resources downloaded, but not large note files. I do my notes in Microsoft Word.<\P>
Perhaps all that needs scaling back is the number of books I have downloaded.<\P>
"In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church," John Wesley0 -
Michael Childs said:
I do have large amounts of resources downloaded, but not large note files. I do my notes in Microsoft Word.
What about highlighting (remember, highlights = notes). I highlight every book I read cover-to-cover... so as time goes by my highlighting files grow in number. I do create a new highlighting note document for each of those resources.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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Thanks alabama...I didn't realize that about highlighting. Would you explain more about "creating a new highlight document..."? i just highlight
HP Laptop Win 7 | iPad 4 | iPhone 6 | L5 Platinum | Galaxy Mega 6.3
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Bev N said:
Thanks alabama...I didn't realize that about highlighting. Would you explain more about "creating a new highlight document..."? i just highlight
For a long time now, Logos has created a new "note" for each highlight. The only difference between a "note" and a "highlight" is its visual representation within the document.
When this transition occurred, all highlights were put into note documents named after the highlighting pallets used. This behavior can be changed moving forward, but it can be a very big challenge to undo what has already been done. Personally, I create a note document named after each resource (as needed) and store my highlights there.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Do you create a separate Highlighting and Notes document for each resource? I, too, create a new notes document per resource, but I am finding that it is cumbersome to look at all the highlights when I am just trying to find my notes. Is there a way to separate the two when looking at a notes file or is it best just to create two separate documents?
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David Schlup said:
Do you create a separate Highlighting and Notes document for each resource?
Yep... At least for books I (would) read "cover to cover." I believe that I have created some note documents for "series" when the series isn't likely for me to have a ton of notes (i.e. commentaries).
David Schlup said:Is there a way to separate the two when looking at a notes file or is it best just to create two separate documents?
I don't have my iPad with me right now, and I am also on beta so I my answer might not reflect the status of the current app. I just checked in L5, and there is "sort by note color." That feature sorts by the note indicator color, which for highlights defaults to "blank." Sorting by that would give good results... except in cases where you have created orphan notes (non-highlighting notes without a note indicator). Those "orphans" will get caught up in the wrong crowd (with the highlights) since they too (by default) have no indicator.
FWIW - I keep bugging Logos about adding the ability to assign note documents per resource, and then having the ability to hide those "resource specific" note documents in a special view. This is a high priority issue for me, but I have never received a peep from Logos about it. <hint, hint>.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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My iPad 2 does not freeze, but highlights are very slow. Sometimes you open an app and after 2 seconds your highlights disappear and then you have to wait 20-1min in order to see them back. Many times I duplicated highlights because of this issue
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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Wild Eagle said:
My iPad 2 does not freeze, but highlights are very slow. Sometimes you open an app and after 2 seconds your highlights disappear and then you have to wait 20-1min in order to see them back
How have your organized your highlight notes? I have resource specific note files for my highlights. The only highlighting note I have troubles with is the one I use for my devotional reading. I will start fresh again in January and it will be zippy.
NOTE: the slowness can be a combo of a large note document PLUS many notes in a single resource.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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alabama24 said:
How have your organized your highlight notes? I have resource specific note files for my highlights. The only highlighting note I have troubles with is the one I use for my devotional reading. I will start fresh again in January and it will be zippy.
NOTE: the slowness can be a combo of a large note document PLUS many notes in a single resource.
I am just using by default. Shouldn't the highlights work by default properly? I am using for Bible a lot of highlights, but thats just the beginning
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill
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Wild Eagle said:alabama24 said:
How have your organized your highlight notes? I have resource specific note files for my highlights. The only highlighting note I have troubles with is the one I use for my devotional reading. I will start fresh again in January and it will be zippy.
NOTE: the slowness can be a combo of a large note document PLUS many notes in a single resource.
I am just using by default. Shouldn't the highlights work by default properly? I am using for Bible a lot of highlights, but thats just the beginning
The default is the highlights from each highlighting palette go into a single notes file for that palette. So if all of your highlight styles come from a single palette, then all the highlights go into that single file. I think it's a poor default.
I have been creating a new note file for each book I highlight and putting that books highlights in there. I wish this was the default so I didn't have to manage it.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Wild Eagle said:
Shouldn't the highlights work by default properly?
Yep. But it doesn't, at least not for those of us who highlight frequently. I was fortunate to be beta testing the app when this change occurred. I noticed the problem, and modified my behavior. It has probably been a couple of years. I had more free time on my hands than I wanted to, and the app was crashing due to the large highlight note file I had, so I created smaller ones by moving notes one by one into the new files. Logos has fixed the crash issue, and the delay has improved in large note files, but the basic problem remains. Ugh.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Thank you Todd and alabama24! I think I will stick with the way it is, hoping that Logos will create something like breaking large files automatically...
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pastor who is not praying is playing; the people who are not praying are straying." Leonard Ravenhill