Reading plan problems again

Typing in bold as ironically you cannot post about the iPad from the iPad!!!
Issues with reading plans
1) not so keen on it being in the documents folder. Very unintuitive
2) ticking box next to days reading does nothing. It ticks and then when I scroll or come back to it from another page the tick has gone
3) clicking mark as read does absolutely nothing
I am really frustrated at the moment. Why are these basic functions not working...
Hi Daniel
I don't understand your comment about not being able to post from the iPad - I am using mine to post this response.
Your point about reading plans being in the documents folder is interesting. In Logos speak they are documents in the same way as things like Notesfiles are. I don't know what the precise definition of a document is but it is probably something like "information associated with Logos resources", but hopefully someone can be more specific.
I do agree that ticking the box next to the reading plan doesn't really work - it is often unclear to me what that box is supposed to signify.
In my experience, pressing "mark read" works well. Can you provide some specifics of what you see?
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Daniel Arnott said:
not so keen on it being in the documents folder. Very unintuitive
The reading plan document is in the documents folder. You can access the reading plan from the home page.
Daniel Arnott said:ticking box next to days reading does nothing. It ticks and then when I scroll or come back to it from another page the tick has gone
Daniel Arnott said:clicking mark as read does absolutely nothing
It appears that something is wrong with your install.
- What version of the app are you using?
- What device do you have?
- Have you done a full delete & reinstall? NOTE: You will lose your downloaded resources.
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Graham Criddle said:
I do agree that ticking the box next to the reading plan doesn't really work - it is often unclear to me what that box is supposed to signify.
I had never used it until today… but it did what I suspected it would do… it marked the reading as "read." I checked the box for the reading on the home page… it marked today's reading read. I then opened the reading plan document and checked the next unchecked box… it marked tomorrow's reading as read. If you will excuse me, I have some reading to do… [:)]
Seriously though, if it isn't working for either of you, something is wrong. It is working fine for me...
EDIT: I just remembered… I am on beta. I don't think that should be the difference, since it has been working for me all along, but it is a possibility.
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Hi Alabama
Maybe I was overstating the case.
I agree that checking the box in the reading plan documents works as expected.
When Reading Plans first came out in the iPad app the check-box on the homepage confused me. It never seemed to update as I would have expected and then checked itself,when I didn't expect it.
So I have never really got round to understanding how it actually functions - maybe I should!
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Latest version of the app on iPad 3
Deleted and reinstalled
Home page shows an overdue reading, however caught up to today's date. Tick the boxes next to the various chapters for the day and boxes tick. Scroll down til boxes are just out of sight then backup again and ticks have gone. Also selecting say the 4th chapter out of the four chapters to read that day it defaults back to the start of my reading plan in genesis 1.
So basically there is no way on my iPad that I can mark when I have completed my readings
On a side note the general navigation around the app is horribly sluggish
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Daniel Arnott said:
Home page shows an overdue reading, however caught up to today's date. Tick the boxes next to the various chapters for the day and boxes tick. Scroll down til boxes are just out of sight then backup again and ticks have gone. Also selecting say the 4th chapter out of the four chapters to read that day it defaults back to the start of my reading plan in genesis 1
Number of things I don't understand here.
You seem to be saying that you are uptodate on the plan but it shows as overdue. Is that correct? Is all your reading done on the iPad or do you do some on another device? If so, what?
You also seem to be saying that you have a plan which has separate tick boxes for different chapters which I don't understand - unless you have multiple plans. Can you provide details of your plans, please?
When I tick boxes on the homepage and then scroll down so they aren't visible and scroll back they are still ticked so something different is going on here. Could be related to the different platform - your iPad 3 against my version 2 model but I doubt it.
Daniel Arnott said:On a side note the general navigation around the app is horribly sluggish
Can you be more specific? What sort of delays do you get when performing which functions? Are the resources in question remote or downloaded to your iPad?
What sort of network connection do you have?
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Daniel - I think screen shots might help. Also, what does the reading plan status look like in L4?
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Hi all
Here are some screen shots to hopefully show what the problems are
Reading plan is new. I am 3 days into it. On Home page it shows the following even though I have read 3 days this is still the first reading. Ticking the box next to it does nothing.
So I go to MARK READ - highlights itself and then does nothing
More to follow........
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Hi Daniel
Many thanks for these screenshots - it greatly helps in understanding what you are describing.
And it sounds very strange!
A couple of further questions I am afraid!
- Was this plan created on the iPad or in Logos 4? (Most plans I have come across were created in L4 and I am trying to find out whether there is a difference here)
- Do you get the same symptoms if you have the iPad in Airplane mode when you are ticking boxes in the plan and "marking as read"? (It sounds as though there may be some interaction issue with the Logos servers which are holding this status information for you and I am trying to eliminate that as a cause)
Outside of these turning up anything I think we need someone from Logos to look at the state of the records which are being held against your plans
Just as a faint ray of hope - what you are experiencing is not normal. The app should be working in the way you are expecting and hopefully we can get it resolved soon.
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Hi Graham
Created in Logos 4
Airplane mode on still the same problem
Please note this also happens on the iphone app
And again the responsiveness of the app is poor. Scrolling up and down then I have the reading plan list of chapters open is somewhat jerky
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Thanks Daniel
Sorry, but I'm out of ideas.
Hopefully someone with some more insight than me will be able to comment.
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I will keep an eye out for further insight. Thanks
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Hi Daniel,
What build number of Logos Desktop are you running, and on which platform? The M'Cheyne Reading Plan is predefined to always start on January 1 and end on December 31 - but somehow it appears that you've found a way around that. Do you remember how you created the plan?
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Hi Kevin
The build is the very latest. 4.6 sr2 I believe
Way around the pre set dates on plan is to setup the plan then select the date you want to start at and choose adjust plan from here
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Set it up on windows
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Just marked the plans as read and ticked boxes etc from desktop software and that carries through to devices. However the other way round does not work. Logos please I need some sort of update on this please
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Daniel – Hopefully Kevin is able to get back with you soon. I know that I asked you this earlier, but you did try deleting the app (rather than the reading plan), right? I have never heard of the behavior you are describing...
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Yes I removed the app completely. Rebooted the ipad and reinstalled.
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Thanks for clarifying. As I mentioned, your experience seems to be unique… I am perplexed.
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Hello all. I am experiencing the exact same thing as Daniel. I just recreated a new reading plan last night (ESV Old & New Testament Each Session every day) and after reading on my iPad this morning, I was not able to "Mark Read." It just turned blue and nothing happened. I then went to the home screen to manually check. Just looked at my desktop (Logos 5) and it is NOT checked. Additionally, I wanted to do the M'Cheyne plan but it kept defaulting to Jan 1 and not Nov 12 as I hoped.
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Hi Joe. Re the M'Cheyne plan - create it, it will say Jan 1. Then go to todays date and select adjust plan from here.
Re the other issue...I'm still waiting too!
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Hi Joe
If you get the M'Cheyne plan to start on any day other than the 1st January it stops being the M'Cheyne plan.
The great man designed the plan with a whole lot of things in mind and it doesn't work as well when dislocated from the year dates.
The way to start a M'Cheyne plan mid year is to instal it - mark it read up to the date you want to start and finish this year's set of readings. Next year you simply start with a new plan and complete the cycle.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Thanks Mike! I think I will stick with the Old and New Test each session plan. Just need to be able to mark it complete on the iPad now. Thanks again.
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Mike Binks said:
If you get the M'Cheyne plan to start on any day other than the 1st January it stops being the M'Cheyne plan.
Joe - To clarify Mike a little… The M'Cheyne plan is based upon the liturgical year… (is that correct Mike?). I think that is what Mike is saying… it loses some of its meaning when you use the readings on different days than intended… however… I don't come from a liturgical background so the readings have no meaning for me outside of the text. There isn't a software / Logos reason why you can't start the M'Cheyne plan anytime you want to. I have done so before, and completed the plan that way.
With that said… I am waiting until January 1st to start the M'Cheyne reading plan again. [:D] (The devotionals For The Love of God, volumes 1&2 are based on the M'Cheney readings. Those devotionals are tagged as "calendar devotionals" and open up to the calendar date, so it is easier to read them together all at once using the plan as intended).
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Joe - does it mark as read ok on the iphone? Started working on mine the other day ok. I need to test my ipad again tho
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No, it didn't mark as read on iPhone or iPad (after manually checking it off on desktop).
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Try holding on Mark as read for a couple of seconds. Worked on my iphone
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alabama24 said:
I think that is what Mike is saying… it loses some of its meaning when you use the readings on different days than intended… however… I don't come from a liturgical background so the readings have no meaning for me outside of the text.
Surely even you notice when it is Easter and Christmas? Although some of the readings are tangental to the liturgical year.
alabama24 said:With that said… I am waiting until January 1st to start the M'Cheyne reading plan again.
(The devotionals For The Love of God, volumes 1&2 are based on the M'Cheney readings. Those devotionals are tagged as "calendar devotionals" and open up to the calendar date, so it is easier to read them together all at once using the plan as intended).
These have been my readings for this year, and very interesting I have found them.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike Binks said:
Surely even you notice when it is Easter and Christmas?
Sometimes. [:O]
I didn't mean to imply there wasn't great value in reading the plan as written… but I would much rather my congregation start a reading plan in June than to wait until January. [:P]
(Of course, you could start in the middle of the plan in the middle of the year… but for some people that would be an excuse not to start.)
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I wasn't able to reproduce the behavior but we're aware of the issue and currently working on fixing it.
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my iPad reading plan has problems with the New Testament.
It say Hebrews and open Philippians.
Any ideas.
Reading plan works from Mac Laptop.
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Hi Robert - and welcome to the forums.
This sounds like a very different problem to that being discussed here and I don't understand what you are seeing.
I suggest you start a new thread and explain exactly what is going on. Such as:
- details of the reading plan
- what version of which iPad app you are using
- ideally a screenshot showing the reading plan entry and what happens when you click on it
Thanks, Graham
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robert wilson said:
my iPad reading plan has problems with the New Testament.
It say Hebrews and open Philippians.
Any ideas.
Reading plan works from Mac Laptop.
One of the most common reasons for a book opening to the wrong spot is an outdated resource needing updating. Check for updates... If you don't see any, try deleting the resource and re downloading it.
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