Logos Bible App, Faithlife (Study Bible) App & Vyrso App -- Single or Separate Storage Database?

Rob Hattingh
Rob Hattingh Member Posts: 35 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I'm still relatively new to the iPad and am currently looking to 'streamlining' the used storage space and minimising the ongoing number of 'update' downloads.

I have Logos Bible App, Faithlife (Study Bible) App and Vyrso App installed.

Does each App have its own separate database, which means it is possible to have one specific resource installed in three separate databases? (This again means each update would require three individual downloads).


Are all resources downloaded and stored in, say Logos Bible App, and Faithlife and Vyrso merely have access to one single database containing all my resources?

I was a complete newbie to iPad when my resources were installed and I can no longer recall what I did - a sure sign of 'old age' hastening on : (

I wish to delete all duplicate resources if that is the situation - could someone, who is absolutely certain of how the Apps interact and what the situation is, please advise me?

Many thanks.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,124

    Hi Rob

    Does each App have its own separate database, which means it is possible to have one specific resource installed in three separate databases? (This again means each update would require three individual downloads).

    Yes, any resources you download to any of the apps are kept in separate environments. 

    If you want a resource to be downloaded into more than one app a separate copy is downloaded and will take up more space.

    I wish to delete all duplicate resources if that is the situation - could someone, who is absolutely certain of how the Apps interact and what the situation is, please advise me?

    There is no interaction between the apps and so if you need the resources downloaded into a particular app it will take additional space.

    The key thing is to work out what your usage patterns are any manage appropriately.

    For my:

    • my main app for study is the Bible app. I have several hundred resources downloaded into there
    • i have a few Bibles and not much else - maybe a commentary or two in the Verbum and Faithlife app
    • I use the Vyrso app for reading fiction and so just download those into that app

    Hope this helps


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    I wish to delete all duplicate resources if that is the situation - could someone, who is absolutely certain of how the Apps interact and what the situation is, please advise me?

    Graham answered very well. Just to add a little about the overall situation:

    Apple "sandboxes" apps. This prevents most serious viruses from infecting your device and stealing data from you... but for the purposes of Logos it means that resources & note files will be duplicated when you download more than one app. I have two apps downloaded: the Logos Bible! app and Vyrso. The consequence of this is that my note files are doubled between the two apps... and there is no getting around that (unless you use two accounts... but why?) I only download a handful of resources to Vyrso, and they aren't the same resources which I have downloaded to the Bible! app.

    As a general rule of thumb: It is best not to go crazy with downloading resources. Not only will they take up a bunch of space on your device, but sometimes the app needs to be deleted and reinstalled to fix glitches that pop up. That is a simple thing to do when you have few downloaded resources, but  real pain when you have many. I am like Graham... I have a couple hundred downloaded, which is more than enough things to choose to read from when I don't have an internet connection.

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