Bug: v4.01 Crashes removing the daily resources on the home page

DMB Member Posts: 14,183 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

My apologies; wasn't looking to see the great new apps crash, and may be only me.

On the iOS home screen, I started out with 2 resources that were amenable to daily reading (Billy Graham of course not; he was loaded; the 2 displayed were not)

Anyway removing the first one crashed it.

Then I ran Vyrso iOS. It recognized the 1st one had been removed. So I tried the same thing on the 2nd one. It crashed Vyrso too. I assume they share code.  I presume iOS doesn't get worried about crashes; no system popup and Logos didn't catch the fault with a popup (I'm new to iOS).


- I'm on an iPod iOS7 latest release 32g with 1g empty

- Crashed when online, but offline is similar

- The 2nd crash in Vyrso picked up that the 1st resource had been removed

BUG #2: If Logos reads this, I didn't want to put another thread up saying 'Bug!'. But if you're offline and try to do a Bible comparison, it says you need to be online (so far so good). But after that, each time I click on the 'text' icon at the bottom, to switch me back to the text I'm reading, the warning popup I need to be online reappears (it's an offline book I'm reading for last few weeks .... slow going).  I'm guessing the online warning flag doesn't get reset under some conditions.

And latestly, I'm not complaining. I'm liking the new update!

NOT GERMAINE: Ok, now I see why Billy didn't get to join in my new iOS daily devotional. Sun still behind the red rock cliffs. Frost on the autumn wildflowers. Hot coffee. Unfortunately Billy's a monograph.  He tried hard with 'Daily Devotional' in his title. But just not good enough for Logos!  (He's esconced on Vyrso as my only book!).

"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.



  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,183 ✭✭✭✭

    Ok ... been watching bug#1 above. I'm not sure if 'crash' is appropriate in iOS. In this case, on a 'crash', the app simply disappears. However if you do a double-click on the button (to get a list of open apps), it's still there but showing a random screen ... eg Vyrso the startup overlay, Logos the reading view. Neither the home page.

    On bug#2, a restart clears the errant flag. But absent a restart, the errant online popup warning needs a reset.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • James Van Noord (Faithlife)
    James Van Noord (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 92

    Denise said:

    Ok ... been watching bug#1 above. I'm not sure if 'crash' is appropriate in iOS. In this case, on a 'crash', the app simply disappears.

    Um, well. Yep, that's crash. I've added this to our known issues list, and we'll get a fix out in the next release.

    Denise said:

    However if you do a double-click on the button (to get a list of open apps), it's still there but showing a random screen ... eg Vyrso the startup overlay, Logos the reading view. Neither the home page.

    This sounds like standard iOS 7 behavior. IOS 7 will snap a screenshot of the app at certain points so that it has something to show in this app list.