Missing Prompt for Downloads

I have a number of resources downloaded in my app. I wanted to remove most of them. Rather than doing it one at a time, I decided I'd uninstall the app, reinstall, then decline to reload previously downloaded resources. I was a bit surprised to find that it just started downloading the resources on its own, no prompt. Didn't previous versions of the Logos app ask before doing this? It really should ask before initiating a download of this sort.
I noticed it was doing the downloads before it finished getting them all (fortunately had only grabbed 50). Prior to trying the uninstall/reinstall I had already removed a few resources and when I reinstalled the app it redownloaded books I had previously removed from the iPad. How/when does its auto-download list get updated, and does it remove books from the list when we remove then from a local iPad library? What would cause it to redownload something I had previously removed?
As a side question, any other way to remove a lot of resources at once? Putting local: in the library search helps find the downloaded resources, but it's still annoying to have to go through and remove them one at a time. I installed them using searches and telling it to download all resources, it would be helpful if there were something similar for removing resources.
So here's what I did.
First fired up Logos, I seemed to remember some new tool in the Library window allowing control over resources on devices. Unfortunately, that's painful to use for multiple books, particularly since my devices were evidently registered and listed multiple times. So I went to the Logos website and deleted all my device listings from there. That seems to have done the trick. Still seems like the app should prompt before downloading, but I have at least gotten everything cleaned off.