iPad App for Sermon Notes

Is there a good app that works with Logos to create sermon notes rather than using a printed copy?
I would love to use the iPad in the pulpit.
http://community.logos.com/forums/t/17920.aspx this thread documents some practices by others
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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I create my sermon notes in Word, save as a PDF open in the pulpit with Good Reader. Simple 4 finger swipe switches between Good Reader and Logos.
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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http://community.logos.com/forums/p/48291/358176.aspx#358176 shows some other best practices
Making Disciples! Logos Ecosystem = LogosMax on Microsoft Surface Pro 7 (Win11), Android app on tablet, FSB on iPhone & iPad mini, Proclaim (Proclaim Remote on Fire Tablet).
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If you look, there are actually a couple of apps that are now coming out specifically for this type of work on the iPad. Here are two such apps:
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Bob, does Olive Tree have the ability to put personal documents onto their mobile apps? I've been wanting to put personal documents on my Logos iphone app, but if I can do this on the Olive Tree app that would be great! What I'm trying to go for is getting personal docs to show up (and hopefully sync with) my opened Bible. I am able to inport personal docs through other programs right now (dropbox), but what I really want is to get them in a window beside the Bible text. To get them in one of my Bible apps would be great.
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Liam Walsh said:
Bob, does Olive Tree have the ability to put personal documents onto mobile their apps? I've been wanting to put personal documents on my Logos iphone app, but if I can do this on the Olive Tree app that would be great! What I'm trying to go for is getting personal docs to show up (and hopefully sync with) my opened Bible. I am able to inport personal docs through other programs right now (dropbox), but what I really want is to get them in a window beside the Bible text. To get them in one of my Bible apps would be great.
Yes, you can use split screen. I use Bible text on the left and my note file on the right. You can either type directly into the note file in OT or do the work on your computer and transfer to your IPad and then copy it in your note file in OT.
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Outline+ is free for today (October 5, $14.99). This is the app that I use, because I use Microsoft office Onenote to do my sermon prep. It uses Dropbox to sync between your Onenote file on PC and the notebook file on your IPad. I can send notes to iPad, then make additional notes and it will sync back to my Pc. It does require a little computer savy to setup the sync. (You must create notebook file In Dropbox folder).
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For my class notes / outlines I use calibre. It will take just about any doc / text format and convert it to just about any ebook format.
I use it to convert Word docs (.docx) to Amazon Kindle books (mobi), works great:
"As any translator will attest, a literal translation is no translation at all."
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Here is an example of the flexibility outline + allows you to have.
Outline enables you to take each of the text boxes and make them as wide or narrow as you want. Enables you (when created from onenote) to edit tables, which I have come to love for breaking down scripture passages in my notes (as seen above text box on the right). It also has some basic styles which can be applied to the text, which is useful for headings - subheadings and so on. You can move, expand, narrow, and create new boxes from within the ipad app so i have found its great for, those last minute additions when i get to church and simple to reorder my notes as needed.
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I feel like I've hijacked the thread, with these. Wanted to give another I have used and liked. It's more traditional for those who like a structure of an outline. It's called omni-outliner. Its pricey at $20, and its biggest hindrance is its lack of Dropbox or iCloud support. If your into creating structured outlines on the iPad it's great. For the price I wish the sync options were better. Enjoying the thread loving seeing and hearing what others use to help them deliver the Word of God
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jtondee said:
Here is an example of the flexibility outline + allows you to have.
Outline enables you to take each of the text boxes and make them as wide or narrow as you want. Enables you (when created from onenote) to edit tables, which I have come to love for breaking down scripture passages in my notes (as seen above text box on the right). It also has some basic styles which can be applied to the text, which is useful for headings - subheadings and so on. You can move, expand, narrow, and create new boxes from within the ipad app so i have found its great for, those last minute additions when i get to church and simple to reorder my notes as needed.
Thank you so much for alerting me this while it's free. I will be great for study. It looks like it will also be great as a prayer journal!
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Missed the freebie! [:'(]
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The outline app in the link above is free but is limited in what it can do and has no Dropbox support. Outline + was free for one day it is the more featured and is currently $14.99 (which I gladly paid)
i hope I put the right link to the full edition that was free last week, I might owe everyone an apology if I linked to the wrong one. I put the link that company had placed in twitter feed
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So far I am enjoying the app, the only thing really missing is the ability to email or export the notes in some format like a PDF. If a speaker needs to get a copy of their notes to a church's A/V Team it would be great. You can export the slides as jpegs add them to the note, and add sermon notes next to it.jtondee said:The outline app in the link above is free but is limited in what it can do and has no Dropbox support. Outline + was free for one day it is the more featured and is currently $14.99 (which I gladly paid)
i hope I put the right link to the full edition that was free last week, I might owe everyone an apology if I linked to the wrong one. I put the link that company had placed in twitter feed
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How do you sync to your iPad? Did you have existing OneNote docs that you moved to Outline or did you build everything from scratch in Outline? I bought the 14.99 edition but seem to be an expert at creating conflicted pages syncing with Dropbox. But, I am rolling my existing OneNote docs from the PC to Outline. Just curious if you are having any syncing issues.
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I find Sermonotes to be promising but limited.
First, you must compose your sermon on the iPad. It would seem to be better to be able to import. Then, use its tools to preach from.
Second, it only contains the ASV and KJV in the internal Bibles available. It needs to have more. And, to go to a passage is cumbersome. Spinning the wheels takes too much time.
Third, it needs to have text-formatting tools...it has none.
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What I do for class is use Word, then create a Personal Book in Logos 4/5 to create hyperlinks and export to PDF or Dropbox viewer in HTML. This provides great notes and Logos resources are a hyperlink away. Just swipe back to the notes. See link http://community.logos.com/forums/p/58110/435151.aspx#435151
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can I ask you something? If I copy a piece from the logos app, does it keep the for,atting? I cannot find a way not to lose the beautiful format from the logos app.
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Use the PRINT/EXPORT (Cntrl+P) function within the Logos 4/5 resource to retain formats and hyperlinks. Export to Dropbox and read on IPAD. I like to use pdf format and read on IPad using IBooks for quick swipe navigation to LOGOS from hyperlinks.
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uhm...I suppose I could try that, but I have just iPad with me all day long.
Do you think is there a way to do it just only with iPad? Without access a PC?