Kindle to iPad

Jared DeBlieck
Jared DeBlieck Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I bought a recent volume (69) of Luther's Works for my Kindle DX, before I got my iPad. Now that I have an iPad and the Logos App I'd prefer to read it on there. Is there a way to get it from Kindle to iPad?



  • Sakarias Ingolfsson
    Sakarias Ingolfsson Member Posts: 180 ✭✭

    There are already discussions on format conversion throughout the forums. It may be possible to reverse engineer the kindle book, turn it into a docx and finally import it to Logos via the Personal Book tool. However, there are setbacks. First, while it seems syncing of personal books will be coming to the desktop, it is still not on the horizon for the mobile apps. That is a stopper right there. Secondly, you are looking at a lot of work converting those books. Thirdly, the results may be wanting, to say the least, in terms of layout and tagging. Fourthly, and most importantly, though I am not a lawyer, I believe it is quite possible that you will be overstepping some legal boundary. As long as you are not synchronising your personal books through Logos servers this will depend on where you live (and where you bring your device). If you do synchronise, however, your personal books will be on Logos servers, and I guess this means that they will be subject to american copyright laws. You might want to look into that.

    I would recommend that you use the kindle app to read those books.

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Jared - First, welcome to the forums. [:)]

    I bought a recent volume (69) of Luther's Works for my Kindle DX, before I got my iPad. Now that I have an iPad and the Logos App I'd prefer to read it on there. Is there a way to get it from Kindle to iPad?

    I noticed that you created another thread about this issue, but didn't interact with the other users... And then created another similar thread. Please don't do that. [;)] 

    It might be helpful for you to be more explicit. Did you or didn't you purchase a LOGOS product? In your other thread, you implied that it was:

    I currently have the 55 vol. Luther's Works Libronix disc. Since I own the disc is there a way to receive permissions for access to a digital iPad copy since it is getting harder to run the disc version as computers are moving away from CD drives?

    It is confusing because you said 55 volumes in one thread, and 69 in this one. If you actually do own the product, you should be able to have access via the mobile app. It would simply be a matter of attaching the license to your account. The tricky issue might be the question of "do you really own it." Purchasing a cd-rom from another user may not entitle you to the discs contents. You can't, for example, purchase MSFT office, install it on your computer, and then sell the disc to someone else for them to use. If you purchased a used disc, you may or may not be out of luck. 

    working from the theory that you do have rights to the content: you have two options. The first is to make sure that the license is backed up and registered in Libronix (very old Logos software, which should come on the disc... If you have owned this for a while, this might have already been done). Once that is done, you simply need to use the same credentials (username and password) and the resource will be available on mobile (this is true for "mobile enabled" resources, which this <should> be). The second option would be to call Logos customer service, provide valid proof of ownership, and have them attach the license to your account. If there is a registration code which hasn't been used, this is easily done over the phone. 

    macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
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  • Jared DeBlieck
    Jared DeBlieck Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    @alabama24, Thank you for interacting with my question. The other posted question has been resolved. This one, concerning the Kindle has not been, that's why another post was created.

    I bought one volume of Luther's Works on a Kindle, not included in the 55 volumes I already own. I want to have access to that volume on my iPad, is that possible? Or, since I already purchased it on Kindle would I have to rebuy it through my Logos App?

  • Stephen
    Stephen Member Posts: 237 ✭✭

    Jared, I don't know if you could transfer them to Logos but you can always download the Kindle app and view/read them on your iPad. They wouldn't be included in Logos searches but at least you would be able to read them.

  • Kevin Byford (Faithlife)
    Kevin Byford (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4,309

    I bought one volume of Luther's Works on a Kindle, not included in the 55 volumes I already own. I want to have access to that volume on my iPad, is that possible? Or, since I already purchased it on Kindle would I have to rebuy it through my Logos App?

    Any resource you buy from Logos becomes part of your library.  Assuming the Logos resource in question is licensed for mobile use, it can be accessed on Kindle, Android or iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod).  You don't have to buy the same resource again for every device if you've bought it from Logos.

    However (and this is why alabama24 previously asked), if you didn't buy that resource from Logos but bought it elsewhere it will not become part of your Logos library and cannot be used on your iPad in the same way as other Logos resources.

  • Jared DeBlieck
    Jared DeBlieck Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Thank you. How can I get my kindle purchase to "communicate" with my Logos App? I'm assuming there is some sort of registering involved so that it can be confirmed I own it and bought it legitimately.


  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    Thank you. How can I get my kindle purchase to "communicate" with my Logos App? I'm assuming there is some sort of registering involved so that it can be confirmed I own it and bought it legitimately.


    i think you have misunderstood. Books purchased FROM Amazon/Kindle are accessible ONLY on kindle devices or Kindle apps.

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  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,174

    I bought a recent volume (69) of Luther's Works for my Kindle DX, before I got my iPad. Now that I have an iPad and the Logos App I'd prefer to read it on there. Is there a way to get it from Kindle to iPad?

    AFAIK (I'm not an iPerson and don't own any iDevice) there is a Kindle reading app for iPad, which will allow you to read all your kindle books on the iPad. Check out for that - this has nothing whatsoever to do with Logos. You won't be able to use Kindle books in the Logos app, the apps have their own content storage and file formats.

    That said, as an additional information: the Logos desktop version has the ability to load your own resources (it is called Personal Books, PB for short) from Microsoft Word *.docx format. Thus you could try to produce your own content for Logos, including converting resources produced for Kindle (e.g. in .mobi format) as they sometimes are available through sources like These PBs currently don't work on iPad or Android devices, but probably will sometime in the future.  

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile

  • JT (alabama24)
    JT (alabama24) MVP Posts: 36,523

    To clarify one thing that my non-iOS friend Mick wrote... You can get the Kindle app in the Apple iOS AppStore (which is the only place to get ANY iOS apps). 

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