TIP: If you work across the Logos app including Biblia, be careful w/highlights

DMB Member Posts: 14,184 ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

To be honest (sometimes), I have no clue how Logos does highlighting anymore.

Nor do I care, since, in addition to 3 versions of Logos highlighting,  I also use 3 versions of Kindle, Accordance (2 versions), plus Olivetree and Laridian. Plus of course 4 versions of PDF software.  I just have no patience with cutie designs that are irregular and unintuitive.

In this case, the tip is that if you use Biblia and you're not really a Biblia person, your highlights in spanish are going to 'leak' back into Logos5 (in spanish of course) and thense wildly propagate in an unexpected fashion.

Apparently the highlighting can get started on resource-specific, even though you already have a single highlighting file.  Or maybe ... who knows, there's no manuals.

I'm somewhat amused though, since periodically I just delete all my notes files, solving the confusion in a simple way.

"If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.



  • Drew Hannay
    Drew Hannay Member Posts: 603 ✭✭

    This is a good tip. I know you said you don't care to know how highlighting works Denise, but in case someone else is reading this and wants an explanation...

    If you have your highlights set up to save to the "Palette specific document", the app will create a note document with the same name as your highlighting palette if it doesn't exist already. The Biblia app is marketed towards Spanish-speaking users and therefore all the built in highlighting palettes have Spanish names. So when you create highlights in Biblia and have things set up to save to the "Palette specific document" (which is the default), the app will make you new note documents with Spanish names.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,184 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Drew.  Your kindness is appreciated.

    I guess my question (more a comment) would then be the mysterious ''if you have your highlights set up to save to the 'Palette specific document'.

    Since I've been using a single palette (carefully selected to match Libby's tastes) for the last five years (with no problem), I'm surprised to see my new spanish-speaking palettes.

    Now I hope our hispanic forum users are not laughing too hard. But I already used my Libby-palette with no surprises in Bible!, Noel, and of course Vyrso.

    I'm guessing my palette world will soon be multi-lingual and multi-well-just-about-how-ever-many-books-I'm-reading too.

    EDIT: OK, I did some really major research. I checked each of my 4 Logos apps. They're all set to 'Palette specific document' though 3 of them use Libby's palette and 1 of them is happily creating a new palette for each book. Woohoo! (just being silly since there's really no obvious solution)

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.