Trying to optimize Nook HD. 98% full Internal Storage

There's just a few books that I was thinking of purchasing today or tomorrow and some of them, not necessarily all of them, will be available for Android. The memory in my tablet is over 99% full, there's 46 MB free. The new books would probably be less than 9 MB total.
I've set "Internal Storage Capacity" to 95% in the Settings in my Nook. It's warning me "Low on space NOOK® storage space is getting low". When I used an earlier version of the Logos app in the end of October 2013 it malfunctioned pretty badly when I exceeded 75% by a lot, I had "Internal Storage Capacity" set to 95% - (or actually I don't remember if it was this tablet or my other one which is the exact same model).
I've tried to Remove as many Logos books as possible, and I don't have a lot of web browser history - I just tried to go to one page and it worked (that was earlier today, before the memory got this full). I've removed unnecessary Bibles (I have 8 English Bibles in it, no NETS or any Septuagint, I have NETS in Accordance but I don't have any iPad), all Greek New Testaments but one, unnecessary image rich resources, lexicons (I just have LN left), all reverse interlinears except the Apostolic Father's which is keyed to LN. all unnecessary Church Fathers volumes. Can You give me ideas on what else to remove? I know ZIBBCOT is using 1 GB, but I don't want to remove it. I don't have any Bible Dictionaries left on this tablet.
How long will I approximately be able to keep reading on this tablet before it starts malfunctioning? Will I have to keep removing books all the time when I progress reading if read books are in some kind of cache?
I even looked carefully on which commentaries I want to have on the tablet. I did however download a few more pastoral resources even though that kind of resources are not especially necessary at this point, it's just that I don't want to keep downloading frequently so I forget about the books if I don't have them downloaded.
I don't have time to update the other tablet right now and to put other Logos resources in it, (instead I have to put some effort right now into organizing my library, and I have a lot of schoolwork in uni and it's an important day on Friday the 25th (it may have been re-scheduled to a little later, I haven't checked, but I will also be meeting almost all my friends and family this Friday-Sunday).)
I'm trying to remove as many introductory work as possible, but a few seemed really interesting.
At first I was thinking of adding reading plans - but that was when I got the memory warning. I've removed a devotional that I've tried out but didn't like that much, and added a few new ones.
Are there any particular books that are much hard to use on a tablet than a laptop?
I could remove Beginning Biblical Hebrew by Mark D. Futato as I've never intended to learn Hebrew. And also Cambridge Greek Testament: Greek Text. Perhaps all the Church Documents, Councils and Philosophers aren't necessary but I don't know which ones to remove!
Is there a way for me to see how many books I have in the tablet?
48G AMD octacore V9.2 Acc 12
It would make more sense to me just to increase your memory.
I have a Nook HD that came with 28 GB. I bought a 32GB MicroSD.
Patriot Memory PSF32GMCSDHC43P 32 GB MicroSD High Capacity (microSDHC) - 1 Card
- $24.95 Online Price
I have Logos Diamond, Reformed Silver, and over 500 other resources and have no problem with memory.
0 -
Kent, the flap in my model is known to have problems, the flap brakes if used and and if would not hold the memory.
48G AMD octacore V9.2 Acc 120 -
One resource I might remove would be Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee by James Lee (it contains 400 photographs) - I don't think I noticed I have it on this device until now; or some philosophy works (I don't know which ones)? Could also remove Dictionary of Bible Themes.
The battery seems to be discharging quickly at this moment, maybe my Nook HD is shuffling things in the Internal Storage?
48G AMD octacore V9.2 Acc 120 -
I removed a couple of books, but also accidentally opened two English Bibles. Now I have 34½ MB free Internal Storage left. So it does seem like reading equates having to remove more books:
Unix said:Will I have to keep removing books all the time when I progress reading if read books are in some kind of cache?
EDIT: I wanted to remove Lexham English Bible with audio to see what happens. But the info-panel says: "This book cannot be removed because it is part of this application".EDIT2: I removed two more books but now have 33.7 MB free left.
EDIT3: I (re-)found settings and deleted Chrome Data 6.78 MB.
EDIT4: I now remove Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee.
48G AMD octacore V9.2 Acc 120 -
Removed the Crosswords app and removed Google Text-to-speech updates, added two reading plans in the Bible app, and I now have 86 MB free, 98% full. It has stopped draining the battery as quickly as about an hour ago.
48G AMD octacore V9.2 Acc 120