TIP of the day: Learn original language vocabulary ... and not via flash cards.

The above "flash card" (more officially a graphic organizer) is typical of elementary school classrooms. A word is not learned in isolation but in relationship to other words. Here the relationships are minimal:
- Synonym, a word that in some contexts can replace the vocabulary word without changing the meaning.
- Antonym, s word that in some contexts can replace the vocabulary word making the meaning the opposite of the original meaning.
As we advance through school, additional relationships are added:
- Heteronym, a word with the same spelling but a different pronunciation and meaning than the vocabulary word (wind - the wind blows, to wind a clock).
- Homonym, a word with the same pronunciation as the vocabulary word but different spelling and meaning (toe, tow)
- Derivatives, a word that through established rules (often prefixes and suffixes) that are derived from the vocabulary word (evolve, evolution)
Eventually we add relationships shown in the Bible Sense Lexicon:
- Hyponym is a word that is more specific than the vocabulary word e.g. fish is a hyponym of aquatic animal
- Hypernym is a word that is more general than the vocabulary word e.g. animal is a hypernym of aquatic animal
- Coordinate terms share a hypernym e.g. fish and crocodile.
- a troponym is a manner of doing the vocabulary word e.g. walking, staggering
Some other interesting relationships:
- meronym is a constituent part of the vocabulary word e,g, finger is a meronym of hand
- holonym is the whole of which the vocabulary is a constituent part e.g. finer is a holonym of fingernail
One way to learn vocabulary is to make a collection of words that have these relationships with each other and practice until you can place each word in the correct relationships. Original language only - no cheating and classifying the English glosses.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
Thanks for posting it.
Logos 7 Collectors Edition
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Well, I did not fully understand, but I support this idea anyway!
Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11
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MJ. Smith said:
One way to learn vocabulary is to make a collection of words that have these relationships with each other and practice until you can place each word in the correct relationships. Original language only - no cheating and classifying the English glosses.
Have you actually done this MJ? Can you please explain some more how you have practically used this?
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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Check out FlashGreek Pro on Android and iOS, it gives this type of info (shameless plug as I'm the developer)
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Bruce Dunning said:
Have you actually done this MJ? Can you please explain some more how you have practically used this?
Yes, and I'll get a sample here in a day or so - somehow the language I have at my fingertip wouldn't be very helpful.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:Bruce Dunning said:
Have you actually done this MJ? Can you please explain some more how you have practically used this?
Yes, and I'll get a sample here in a day or so - somehow the language I have at my fingertip wouldn't be very helpful.
Thanks. I look forward to seeing it when you have some time.
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God
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it worked (the plug), I bought it. Looks very useful. thanksDanny Zacharias said:shameless plug
Logos 10 | Dell Inspiron 7373 | Windows 11 Pro 64, i7, 16GB, SSD | iPhone 13 Pro Max
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Very interesting thread. Context is everything with word usage.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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MJ. Smith said:
Yes, and I'll get a sample here in a day or so - somehow the language I have at my fingertip wouldn't be very helpful.
MJ, did you ever get a chance to do this yet?
Using adventure and community to challenge young people to continually say "yes" to God