Any tips of reading Greek and Hebrew in Iphone?

When I read these original languages of Bible, I feel that the function of finding the meaning of each lemma/stem and its morphology is not that good compared to the esword in windows mobile phone platform.....I have to wait for a few seconds after pointing at a word to search for its info, and many times I can't find any out of it......Moreover, if I choose to read the interlinear Bible, the original language stuff and English stuff do not line up neatly.......
Any guys having any tips on this?
Scott, Yip said:
Moreover, if I choose to read the interlinear
Bible, the original language stuff and English stuff do not line up
neatly.......Don't use an interlinear. That's about all you can do. Logos knows about this issue, but taking care of this challenge takes time.
For the first part, honestly, I'd have to say that you should probably spend some more time just learning vocabulary on your own so that you can simply read the text without having to look up the meaning or parsing information. In the long run, that'll be the best for your Greek & Hebrew anyway.