SUGGESTION: Portable Sync for laptop

Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum
One of the concerns so far is that v.4 is slow on older notebooks.

I have also noticed that many using these notebooks, also have a main desktop system and the notebook is more (I assume) backup or travel.

Now, the solution.

Since Logos already synchronizes over the "cloud", whey not give us the option to click button on the top navigation bar (maybe a little briefcase). This would allow users to keep all the "power" stuff o the main desktop and select only a small number of books and features to sync with their laptop. This saves space o a laptop that may only need a smaller number of resources.

But there one problem. What if a user \only syncs a few books, is away on a trip and realizes, "I need a book that is only on my desktop!"

When, that info is in the cloud. So from the laptop we can click the little button that lets us choose a book we need and it is download to the secondary system. If a user needs space, they could "uncheck" another book that is then removed from the system (but not their home computer).

This seems to incorporate the flexibility people want, takes into consideration slower/older systems, and allows for maximum power when a user needs it.

And the best part, I think ALL the tools are ALREADY in the current design, they just need some user-level controls.

A sort of "Sync on the Go" approach

What do you think?

My Books in Logos & FREE Training



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  • Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭
    no thoughts eh? bad idea?

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Member, Logos Employee Posts: 2,280
    It's an interesting idea. But the usefulness depends on where the real speed bottlenecks are. Indexing speed is definitely related to your size of library, but once that's done, I'm not sure X books is much slower than half-X books. We can't throw out part of the .NET application framework, and I don't know that you want us to kill features, and it'd be a lot of work to identify exactly which features were the problem on which machines.

    It might be easier to just offer you the books "in the cloud" through a web browser, and offer that as a lightweight option for lighter machines.

    If disk-space is the only concern, that's probably something we could address by letting you take just part of your library. But it brings up some complicated UI, in light of how we centralize and sync your library...
  • Member Posts: 3,566 ✭✭✭
    to bad... your folks are smart so I am sure they will come up with better ideas :-)

    My Books in Logos & FREE Training

  • Member Posts: 3,051 ✭✭✭

    I have also noticed that many using these notebooks, also have a main desktop system and the notebook is more (I assume) backup or travel.

    Joe, some of us keep using machines while they keep working. My notebook is a perfectly good machine. I should probably put another 1Gb of memory in it and I've contemplated upgrading the hard drive again to cope with my music library and 10 GB of Logos book files. But it serves me perfectly well. It functions as myc desktop - permanently tethered to a port replicator.

    Since Logos already synchronizes over the "cloud", whey not give us the option to click button on the top navigation bar (maybe a little briefcase). This would allow users to keep all the "power" stuff o the main desktop and select only a small number of books and features to sync with their laptop. This saves space o a laptop that may only need a smaller number of resources.

    My netbook has almost as large a hard drive as my main computer (notebook). I want all my books with me all the time and I'm looking forward to not having to remember what I've installed on which computer...

    I would love to be able to transfer my index from one computer to another (using an external HDD). This would save me hassle.

  • Member Posts: 767 ✭✭

    I would love to be able to transfer my index from one computer to another (using an external HDD). This would save me hassle.

    If you can be bothered trying; what happens if you run install on the second computer; stop the indexer; then copy the index directory across %install_root%/Logos4/Data/randomstring/LibraryIndex; you'd probably want to copy the resource directory too; or just copy the whole data directory... I haven't tried but might work? [^o)]

  • Member Posts: 401 ✭✭

    I have 2 notebooks, one for work and one for travel.  Both are powerful with large HDs and I want ALL of Logos resources on both.  What is the best way to synch between the 2 in Logos 4?

  • Member Posts: 718 ✭✭
    Assuming you have all your resources loaded, just click on the circular arrows icon in the upper right hand corner next to 'Layouts'. Both machines need to be on of course, although the synchronization will occur, automatically I think, when you turn on any additional computer that has Logos4 installed.

    Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.

  • Member Posts: 1,075 ✭✭✭
    Just FYI everything resides on the server so you don't have to have both computers on for synchronization to work.. however the idea of copying over the index folder or the entire data directory seems a little dangerous.. I haven't tried it yet but it might be worth trying and if it actually works we could probably think of a way to incorporate that as an entire feature (yay no re-indexing!) But as far as resources (Bob correct me if I'm wrong) they must be downloaded, they are not synchronized, only your documents, settings, layouts, etc. are what is kept in the "cloud".


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