Request: entire library bib info on iphone

I searched the forum for this but didn't see any discussion right off---I would like to be able to access the bibliographic info of my entire library on my iphone. I understand I can't access the full-text of every book right now due to copyright restrictions, but I would at least like to be able to check to see if I own a Logos copy of a book on my iphone while in a bookstore, or say I am discussing Bible study with someone and they suggest I need a book--I could check for it right then on my phone to see if I already have it on my software.
So what I am asking for is the bib info on all my books to be in the Logos iphone app, even if we can't get full text yet. I figure if Logos can push a full book to me on the app, they can also push the bib info of copyright restricted books. Has anybody else thought of this? Is it a reasonable request?
David Moore
[Y] +1
Yes, I would love that too.
But if I understand it correctly, we're not even able to get bibliography info in L4 (neither Windows nor Mac) at the moment. It'll be great if that feature, when made available for Windows and Mac, be also made available on iPhone.
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Theophilus said:
But if I understand it correctly, we're not even able to get bibliography info in L4 (neither Windows nor Mac) at the moment. It'll be great if that feature, when made available for Windows and Mac, be also made available on iPhone.
Not exactly. We can get biblio info, we just can't yet compile a list.