I have only one question to ask!

Can I/we be ASSURED that Logos is readily aware of all the issues we are experiencing and is working on them?
if yes, then I won't have to worry about weather I made this huge investment and feel, to be honest, almost ripped off! We paid thousands of dollars, have thousands of resources, and the product is not doing the job. If I gave my customers a product like this, I'd lose them and gain a bad reputation.
I'm simply being honest here and want an assurance from Logos that they are working on the issues. If they/you are good.
From the interaction with Logos employees and even Bob P., I'm confident they are doing their very best to make this the best Bible study program available. And do remember that your thousands of dollars didn't go to just a program-you bought thousands of dollars worth of resources that you can use in L3, even if you never used L4. I've only been using Logos for a couple of months, but I'm sold. I just see it getting better from here.
πάντα εἰς δόξαν θεοῦ ποιεῖτε
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Milkman said:
Can I/we be ASSURED that Logos is readily aware of all the issues we are experiencing and is working on them?
If you just read the release announcements for the Logos 4 Beta, you'll see that progress is being made.
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It's all posted in the Wiki, but here is a compilation of all the new feature enhancements that have gone into the various betas that will soon be finalized as 4.0b (and Bradley has told us 4.0c has been underway for awhile, beta should start soon for that):
* Import notes, highlighting and favorites from LDLS3. To start the import, enter one of the following commands in the command box
o NOTE: Before importing notes, please read the important instructions about importing from LDLS3
o import notes
o import highlighting
o import favorites
o import all (imports all three types listed above)
* Added Parallel Resource drop-down menu in resource toolbar
* Resources support navigating by data type levels, highlighting, and search results. There's a new menu on the Locator toolbar where you can select data type, and then the new Up/Down arrows next to it will navigate through your resource by that unit. Also if you do a Find within a resource, you can click the up/down carets (shouldn't they be arrows too, for consistency?) to get to the next/prev search result. People have been asking for these enhancements.
* Added Graph Search Results to Morph Search when all searched resources are Bibles
* Added “Speed search” to Bible search, which is now the default
* Added an “Update to current snapshot” context menu option to saved layouts, which replaces the saved layout with the current layout.
* Added a button to the Search Panel toolbar to create a new Visual Filter document from the search
* Added “Adjust plan” feature to reading plans. If you are behind, you can right-click on a day and select “Adjust plan from here”, which pushes everything back so that you start reading on that day.
* Added domain and subdomain to the Louw-Nida search analyis group header
* Added an access key for opening the customize menu on the home page (Alt+C)
* Added Bibles-only search index
* There are now different settings for auto bookmarks, user defined favorite bookmarks, and search bookmarks for more control over visual bookmark settings
* Adding “Default Sans Serif” font option to the Settings panel
* External links can be dragged to the Favorites panel
* Copy Bible Verses Global Shortcut is now shown in Program Settings
* Changed layout of reference range picker in Bible Search, Morph Search, and Reading Plan
* Each unique term in a search query is now highlighted with a different color
* Input boxes will try to provide valid Bible reference ranges instead of doing nothing (e.g. “mt 28:18-22” will parse to Mt 28:18-20)
* User-defined collections now have their own section (separate from Series) in Search range picker
* Implicit Series are now included as options in the Cited By panel menu (disabled by default)
* Ctrl+Shift+W closes all panels
* Bible reference input boxes support the specification of a versemap to use when parsing
* Right-click a collection title in the Parallel Resources drop-down to edit it
* Delete icon changed to red ‘x’ (to distinguish it from the Close icon)
* Significant improvements to formatting preservation when importing notes. We recommend running the import delete notes command, followed by import notes to re-import the notes. If you have a lot of notes, synchronization may take a long time to catch up with all the changes after running these commands.
* Use command uilang en or uilang es to switch to English or Spanish UI. (Restart required.) (Spanish UI is not yet finished.)
* Right-click a collection title in Parallel Resources drop-down to edit it.
* Accessibility is now disabled to avoid performance problems on tablet PCs due to WPF. “set accessibility to on” and restart to enable accessibility. The Tablet PC Input Service hack at http://wiki.logos.com/Logos_Running_Slowly should no longer be necessary.
* Bible Speed Search doesn’t ignore incomplete phrases.
* Added a command bar setting to disable the home page (“Set show home page at startup to false”)
* Added “Filter Highlight” resource navigation option to navigate to the next/previous visual filter highlight
* Added M’Cheyne Reading Plan option in the reference range selector; it makes the plan for the year of the starting date, and overrides all other time options
* Added Reverse Interlinear section to Resource Info page
* Additional commands are now supported: Rebuild Bible index, Rebuild library index, Merge library index
* “All parallel resources” set shows the built-in parallel resources
* Allow duplicate verses in bible reading plans, so reading Psalms,Psalms will read through Psalms twice
* Collections can now be excluded from Parallel Resource Sets
* The current parallel resource set can now be chosen by clicking the column header
* New icons for ‘Update Now’, ‘Update Resources’, ‘Start Reading Aloud’, and ‘FSD’ commands
* LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys now flip through the resources in the current Parallel Resource set
* “Speed search” renamed to “Search (while typing)” to better convey its functionality; it is no longer the default
* Use command “uilang en” or “uilang es” to switch to English or Spanish UI. (Restart required)
* Prayer Lists (in File menu)
* import prayer lists command imports prayer lists from LDLS3
* Added Information Panel settings
* Added Language program setting
* Resource Information shows reverse interlinear information (when available and applicable)
* Added a resource description pop-up to resource hyperlinks in the Commentaries and Cross References sections
* Parallel Resource Sets remembers the last set chosen
* Collections are not shown in Parallel Resources by default (existing collections won’t be changed)
* The first Parallel Resource set is now the default set
* Copy Bible Verses supports <tab> to insert a tab
* Added “Proxy settings” to Sign in dialog for custom/authenticated proxy servers
* Highlighting Palettes and Styles can be created and edited
* If sync fails, the sync icon (in the top right) will change to an “error” icon
* “Export” changed to “Export to Bibliography.”
* New Copy Bible Verses syntax that use Microsoft Word custom Styles:
o %HeaderStyle = My Style Name
o %ForEachVerseStyle = My Style Name
o %FooterStyle = My Style Name
o %FootnoteStyle = My Style Name (applies to all footnotes, including citations)
o %CitationStyle = My Style Name (only applies to citation footnotes)
* On a new installation, automatic downloading of updates can be disabled when selecting a “Custom” install.
* Resource visual filters are grouped by type.
* When the application crashes, it will write a short crash report to My Documents\Logos Log Files\*Crash.txt; this will occur whether or not logging is enabled.
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What specific issues are you experiencing?
User Interface Designer - Logos Bible Software
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Mike Aubrey said:
If you just read the release announcements for the Logos 4 Beta, you'll see that progress is being made.
Of course it would be helpful if one knew where to find these release announcements...
Announcements on Logos are spread out everywhere. It would be nice to have one click access to announcements (Maybe it's there, but where?).
Elder/Pastor, Hope Now Bible Church, Fresno CA
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rfresno said:Mike Aubrey said:
If you just read the release announcements for the Logos 4 Beta, you'll see that progress is being made.
Of course it would be helpful if one knew where to find these release announcements...
Announcements on Logos are spread out everywhere. It would be nice to have one click access to announcements (Maybe it's there, but where?).
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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http://community.logos.com/forums/78.aspx Link to the Beta Forum.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.