Advice please! Does an iPhone/Touch/Pad sync with Microsoft Outlook.

I have used a Pocket PC for many years but have now broken it. I am therefore thinking of getting an iPhone or iTouch to use the Logos App, but can I still use if for Calender & Contacts in Outlook. I would be lost without these.If yes - great! But if not how do you guys sync your Calender & contacts when using an IPhone etc. As you can see I am a bit of a novice at these things - all advice much appreciated!
It does sync with Outlook, however I don't use it that way.
I think a better option is to sync both with Google. There are basic freeware apps to sync your outlook contacts and calendar with google account; and the iPhone is very easy to setup this way, from memory you just enter google's details as an Exchange Server when you're first setting up the phone. Then everything stays in sync automatically without having to plug your phone into your computer...
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