When I download book for offline use the full book doesn't work

I downloaded the Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer and it won't work offline, says a book error when I try to read the first chapter of the first book. Also large Bible dictionaries don't download all of the way. It only does the first part of the book. For example ISBE won't look up David on the offline. Anyway to fix this. Should I delete the App and reinstall it?
Here are a couple of suggestions:
1) Make sure auto-lock in the ipod settings (Settings -->General) is set to "Never." This will keep the ipod from going into sleep mode, which interrupts the download.
2) Open the book while on-line, then download it. This used to be necessary to avoid a bug. It may have been fixed, but I still do it to be sure [:)]
3) While off-line, you cannot navigate to a part of the book by typing in the "go/find" box. You must either flip pages or use the table of contents. So if you type "David" in the ISBE, it will fail. I have the ISBE on my ipod, so I can confirm that it will download.
4) Sometimes a book will fail to download for some reason. If that happens, try again. That's frustrating with the big books, but I've never had too much of a problem. I generally try to not download more than one or two books at a time. I don't know if that matters, but it feels like it does!
Hope that helps!