TIP of the day - oldies weekend: Command box
Mitch Davis said:Go to the Help file in Logos and view (and then try) some of the examples. It just might turn out to be one of the best treasures when working with Logos on a daily basis.
The current contents of Help on this feature shows (and yes there are several changes from https://community.logos.com/forums/t/3227.aspx):
Command Box
The Command Box is for those who prefer to type quick commands to get results.
1. Click into the Command Box on the Toolbar at the top of the program window.
2. Type a command and press Enter, or first choose the exact command from the suggested matches displayed as you type. An example is create visual filter, which opens a new visual filter document.
3. You can also type just the name of a feature, such as ‘home’, ‘passage guide’, or ‘history’, and press Enter to open those features. This is equivalent to typing the command ‘show’ in front of the names. An example is library, which opens Library in a floating window.
Available Commands include:
- add
- close all
- copy
- create
- go, go to
- help
- import – see Importing Libronix DLS Documents for more information
- load new = create
- look up – opens keylink resource
- make = create
- open [document name]
- open = show – when opening guides and tools
- open new = create
- read, read aloud, start reading aloud, stop reading aloud
- rebuild index
- remove duplicate notes
- scan, with path – scans internal or external drives for resources
- scan optical media (Mac), or scan DVD (Windows) – scans connected CD/DVD-ROM drives in which media is inserted
- search (basic), bible search, morph search, syntax search
- set
- show = open
- show new = create
- sync check
- sync now
- sync repair
- uilang – switch language interface
- update
1. Add:
• add note jn 1.1 in my bible notes – adds a note to John 1:1 in all Bibles with that passage, and to a Note file named ‘My Bible Notes’
2. Close All:
• close all – closes all open docked and floating panels
3. Copy:
• copy John 1:1 from rsvce – copies the verse from the RSVCE Bible
4. Document:
• create clippings – opens a new untitled Clippings document
• create prayer list named My Prayers – opens a new Prayer List document named ‘My Prayers’
• open My Notes – opens an existing Notes document named ‘My Notes’
5. Help:
• help on searching – opens the Help panel to articles on searching
6. Import:
• import all – imports Favorites, Highlighting (Visual Markups), Notes, and Prayer Lists from Libronix DLS 3
• import notes – imports only Notes from Libronix DLS 3
• import delete all – deletes all imported documents from Verbum
• import delete favorites – deletes all imported Favorites
7. Look up: (or lookup)
• look up [word] – may open a dictionary, a Bible dictionary, Greek or Hebrew lexicon, depending on the word
8. Open:
• open bible facts to Abraham – opens Biblical Facts diagram of Abraham’s family tree
• open rsvce in new tab – opens the RSVCE Bible in a new tab in active panel
9. Passage Analysis:
• show compare pericopes – opens Passage Analysis to Compare Pericopes
• show compare pericopes for John 3:16 – opens Passage Analysis to Compare Pericopes for John 3:16
10. Read aloud:
• start reading aloud – starts reading active resource at current location
• stop reading aloud – stops reading active resource
11. Rebuild index:
• rebuild index – rebuilds the Library and Bible indexes and restarts the Indexer from the beginning if it is already running
• rebuild bible index – rebuilds the separate Bible index
• rebuild library index – rebuilds the separate Library index
• rebuild personal book index – rebuilds the separate Personal Book index
12. Scan:
• scan x:\path – scans path on drive x:\ for resources (replace ‘x’ with the appropriate drive letter) – restart required
13. Scan DVD – command for Windows:
• scan dvd – brings up a choice of connected CD/DVD-ROM drives in which media is inserted and scans that drive (restart required)
14. Scan Optical Media – command for Mac:
• scan optical media – brings up a choice of connected CD/DVD-ROM drives in which media is inserted and scans that drive (restart required)
15. Search:
• bible search for "Jesus Christ" – opens Bible Search panel and generates results on "Jesus Christ" query
• search for hermeneutics – opens Basic Search panel and generates Topic and Library results for ‘hermeneutics’
• Note: press Ctrl+Enter to search Top Bibles, or Ctrl+Shift+Enter to search Entire Library (Windows only)
16. Set:
• set default font to comic – changes default font to Comic Sans MS
• set default text size to 120 – changes default text size to 120%
• set old default notes text size to 12 – change to 12 point the text size of notes which used the default size set in Program Settings and have not been edited for size since the option was removed
• set show home page at startup to no – home page will not load at startup
17. Sync Check:
• sync check – downloads all of the sync items on the server and compares them to the sync items on the client, reporting any mismatches to the Verbum.log (if logging is enabled) as well as to the VerbumError.log. Logging does not have to be enabled to generate the VerbumError log.
18. Sync Now:
• sync now – prompts the program to initiate synchronization.
19. Sync Repair:
• sync repair – confirms that the documents and settings on the client match the documents and settings on the server. Mismatches will prompt the client to upload them again.
20. Uilang:
• uilang en – switch to English user interface (restart required)
• uilang es – switch to Spanish user interface (restart required)
• uilang pt – switch to Brazilian Portuguese user interface (restart required)
• uilang sv – switch to Swedish user interface (restart required)
21. Update:
• update active layout – saves changes made to the currently active layout.
• update now – searches for and starts downloading any program updates based on your current update channel (Stable, Beta).
• update resources – searches for and starts downloading any updates to resources you have in your Library, or resources you recently purchased and have not yet downloaded.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."