Interlinear Bibles
How do you access your interlinear bibles?
Reverse Interlinears not yet visible in Logos 4 Mac - did find "Interlinear" button in PC Beta for several bibles.
In A14, clicked Library - searched interlin - double clicked desired Interlinear bible => opened in new tab.
For screen capture, clicked Library icon - show search results and highlighted bible:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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So the Interlinears are accessible in A14 after all? Your post is a bit confusing - you start by saying they are not visible - then you show how they are - can you shed some light on the matter?
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Certain interlinears are available. Many English Bibles (like NKJV) now have interlinear data built into them. However we cannot access this particular data because the interlinear button hasn't been coded yet.
Hope this Helps
Michael Kares
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Thanks Michael - the thing I'm still not clear about is - why the Interlinear Resources don't even show up in the list of Resources in my Library. The same identical resources are listed in Libronix 1.2.2 - I would think they would be on the A14 List - just not viewable. The resources totals are the same whether via A14 or Libronix - in my cases 404 total resources - yet in A14 - the Library List does not display all of my purchased resources.
Any ideas?
Again thanks for the effort to help clarify,
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I believe its because the interlinears are now built into the English Bible's files. The interlinears used to be their own resource. Most no longer are. Hence "The ESV Reverse-Interlinear" is now part of the ESV bible itself. Two resource files have become one.
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I don't think my last post actually posted. [:(] Here is the short answer: Most interlinear resources were combined with their English Bibles. Hence, for example, the ESV Reverse Interlinear is now part of the ESV bible. Two resource files merged into one.
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I see - so we are just waiting on the functionality for Logos to display the Interlinear information - it's there - we just can't see it yet.
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Reverse Interlinears not yet visible in Logos 4 Mac - did find "Interlinear" button in PC Beta for several bibles.
In A14, clicked Library - searched interlin - double clicked desired Interlinear bible => opened in new tab.
For screen capture, clicked Library icon - show search results and highlighted bible:
Keep Smiling
This is very high on my wish list for the upcoming alphas. I am just beginning to learn Greek so I like to have an interlinear NA27 and my ESV open when I am studying. I wonder if the UI element is going to be difficult on the Mac? It should be a simple NSTable but that frozen column might need a little extra effort.
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PC Beta side by side: NA27 Interlinear beside ESV reverse Interlinear with Logos Bible Word Study below:
Named PC Beta layout, sync'd, opened Mac Alpha, choose same layout - missing reverse Interlinear:
Mac A14 also lacks Interlinear display choice. PC Beta layout not showing NA27 lemma's, but Mac A14 does.
Also noticed Bible Word Study (BWS) "this" different than "utterance" - possibly since my Mac default bible is ASV.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Me too. I'm working on the 2nd aorist as I type. (I'd be more successful if I logged out of the Logos forums.) [:D]
iMac 21.5 inch • iPhone 3GS
Software Engineer καὶ μαθητῆς τοῦ λόγου τοῦ θεοῦ
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Is that a different version of NA27? I kind of like that type of interlinear display (although I like the ribbon too) and wouldn't mind throwing it in. Greek is so new to me that any kind of help really speeds my study up. I guess I am not sure speeding it up is always a good thing though.
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Another forum post mentions some online greek and hebrew language learning resources:
Depends on language goals - interlinears can be helpful and/or detrimental for mastery.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks. For me aiming simply for understanding right now is seems lofty.
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I read this topic and I'm lost. I still can't find the interlinear bibles in my Logos 4 package. Can anyone help by guiding me where to go? I've watched the videos, but still can't find them.
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Hey Michael, welcome to the forums!
If you have an L4 base package then the reverse interlinears are integrated with your regular Bibles.
See:$2fInterlinear__Bibles for lots of detail.
Prov. 15:23
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Thank you very much Kevin. I appreciate the help.
Edit: I went to the video link, and I do not have the "interlinear" button to click on, only one that says "visual filters" and one for "parallel resources". I checked the parallel resources and it is a list of bible translations, with no interlinear bibles present.
I also checked the library and there are no interlinear bibles listed, even though the package I purchased(Study package) indicates there are 17 interlinears in the green package. Any suggestions?
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What Bible are you looking in? Perhaps a screen-shot could help us figure out what's wrong.
Prov. 15:23
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OK, I downloaded a patch for IE9 and now can pull up the interlinear for the ESV and a couple of other translations, but not the NIV.
I'm actually enjoying myself trying to figure all of this out.
Thanks for the help Kevin! And thank you for the welcome to the forum.
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Michael said:
OK, I downloaded a patch for IE9 and now can pull up the interlinear for the ESV and a couple of other translations, but not the NIV.
I'm actually enjoying myself trying to figure all of this out.
Thanks for the help Kevin! And thank you for the welcome to the forum.
Likewise Welcome [:D]
Currently, NIV in Logos 4 is 2011 version that does not have a reverse interlinear. Older NIV84 does have reverse interlinear.
Forum has a screen shot showing an Interlinear Bible collection in Logos 4.
Observation: original forum thread in Logos 4 Mac is over a year old (sometimes replies to old posts are ignored). By the way, Internet Explorer 5 was last one for Mac => More Logos 4 windows users post and reply in Logos 4 forum =>
Keep Smiling [:)]