CRASH Logos 8.2 Beta 3

Improvement in Notes means persistent crash in L8.2 Beta 3 when trying to add a note:

After upgrading to B3 I made a note and selected a blue-colored note marker to see the change advertised in the change notes: I expected this blue note marker to be used in the subsequent notes. Instead, I now have a persistent crash whenever I try to add a note.

This error will occur everytime I

  • select text,
  • hit right click and
  • hit add a note 

(I tried selected surface text in two or three resources as well as reference in a NIV bible), it always shows this error:

Error ID: 5053
Error detail: ServiceException: 'style' is invalid: 'indicator' is missing or empty.

ServiceException: 'style' is invalid: 'indicator' is missing or empty. (InvalidRequest)
at Facility.Core.ServiceResult.Verify()
at LDLS4.Panels.NotesTool.NotesToolViewModel.<CreateNotes>d__72.MoveNext()

Highlighting with a keyboard shortcut works, but doesn't break the above sequence.


0724.crash when trying to write second note in

7823.more logs for

Have joy in the Lord! Smile
