Suggestion: Legacy Standard Bible

I would love to see this in logos in 2021 upon its release!
What is the LSB?
The Legacy Standard Bible (LSB) is a translation that—at its core—seeks to be a window into the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. By translating individual words as consistently as possible within their various nuances, it allows the reader to discern what God originally wrote and know the author’s intent. In this way, the LSB seeks to be an improvement upon the NASB, while simultaneously preserving its faithful legacy.
Is the LSB a new translation?
The Legacy Standard Bible is a direct update of the NASB 1995 edition and fundamentally endeavors to uphold it. The translators went back to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek of every verse in order to double check its accuracy. Any changes made strictly revolved around providing greater consistency in word usage, accuracy in grammatical structure, and tightening phrasing.
Sometimes these changes will incorporate what was found in the earlier NASB ’77 edition. However, if no update was needed, then the text was left as originally translated by the NASB ’95. Thus, as opposed to a brand new translation, the LSB is truly designed to be a legacy edition. It is a version that honors and upholds the NASB tradition, and endeavors to more fully implement its translation philosophy.
How is the LSB different from the NASB ‘95?
While the Legacy Standard Bible sought to uphold the NASB 95, it has several key distinctions:
- The recovery of God’s name, Yahweh in the OT, and slave for the Greek term doulos in the NT.
- The change of certain words and phrases in order to ensure that English words consistently matched their original language counterparts, and that the phrasing matched the grammar of the original language.
- The usage of weights, measurements, and currency as they’re found in the original writing. Because this translation is designed to bring the reader to what was originally written, the LSB maintains the unit of measurement that the Scripture uses. For clarity, conversions into both American and metric units are provided in the notes for measurements. This allows for the LSB to serve the entire English-speaking world by not choosing one country’s unit of measurement or currency over another. It also preserves any exegetical significance of the way the measurements were originally expressed.
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The more I learn about the LSB (Legacy Standard Bible) the better I like it! The newer and "more inclusive" versions of the NIV and NASB are not for my library.
Casting my vote for the LSB whenever it's available. [Y]
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I'd buy it and put it at the top of my preferences (unless it is really expensive).
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I will definitely be buying it and making it my default version. As of Feb 9th, according to a Logos support representative, it is not on the list of forthcoming resources at Logos, I assume because it hasn't been published in full. She did point me to this page where the resource can be requested:
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Definitely need this translation on Logos
"Your speech must always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." - Colossians 4:6
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Jerry Heitschmidt said:
where the resource can be requested:
Newer Faithlife feedback => has 704 Logos Book Requests, including Legacy Standard Version having 3 votes.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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The FAQ off the LSB sounds promising:
”The LSB New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs will be available to read through this website for free beginning in March of this year. iOS and Android apps will become available the same month. Bible software platforms and additional third party apps will begin releasing before the end of 2021, when the entire Bible is released. ”
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Yes, PLEASE add the LSB.
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Add to my mobile and desktop software from said company for free. You can’t knock that price.
Mattillo said:0 -
Need in Logos![Y][Y][Y]
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Yes, Please add the LSB to Logos.
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You get the Bible (as it is available now) and you get the full Accordance 13 for Free. But it make sense first to load the Accordance Lite and then add the LSB. In this way you get more material. And for the ones who has the A Lite, because of some resources, with this you can upgrade A to the full version 13.
It seems for other companies the release will follow at the end of the year, when the Bible is finished.
Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης·
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We need the LSB in Logos, please make this happen as soon as possible!
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I support this idea, seeing that Lockman has sold out to the "easier English" crowd. I'm sure there will be shortcomings, but at least it doesn't appear to be adding to the shortcomings list.
Fwiw, some have suggested the LEB (Lexham English Bible) as a possible substitute for NASB95. Having looked at LEB in a few instances, my considered response is "no".
I do wonder, though...since one of the strongest characteristics of the NASB95 is its notation of "literal" translations in the margin, how will such data be handled in the LSB? My preference would be simply that such notations become part of the actual body text. If those notes are either not kept or not inserted into the text, then the LSB is simply not acceptable, in spite of any supposed improvements.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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I would definitely be interested in this product. Please make this translation available in Logos.
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It's freely available in A, why not in Logos?
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A very good question. Are there any copyright issues or anything that would preclude Logos from incorporating the LSB? You can read it online and download from Accordance (Oak Tree Software) so why is Faithlife (Logos) hesitant about getting it into Logos? This is a rock-solid translation and one I will certainly be using in the future.
"If you cry out for insight and understanding and if you search for it as hidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God." - Proverbs 2:3-50 -
I put my vote in for it, and since I have Accordance 13, also got my free copy there, but I am about to simplify my life and start using Logos exclusively, and uninstall everything else so I hope Logos gets this Bible.
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Mattillo said:
Well this is embarrassing... I guess you’ll need accordance for the LSB?
Faithlife really missed a marketing opportunity here. Giving away LSB with Accordance and a few other resources may be just the "free sample" to get some people on board with buying other books for that Bible software.
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I agree.. Please add the LSB
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Just adding my vote as well. I've just been switching back and forth between with my browser. I'm a little stumped about the delayed Logos release as well, but I'm sure there's a reason.
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As my church is transition to LSB for much of the exposition and public Bible reading, it is very annoying (to say the least) to have to move out of my primary Bible software to read along. Please get this BIble in Logos.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Don Randolph said:
Are there any copyright issues or anything that would preclude Logos from incorporating the LSB?
I don't know the reason, but sometimes Accordance has offered products that Logos has not. Biblical Archaeology Review is a good example. It has not been carried by Logos for years, yet Accordance has it.
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Ronald Quick said:Don Randolph said:
Are there any copyright issues or anything that would preclude Logos from incorporating the LSB?
I don't know the reason, but sometimes Accordance has offered products that Logos has not. Biblical Archaeology Review is a good example. It has not been carried by Logos for years, yet Accordance has it.
I have a feeling that Accordance may make exclusive deals with resource providers. Just a hunch. Seems like dirty pool, but when you are outgunned in major ways, you do what you can to stay relevent.
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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I have a feeling that Accordance may make exclusive deals with resource providers. Just a hunch. Seems like dirty pool, but when you are outgunned in major ways, you do what you can to stay relevent.
Your feelings are greatly misplaced.
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David Paul said:
I have a feeling that Accordance may make exclusive deals with resource providers. Just a hunch. Seems like dirty pool, but when you are outgunned in major ways, you do what you can to stay relevent.
Not sorry to say that, because I say it by purpose, this is from my user perspective more the habit of Logos not the one from Accordance!!!
Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης·
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Well, now it's all so much clearer!
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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David Paul said:
Well, now it's all so much clearer!
It would be so much easier if the people read my posts more accurate. I see this a lot of times in this forums. I state it in my first post of this thread: "It seems for other companies the release will follow at the end of the year, when the Bible is finished. "
Or they simply read the FAQ. It is written in plural, so other should get it too.
And for the claim I have done about the time
Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης·
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Fabian said:
It would be so much easier if the people read my posts more accurate.
But an unnamed fellow forum user and I would have much less fun imagining people reading their Bibles with the same inaccuracy they read posts. Okay, the forums have encouraged my warped sense of humor; before releasing the tomatoes note I did say "imagine" to imply a counter-factual. [:D]
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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I heard back from the publishers of the LSB regarding availability in Logos. This is their response: "Once the complete Bible releases in print, we are planning to have the LSB made available to third-party Bible apps and software developers"
I suggested that they make the NT and Psalms available now on a pre-pub type release where we pay full price and then eventually get the full thing once released. I suspect many would be willing to back a project like this. Hopefully @Logos can make it happen.
Jacob Hantla
Pastor/Elder, Grace Bible Church
gbcaz.org0 -
Jacob Hantla said:
I suggested that they make the NT and Psalms available now on a pre-pub type release where we pay full price and then eventually get the full thing once released.
That sounds like a great idea. Logos does this with commentaries.
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Yes! Please oh please make the LSB available on Logos as soon as possible.
(Please take my money now!)[H]
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I'm also very interested in getting LSB in Logos! Can't wait!
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We need the Legacy Standard Bible on Logos ASAP. When will it be available?
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The LSB will probably be available three to six months after the full translation is officially released (OT and NT) and Logos receives the right to pre-publish it. I would guess between April-June of next year. After that, if you want to purchase the RI (Reverse Interlinear), the wait is also 3-6 months.
I say this out of experience with the NAS20. I waited about 6 months for the translation. Now, I'm waiting for the RI. It was pre-published in early June.
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Joseph Luna said:
Now, I'm waiting for the RI.
Wow, still waiting for the RI? I had assumed they had finished it by now. I have both the LSB and the NASB20 in a certain competitor's software so I'm waiting until Logos comes out with the full RI versions of each before I purchase anything from Logos.
(I prefer the phrase "a certain competitor" because I think it is actually against the forum rules to mention the A-word in the forums. lol)
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Dominic Avila said:
We need the Legacy Standard Bible on Logos ASAP. When will it be available?
Got this in an email from the LSB Publishers (9/15/21)—
"work has begun on the complete LSB digital edition! It will be available to read for FREE at Like our current online New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs, it will be a text-only edition with the same features that are currently on the site that allow you to choose your font size and format.
Work on other digital editions will begin after the following work on the translation is completed:
Footnotes in the OT
Updating of Strong’s Numbers
Updating of the Dictionary
Once that work is completed this Fall, a company that specializes in metadata filework will comb through the coding, looking for irregularities that need correction. When that process is complete, an export file is created that allows for our typesetter to begin their work. It is at this point that work can begin on digital and print editions of the LSB that include footnotes and cross-references."I don't know what this means for the Logos edition, but LSB hasn't yet completed their own digital version, which I assume would be given to other publishers like Logos to turn into their own digital versions.
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Please get the LSB. I want to make it my preferred Bible
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I would also like to add my strong desire for the Legacy Standard Bible in Logos. Any updates on any plans for this product would be greatly appreciated!
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yes please !
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This can be a deal breaker for many Logos users
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I bought this in print/leather, and I also have the free Accordance version. Would love to see it in Logos as well. Looks like a solid translation.
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I am not a huge fan of Accordance but I may have to move back for LSB for a bit.
I hope it comes out here soon.
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