Error in search for in Bibles with Reverse Interlinears

If you do a search for <Lemma = lbs/el/εἰρήνη> in the UBS4 or NA28 it returns 92 results including Luke 24:36. However if you do the same search in the LEB or any other reverse interlinear bible it returns 91 results and Luke 24:36 is not included. If I should to send these kinds of errors to some other place please let me know where.
This is not a bug. The reverse interlinear data (original language information) for most Bibles is based on the SBLGNT for the New Testament, and the LHB for the Old Testament. The lemma in question doesn't appear in that verse in the SBLGNT.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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I see. The question then becomes, “How many other places does the SBLGNT not include a word or a phrase that is in the UBS4 or the NA28?” I have grown used to relying on right click searching within an English text for a Greek lemma and imagining that the search results would be consistent with the same search done in the UBS4. This is one of the great benefits of having a reverse interlinear. But this leaves me frustrated. Why are the reverse interlinear bibles not based on the Greek text that actually stands behind them? Am I missing something here?
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Lee Patmore said:
“How many other places does the SBLGNT not include a word or a phrase that is in the UBS4 or the NA28?”
Suggest searching Negative Apparatus Text of SBLGNT for NA28 whose 660 results include Luke 24:36
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Lee Patmore said:
How many other places does the SBLGNT not include a word or a phrase that is in the UBS4 or the NA28?
That should be documented in the Apparatus:
There's also a table summarising the differences between GNT editions in the Introduction.
Lee Patmore said:Why are the reverse interlinear bibles not based on the Greek text that actually stands behind them?
I'm not an expert on this, but my understanding is that those Greek texts aren't actually available. Each translation ends up being based on its own eclectic Greek text as the translation committee chooses different readings during the translation process, and only the major differences tend to be documented in translators' footnotes. (Sometimes the underlying Greek text is made available, as with Goodrich & Lukaszewski's A Reader's Greek New Testament, or Scrivener's GNT, but I believe both of those were "reverse engineered" back from the English translation, and not a product of the translation committee.)
We do not have the budget (or omniscience) to reconstruct each conjectural underlying Greek text from the English (or Spanish, German, etc.) translation as part of the reverse interlinear alignment process, so for simplicity we align everything to either the SBLGNT or TR based on the manuscript tradition the translation uses. This is just something to be aware of when performing Greek studies on a reverse interlinear: for the most part, you're studying the SBLGNT.
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Lee Patmore said:
How many other places does the SBLGNT not include a word or a phrase that is in the UBS4 or the NA28?
That should be documented in the Apparatus:
Searching Negative Apparatus Text for NA28 in SBLGNTAPP finds 557 results (different than 660 results in SBLGNT)
Basic Search for NA28 in Negative Apparatus Text in SBLGNTAPP includes Luke 24:36
Curious if SBLGNTAPP has update plans as SBLGNT introduction has two apparatus editions while SBLGNTAPP has one (does not have NA28 in the abbreviations used list).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Thanks each one of you for your helpful responses. This helps me to make sense of this.
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Searching Negative Apparatus Text for NA28 in SBLGNTAPP finds 557 results (different than 660 results in SBLGNT)
Appears when more than one Greek surface word is in Apparatus: e.g. Matthew 8:18, 14:4, 15:30, then SBLGNT has apparatus markers at the beginning and end of SBLGNT words so suspect 660 result count means 103 Negative Apparatus Text for NA28 have more than one Greek word.
Keep Smiling [:)]