MAC OS 12 Monterey

This is just a head's up I know there is no support for Beta OS software and I am not asking for any.
I have the developer's copy of MAC OS 12 on one of my Macs. Everything works fine except when I type an f in notes it will either minimize or maximize my screen. It can be a lower or uppercase f. I can shut logos down and re launch and it will stop for a while and then it starts back again.
Don't know if your working with Monterey yet, but wanted to let you know.
I consider that a very good sign that it is mostly stable. I think we are getting closer to not having the rug being pulled out from under us with every new release. Considering how beta that OS is, I don't expect it to go south in the future.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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Yes! There were times when Logos wouldn’t even launch.
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Not typing "f"s might hinder things a bit, but you could always get creative:
Your eye shall not pity. It shall be liphe phor liphe, eye phor eye, tooth phor tooth, hand phor hand, phoot phor phoot. (Deuteronomy 19:21)
I usually wait until the 2nd developer release before installing Apple's latest. I need Proclaim to work as well, so I'll install it on an external SSD and see how it goes.
Thanks for the inpho!
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Love the work around. I only have it on one machine. I know better.
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Just an FYI....Logos mobile is working well on iOS 15. Haven't noticed any issues yet.
Myke Harbuck
Lead Pastor, www.ByronCity.Church
Adjunct Professor, Georgia Military College0 -
Is that the only issue you've observed in Logos with Monterey? I'm strongly considering putting it on my M1, but it would be annoying if Logos couldn't do at least basic things (open resource, multiple resource view, etc).
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I'm much too lazy and white knuckle. The only thing I use nowadays is a release candidate of LibreOffice. Those work well enough.
The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter
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Wes Keene said:
it would be annoying if Logos couldn't do at least basic things
If you need the installation or if losing it would be more than a minor inconvenience, you should never install a beta. Things can and will go wrong. Just because beta 1 has no significant issues doesn’t mean that beta 2 won’t break the bank. I know from personal experience, but thankfully I did not need Logos for work at the time.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
If you only have 1 Mac for your work, do not do it. I have 3 Macs. Beta 2 could be worse or better who knows? It's a beta.If you are going to do it wait till the public beta, but if you only have one machine do not do it.
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Wes Keene said:
Is that the only issue you've observed in Logos with Monterey? I'm strongly considering putting it on my M1, but it would be annoying if Logos couldn't do at least basic things (open resource, multiple resource view, etc).
If would meet your everyday needs then you should be able to install the beta and ride out the storm.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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I've installed the second beta of Monterey on an external SSD. It appears that the 'f' issue reported has been resolved.
It also appears that Proclaim and Logos both function properly, although I haven't done any detailed work yet. I'll be continuing sermon prep tomorrow, and I'll use Monterey, and report on how it goes.
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I still have the "f" issue but only lower case
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I still have the "f" issue, but only lower case.
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Rob Bruce said:
I still have the "f" issue, but only lower case.
It just happened to me as well. Phortunately I do my text editing elsewhere.
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Sermon prep went fine last week using Monterey. I prepared a Bible study this week, and have been preparing Sunday's message as well. I went ahead and installed Monterey Beta 2 on my MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. The Pro is in my office, connected to a large monitor. The Air goes with me. Both have functioned without a hitch.
As always, beta software can be problematic, but frankly, this is the smoothest beta OS I've ever used.
I did decide to use the Logos default update channel, rather than the beta, for the time being; no point pushing it too far.
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I'm using a workaround: using (macOS) system settings and overriding the "fullscreen" or "back to normal" shortcut from the logos window-menu. Then you can use 'f' again as usual without restarting every couple of minutes.
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Great work around, thanks!
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Either this is not a universal problem or I'm just very lucky but I'm not seeing this issue on Monterey on my MBPM1.
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association0 -
I am using MAC OS 12 (Montery), and just encountered this problem. I used it last week but without the problem (f-key full screen toggle). I tried to locate the logos window-menu you were wrote about but there was no "fullscreen" or "back to normal" setting...could you please help?
Thanks, Dick Bickings
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Richard Bickings said:
I am using MAC OS 12 (Montery), and just encountered this problem. I used it last week but without the problem (f-key full screen toggle). I tried to locate the logos window-menu you were wrote about but there was no "fullscreen" or "back to normal" setting...could you please help?
Thanks, Dick Bickings
Does this post help?
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I am having the same issue with the lowercase "f" key. It worked fine until I upgraded to macOS Monterey 12.0.1. Now, every time I type the lowercase "f" key in the sermon editor it goes to full screen.
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Jeff said:
I am having the same issue with the lowercase "f" key. It worked fine until I upgraded to macOS Monterey 12.0.1. Now, every time I type the lowercase "f" key in the sermon editor it goes to full screen.
See Gregory's post for a workaround to this issue:
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Rob Bruce said:
Everything works fine except when I type an f in notes it will either minimize or maximize my screen. It can be a lower or uppercase f. I can shut logos down and re launch and it will stop for a while and then it starts back again.
Thanks for reporting this. We do have a case to work on fixing this.
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I have Logos 9 on my M1 Mac MIni and upgraded to Monterey (12.0.1) two days ago.
When typing in any note now, if I hit the "f" key, my screen corrupts (jiggles and blurs) for 1-2 seconds and character entry in my note is temporarily stopped. The "f" enters but no other letters after that. After a couple of seconds, I can go back and complete the word that was supposed to start with "f" and continue typing normally until I hit another "f". This occurs 100% of the time when I hit an "f" when typing in Notes.
Help or Thoughts?
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Hi Jack - and welcome to the forums
Does the workround suggested above - at - help in what you are seeing?
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Yes. Thank you so much!
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Rob Bruce said:
Everything works fine except when I type an f in notes it will either minimize or maximize my screen. It can be a lower or uppercase f.
This has been fixed in 9.8 SR-2.
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The mind of man is the mill of God, not to grind chaff, but wheat. Thomas Manton | Study hard, for the well is deep, and our brains are shallow. Richard Baxter