Suggestion: Fold Lifeway Reader into Faithlife eBooks

Nathan Parker
Nathan Parker Member Posts: 77
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I know Faithlife didn't acquire Lifeway Reader books with the Wordsearch acquisition. 

However, Lifeway Reader is super-clunky, and I don't see Lifeway sustaining development on it long-term. If they couldn't keep Wordsearch going long-term, I don't see much hope in Lifeway Reader either.

My suggestion would be for Faithlife to work out a deal with Lifeway to acquire the rest of the Lifeway Reader content. The majority of the books could then be folded into Faithlife eBooks (which can also be accessed in Logos). Titles already with Logos Research Editions could be added to user's libraries similar to the Wordsearch transition. Existing purchases of books not in Logos or Faithlife eBooks yet could be added to user's libraries in eBook format.

Then Lifeway could finally exit the eBook market, focus on serving the church in other areas, and allow Faithlife/Logos to keep running with a sustainable eBook solution.
