L/V 10+ Tip of the Day #206 God's actions and speech

Another tip of the day (TOTD) series for Logos/Verbum 10. They will be short and often drawn from forum posts. Feel free to ask questions and/or suggest forum posts you'd like to see included. Adding comments about the behavior on mobile and web apps would be appreciated by your fellow forumites. A search for "L/V 10+ Tip of the Day site:community.logos.com" on Google should bring the tips up as should this Reading List within the application.
This tip is inspired by the forum post: Searching for God's actions and direct speech - Logos Forums
Graham Criddle said:
Morgan said:How would I search for all of God's direct speech not spoken of by anybody else? For example I wouldn't want a passage like Genesis 48:4 where Jacob is saying what God said.
Try speaker:God NOT LDHB:"Reported Speech (Level 2)" where:
[quote]‵Reported Speech (Level 2)′: Sentences that are part of a spoken dialogue but are embedded within another speech. For the sake of reference, these sentences are indented two levels below the main verb of speaking that introduces the main speech. They are labeled according to their function like other sentences.
Steven Runge and Joshua Westbury, eds., The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible: Glossary, Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2012).
Morgan said:In addition to that, I would like every time God performs an action.
Try a Clause Search for agent:God
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
MJ. Smith said:Graham Criddle said:
Try speaker:God NOT LDHB:"Reported Speech (Level 2)"
It has its limitations as I replied in that thread.
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