Duplicating a single note / Organizing a Topic study

1Cor10 31
1Cor10 31 Member Posts: 791 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Duplicating a single note / Organizing a Topic study


I was doing a topic study. I have lots of anchors – based on dictionary articles and relevant verses. Then I made comments on each verse, so this Note is a big one already. Then I add tags. (I have one tag for each question I raise). I ended up with 100 Tags! I was cutting-pasting all the Tags from my Excel file into the Note rapidly. When done, I realized the space occupied by the Tags left no place to see the Anchors or the comments I made. Now when I click on the Note, I see only the Tags.


After a couple of days of frustration, I moved from my laptop to a big screen. That didn’t help. Still too many tags. Then I had to go to Program Settings and change the Program Scaling to 80%. I am able to see my comments now. Whew!


  1. Could somebody suggest a better way to organize contents from a Topic study?
  2. Is there a way to duplicate a Note? (I saw a 2015 Forum post saying "No". Hoping it is different today.) Then, I can keep all the Tags in Note 1 and keep all the Anchors in Note 2.


Thanks to all for your help.

I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.


  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    1Cor10 31 said:

    Could somebody suggest a better way to organize contents from a Topic study?

    I use clippings for Topic studies. You can incorporate tags and hyperlinks to Notes as necessary. But...

    • Your topic should be a Notebook
    • You can create an Unanchored note for the Topic details (using New Note)
      • accessible from Filters > Anchor
    • Add notes as required
      • You can have the same passage in different Notebooks
    • Create dictionary hyperlinks in the Unanchored note
    • Add tags as required

    1Cor10 31 said:

    Is there a way to duplicate a Note? (I saw a 2015 Forum post saying "No". Hoping it is different today.) Then, I can keep all the Tags in Note 1 and keep all the Anchors in Note 2.

    No, but you can duplicate a Notebook from the Panel menu (or from a right-click in the Documents menu).


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • 1Cor10 31
    1Cor10 31 Member Posts: 791 ✭✭✭

    1Cor10 31">Could somebody suggest a better way to organize contents from a Topic study?

    I use clippings for Topic studies. You can incorporate tags and hyperlinks to Notes as necessary. But...

    • Your topic should be a Notebook
    • You can create an Unanchored note for the Topic details (using New Note)
      • accessible from Filters > Anchor
    • Add notes as required
      • You can have the same passage in different Notebooks
    • Create dictionary hyperlinks in the Unanchored note
    • Add tags as required

    Thank you Dave. I’m going to give Clippings a try, especially since I understand that we reorder the clippings in a more meaningful order once I finish my study (but not Anchors in a Note – thank you for your response to my other Forum post).

    1. Usually, I attach my one big Note (containing the big collection of articles, verses, and my comments) that I create for the topic to a keyword in all the verses related to the topic. Is there a way to add the Clippings document similarly? I have been toying around, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it.
    2. If we are unable to attach a clippings file to the verse or word in the verse, how do you remind yourself that you have done a detailed study when you read the Bible? Given that God chose not to endow me with memory, this is important, otherwise, in a weeks time I’ll be repeating the same topic study!


    1Cor10 31">Is there a way to duplicate a Note? (I saw a 2015 Forum post saying "No". Hoping it is different today.) Then, I can keep all the Tags in Note 1 and keep all the Anchors in Note 2.

    No, but you can duplicate a Notebook from the Panel menu (or from a right-click in the Documents menu).

    This is a really cool work around to duplicating a Note. I moved the Note I wanted to duplicate into a Notebook. Then I duplicated the Notebook as you suggested. So the Note was now there in both Notebooks. The key is that Logos treats each duplicate Note as effectively independent, so I can make independent changes to the Note in each of the two Notebook. This is cool. Thanks.


    I hope MJ does a “L/V 10+ Tip of the Day” based on your response.


    I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,088

    1Cor10 31 said:

    Usually, I attach my one big Note (containing the big collection of articles, verses, and my comments) that I create for the topic to a keyword in all the verses related to the topic. Is there a way to add the Clippings document similarly? I have been toying around, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it.

    Just go to Panel menu > Copy location as and click URL  - that is your hyperlink for the clippings document (but not to a specific clip within).

    1Cor10 31 said:

    If we are unable to attach a clippings file to the verse or word in the verse, how do you remind yourself that you have done a detailed study when you read the Bible? Given that God chose not to endow me with memory, this is important, otherwise, in a weeks time I’ll be repeating the same topic study!

    I sort the Documents menu by typing Clipping in the Find box (or by typing a topic name)


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • 1Cor10 31
    1Cor10 31 Member Posts: 791 ✭✭✭

    1Cor10 31">Usually, I attach my one big Note (containing the big collection of articles, verses, and my comments) that I create for the topic to a keyword in all the verses related to the topic. Is there a way to add the Clippings document similarly? I have been toying around, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it.

    Just go to Panel menu > Copy location as and click URL  - that is your hyperlink for the clippings document (but not to a specific clip within).

    1Cor10 31">If we are unable to attach a clippings file to the verse or word in the verse, how do you remind yourself that you have done a detailed study when you read the Bible? Given that God chose not to endow me with memory, this is important, otherwise, in a weeks time I’ll be repeating the same topic study!

    I sort the Documents menu by typing Clipping in the Find box (or by typing a topic name)


    1Cor10 31">Usually, I attach my one big Note (containing the big collection of articles, verses, and my comments) that I create for the topic to a keyword in all the verses related to the topic. Is there a way to add the Clippings document similarly? I have been toying around, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it.

    Just go to Panel menu > Copy location as and click URL  - that is your hyperlink for the clippings document (but not to a specific clip within).

    1Cor10 31">If we are unable to attach a clippings file to the verse or word in the verse, how do you remind yourself that you have done a detailed study when you read the Bible? Given that God chose not to endow me with memory, this is important, otherwise, in a weeks time I’ll be repeating the same topic study!

    I sort the Documents menu by typing Clipping in the Find box (or by typing a topic name)

    Thanks a lot Dave. I think I now have a fairly reasonable idea of how to take the best of both worlds (Notes and Clippings).

    (i)               In the Clippings file, I collect sentences and paras from articles on the topic I’m working on. I could add my own Note and Tag to individual clippings if I so desire.

    (ii)             In the Notes file, I collect all the verses related to the topic. At the top of the Note, I put the URL link to the Clippings. I may organize these verse along themes. But the key is that this Note has everything is in one place related to the Topic.

    (iii)            I then attach this Note to the keyword in each of the verses to serve as a visual marker that I had done some work on this Topic. This also allows me to maintain verse-specific comments in the verse itself and verse-specific topic-related tags.


    I am sure I’ll refine it as my experience with Clippings grow.


    Thank you.

    I believe in a Win-Win-Win God.