26.0 (26.0.21) is now available

The Logos Bible Software desktop application version 26.0 is now available to all users.
To immediately update to the current stable version, enter the Update Now command. Otherwise, the app will automatically update the next time it is scheduled to check for updates.
Wow! That's lots of bugs swatted. Thank you!
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- Added the following options when selecting resources in Morph Search:
- Top Greek New Testament
- Top Hebrew Bible
- Top Greek Septuagint
This is helpful. Can you also add "Top Apostolic Fathers" (in Greek of course)? Just a suggestion. Not a big deal but I think that would be handy.
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Wow, the new app icon is bright! [H]
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I love the new app icon and all the return to a bright blue color theme throughout the product and website. I also love the new default original language Bible search options.
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I love this update, bug fixes and functionality.
The Passage List changes are awesome!
Just a question on Sermons: How does this work, what are the benefits and use cases?
- Sermons
- Added the ability to create a line break in Sermon Builder with SHIFT+ENTER on the keyboard.
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I used to be able to click and drag verses from the TSK (and other resources) into a passage list - this now no longer works.
Is it due to the latest update (it worked last week). It is super frustrating. Does anyone know of some setting that may have changed, or what I can do to get it back?
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ds. P.J. Kotze said:
Clicking these does nothing?????
They are still working as before for me - running 26.0.21 on Windows.
I recommend stopping / restarting Logos and seeing if the problem persists. If it does, please start a new thread so it can be tracked / addressed separately.
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Thank you for this David. This is very likely due to the recent Passage List updates and not another setting. We became aware of this issue too late in the cycle to fix it for v26.David Bayne said:I used to be able to click and drag verses from the TSK (and other resources) into a passage list - this now no longer works.
In the meantime, you can use the right click menu to add the reference directly to your Passage List.- Right click on the reference
- In the left side of the menu choose the reference you're adding (should be the bottom one in the list)
- In the right side you can click the arrow beside "Add to passage list" to see several recently used passage lists.
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My chief (but also relatively minor) annoyance with Logos for the last several years has been the fact that passage lists always opened in "Full" mode - the text of the first verse(s) of list items displayed - even if a layout that included the list was last saved/updated with the list in "Compact" mode - passage citations only. When I first opened version 26.0, I *thought* Faithlife had completely resolved my grievance when the first layout I opened displayed its passage list in compact form. Further testing, however, demonstrated that the new version displays passage lists in whatever format was last used, not necessarily last saved/updated.
The change works well for me, though, because I basically always keep passage lists in compact form.
Thank you, Faithlife. Well done!
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When I do this, it adds the original reference in TSK, not any of the related cross references - which is the list I am trying to choose from, to then add to my passage list.
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My mistake - I interpreted the instruction to click on "Reference" as being to the line which had that word on it - not realising that I had to go to the one below that to actually select the verse i wanted. So it does work!
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Thanks for the update. I'm glad that process is working for you. We are still investigating the resolution for the drag and drop issue, but at least you have a workaround for the time-being.David Bayne said:So it does work!
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Do these bugs fixed address the issue where I have to manually reset each slide to 1920 x 1080 resolution? Used to be when I set a setting in Sermon Builder it would keep it like a preferred preference but now I have to do this, the update made the resolution under a little arrow drop down so it added a whole new click to my work flow to set the slides. By the way setting all slides to this setting or just the specific slides (i.e. reference slides) to this setting doesn't work always resets them to 1024x576 every new sermon doc is 1024x576.
How do I get my sermon docs to always be 1920x1080?
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Hello Savanna,
For those of us new to the Logos software, can you explain how the versioning works? I bought Logos 10 Starter, but I see the version in my software is
26.0.21. This is extremely confusing, because I have no way of knowing what the correlation is between what I bought and what version is on my Mac. I just want to understand how they relate, etc.
Sam Griffith
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Logos 10 refers to the base library; verison 26.0 refers to the software. The distinction is new in order to avoid confusion.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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MJ. Smith said:
Logos 10 refers to the base library; verison 26.0 refers to the library.
"Version 26" refers to the software engine, not the library.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Sam Griffith said:
For those of us new to the Logos software, can you explain how the versioning works? I bought Logos 10 Starter, but I see the version in my software is 26.0.21. This is extremely confusing...
Hey Sam! [:)]
The software has always been free and FL has encouraged users to keep up to date. However, this marketing has not always been clear to users. This is partially due to the fact that previously FL advertised the "for sale" (paid) Libraries and Feature Sets (or "Base Packages") with the same terminology as the Free Software Engine (i.e. "Logos 10.")
Moving forward, these things will not be correlated. All users are expected and encouraged to continue updating the software engine (as always) which will have a naming scheme (currently version 26... in six weeks 27.... in 12 weeks 28, etc.) unrelated to the current libraries ("Logos 10.")
I know this is confusing to some because of how the naming schemes have worked in the past... but your confusion shows the problem FL is trying to eliminate: Users thought that the software was tied to their purchases. That is not the case.
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
JT (alabama24) said:
"Version 26" refers to the software engine, not the library.
Yes, that is what I was writing when I got interrupted ... and derailed.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Hi Savanna,
What's the difference between Logos 26.0.21 and Logos 10? For now, I use Logos 26.0, but I want to know for further decision making. Kindly help me out.
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Hi Calvary - and welcome to the forums
Calvary Okyere Obuobi said:What's the difference between Logos 26.0.21 and Logos 10?
Logos have decoupled the number for the most recent base package (currently Logos 10) and the software engine version (currently 26.0).
This was outlined at https://community.logos.com/forums/t/212345.aspx
So Logos 10 relates to packages and feature set whereas Logos 26 (etc) relates to the software version - and this will continue to be updated roughly every six weeks whether or not users purchase a Logos 10 base package.
Does that help clarify?
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MJ. Smith said:JT (alabama24) said:
"Version 26" refers to the software engine, not the library.
Yes, that is what I was writing when I got interrupted ... and derailed.
Ive been there. Train left the station long ago. [:)]
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Passage Lists seem to be more broken than I thought at first.
I used to be able to enter a reference, hit enter and be left in a blank box ready to type the next reference. Now I have to use my mouse to click on the "Add passage" box, put my fingers back on the keyboard and begin typing again.
I remember in the past being able to enter several verses into the "add passage" box and they would all be inserted. Trying that now, with commas, semi colons etc as spacers it only adds the first one.
The help document says you can enter the URL of a website and it will take the biblical references and put them into the passage list - but that doesn't seems to be working either.
All in all, it is taking me at least 3 times as long to produce passage lists than it used to.
Am I missing something, is the documentation not up to date, or is it a matter of bugs needing fixing?
Thanks, David
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I also used to be able to delete a verse from the list with one click. Now i have to do 2 clicks
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I also used to be able to delete a verse from the list with one click. Now i have to do 2 clicks
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David Bayne said:
All in all, it is taking me at least 3 times as long to produce passage lists than it used to.
Thank you for this feedback David, I'll note it and we will evaluate any further changes we need to make. In the meantime, the Add button at the top of the panel might be your friend. You can add items from the clipboard (meaning copy a list of references and add them all at once).
We did specifically turn off the ability to import from a URL. I'll make sure the right people know you were looking for it. I'll also make sure we get the help file updated with accurate information.
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Ryan.... I suggest combining the "Documents" with the "Passage Lists" and making one function out of the two. If you do... add the ability to have "headings" and have a "note" within the new document (maybe like clippings does now). The two functions are really similar in what they do, so it might be an easy thing.....???
And it would cut down on some of the "bloat" of Logos.... [8-|]
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!
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xnman said:
Ryan.... I suggest combining the "Documents" with the "Passage Lists" and making one function out of the two. If you do... add the ability to have "headings" and have a "note" within the new document (maybe like clippings does now). The two functions are really similar in what they do, so it might be an easy thing.....???
And it would cut down on some of the "bloat" of Logos....
Thanks for the feedback Xnman and great idea! Can you post this ask to our feedback board where we monitor these type of request. Here's a direct link to our board --> https://feedback.logos.com/boards/logos-desktop-app
Thanks!0 -
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for that.
However, to add one item requires 4 clicks - 1 right click to select, 1 left click to copy, 1 left click on "Add" and 1 click on "clipboard" - which then adds the item below my last selected item in the passage list (although I may want it to go under another heading rather than where I was last - which involves other clicks). The clipboard only seems to hold 1 entry at a time - eg if I am in the Word Study panel and want to copy 4 references I have to deal with them one at a time.
Compared to 1 click and drag to wherever I want it go in the passage list the new process is still very slow and cumbersome, so PLEASE restore the previous ability asap. Likewise the ability to delete with one click. The copy from URL I would use less frequently - but still nice to have.
Thanks, David
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Matt Mattox (Faithlife) said:xnman said:
Ryan.... I suggest combining the "Documents" with the "Passage Lists" and making one function out of the two. If you do... add the ability to have "headings" and have a "note" within the new document (maybe like clippings does now). The two functions are really similar in what they do, so it might be an easy thing.....???
And it would cut down on some of the "bloat" of Logos....
Thanks for the feedback Xnman and great idea!Not sure about "great idea". See https://community.logos.com/forums/p/216886/1262788.aspx#1262788
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I now find that my passage list has stopped allowing me to drag items up or down in the list. It was working earlier today, but now it refuses to allow this at all. I moved to another screen and back with no change. Then I closed the passage list and then reopened it and it worked again. Not sure what the problem was but thought I should pass it on.
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I noted above that you can add a reference (blue link) using the context menu in two clicks. It will still add it to just below the currently selected item so it would be an additional click (or drag if you want it somewhere else in the list).David Bayne said:However, to add one item requires 4 clicks - 1 right click to select, 1 left click to copy, 1 left click on "Add" and 1 click on "clipboard"
David Bayne said:The clipboard only seems to hold 1 entry at a time - eg if I am in the Word Study panel and want to copy 4 references I have to deal with them one at a time.
The clipboard will hold whatever text you copy to it. If you copy the following text (taken from Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary) and use the Add from clipboard option, all of the verses in the list will be added. If you're adding from a guide (Bible Word Study) it is very possible you're only able to copy a single reference to the clipboard. That is related to the guide's select/copy behavior rather than Passage List behavior.
(Exod 9:22–35; Isa 55:10; Josh 10:11; Rev 11:19). Heaven contained the storehouses of the winds, the snow, and the hail (Job 37:9; 38:22; Ps 135:7; Jer 10:13).
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David Bayne said:
I now find that my passage list has stopped allowing me to drag items up or down in the list. It was working earlier today, but now it refuses to allow this at all. I moved to another screen and back with no change. Then I closed the passage list and then reopened it and it worked again. Not sure what the problem was but thought I should pass it on.
Thank you for this report. We've not seen this in house. Can you give a few more details about the behavior?
- Had you been using the same Passage List for a long or a short time?
- How many items do you have in your Passage List?
- Did you get any cursor feedback when it wouldn't drag?
- Are you on Mac or Windows?
- Was the orange drop indicator missing? Or did it just not drop when you let go?
- Were you dragging one item or several?
- Anything else that might be helpful in tracking this down?
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HI Ryan,
1. I had been using it for quite some time
2. Probably 12-15 items were in the list at the time (may have been a few more)
3. No feedback, just nothing happened
4. Windows
5. No orange drop indicator showing
6. Tried dragging 1 item and several items
7. Nothing else I can remember
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I have found a temporary work around until Passage Lists are fixed for quicker verse entries.
I type out the verses I want into MS Word (using Logos style abbreviations), then copy to the clipboard, then go back to Logos and choose the "Add/...clipboard" feature to add them into the Passage list in one go. This is significantly faster than having to use my mouse to click on the "Add passage" box after each entry - but still a pain not to be able to do it directly in the passage list.