TIP OF THE DAY 10: Name > Pronunciation
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
SOFTWARE: I used a Books search against my library for “phonology”? (remove the ?)
ANSWER: A definitions with example of use: (remove the s on definitions)
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SOFTWARE: I used a Books search against my library for “phonology”? (remove the ?)
ANSWER: A definitions with example of use: (remove the s on definitions)
SOFTWARE: My library is weak on the topic of phonological changes in Hebrew. But for non-specialists like myself, this indicates dialectic differences as well as historical change. (The BUT might better be NEVERTHELESS or even HOWEVER. This suggestion could just be nitpicking)
Hebrew, i.e., the Hebrew of the Judean kingdom. [4]
Biblical Hebrew is the name used for the Hebrew of the Old Testament. It includes some archaic forms, some late forms, and the stages of linguistic development between these extremes. This time-spread (at least as great as that between Chaucerian [14th cent.] and Modern English!) often causes the student difficulty with the so-called irregularities. Further complicating the problem is the fact that the vocalization of the Heb. Bible represents the pronunciation as of about the 7th cent. a.d., and includes several vocalic shifts that took place between the time of the Septuagint (3d cent. b.c.)—and in some cases even the time of the Vulgate (4th cent. a.d.)—and the Masoretes. The beginner should note these phenomena as he encounters them, but should not attempt to learn them during his introductory studies.[5]
(These links and references take me to a Microsoft login page. Not sure if that is intentional)
QUESTION: Where do I set my default pronunciation for Hebrew/Aramaic?
SOFTWARE: Logos/Verbum offers a choice of pronunciation only for Greek (Possibly more nitpickery, but I would like this better if it was written "Logos/Verbum offers a choice of pronunciation for Greek only")
QUESTION: How do I hear the pronunciation of a Biblical word (Aramaic, Greek, Hebrew)?
SOFTWARE: There are many ways to access the pronunciation. I have deliberately omitted the Read aloud option here as we a focused on a single word (or lexical unit as some names are compound). (Should be "as we ARE focused on..."
There are places I would use a comma or two, I like the Oxford comma, but that would make me a pain in the neck. There are also a few little devils, and a musical note, here and there which have somehow transposed themselves in place of numbers.
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Thank you ... changes made in master .docx file.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."