Bug: Results of Wildcard Search in OT-Quotations in HCSB

For the genesis of this problem see http://community.logos.com/forums/p/26181/193398.aspx#193398
(I was using 4.2 B7).

The difference in results 4322 vs 4588 in the same number of verses prompted me check the search results:-


The red lined words are part of the quotation in the bible. I get exactly the same results with 4.1 SR-4 on my desktop and laptop. In an attempt to fix the anomaly:-

  • I rebuilt both Bible and Library Indexes in 4.2
  • forced the the server to re-download HCSB.logos4 (it was exactly the same)

I still get 4322 results.

What is the right result? 

Why are parts of the search results not highlighted?


Windows 11 & Android 13


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