A chronological list of the Pauline Epistles?
Hi There,
This sounds like a simple task, but I'm having the hardest time coming up with a chronological list of the Pauline epistles. I have the Scholar's Library, and a search of the entire library returns a lot of hits that are not helpful. If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.
~ Lori
Dr Burtner has a great site here: http://www.errantskeptics.org/DatingNT.htm
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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ARGH thanks fgh, I forgot about the timelines. [:$]
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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I don't know if Nelson's Complete Book of Bible Maps and Charts is in Scholars or not, but here is a chart that provides the information from that resource:
I discovered it because I knew I had a couple of books in my library that had charts - a search of my library for "title:charts" returned two resources. One did not have a chart which answered your question, the other ("Nelson's ..."), had what you asked for.
Digging a bit more, I found an entry in the ESV Study Bible:
I searched my entire library for "Paul AND Timeline" and stumbled on this one. The link was also a part of the index that someone (Thomas Black?) prepared for the ESV Study Bible. I doubt that the ESV Study Bible is part of the Scholars Library - but you may have the resource.
Both of these resources can be purchased as stand-alone resources.
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That is a great site! Thanks for sharing.
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It looks like the Scholar's Library doesn't include that one :-( I see that I'm going to have to become familiar with the search shortcuts (or whatever they are called). Thanks for your reply!
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Here is a chart taken from Talk Thru the Bible by Bruce Wilkinson and Kenneth Boa pg. 446. This book is available in Logos.
An easy way to remember this is:
1st Missionary Paul wrote 1 epistle
2nd Missionary Journey Paul worte 2 epistles
3rd Missionary Journey Paul wrote 3 epistles
1st Roman Imprisonment here wrote 4 epistles
Between 1st and Second Imprisionments here wrote 2
2nd Roman Imprisionment here wrote 1
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Thanks, John!